Attention, Writers

What you already know is amazingly valuable…

Here’s how to turn it into a “clientless” writing business (by tapping into this overlooked $500-million-a-day market!)…
Rebecca Matter
Rebecca Matter President, AWAI

Hi Reader,

Rebecca Matter here.

For 27 years now, AWAI’s mission has been simple:

Empower aspiring writers to expand their skill set and explore new ways to use their writing to build a business they love. This includes telling you about skills like writing sales letters… email writing… crafting white papers… search engine optimization (SEO) copywriting… and more.

There are at least a dozen great paths you can take to build the kind of writing business you want. Any one of them can be just right for you.

However, there’s one tiny detail.

It’s something these paths all share. It also happens to be what stops many writers dead in their tracks:

Finding and landing clients.

From the conversations I’ve had with aspiring writers over the years, this is the No. 1 reason many of them never get to where they want to be!

It’s why we’ve created numerous client-getting resources to help make the process easier and a little less stressful.

However, today I want to share with you something a little different…

A way to use your writing and build a business that doesn’t require you to work with a single client.

And a chance to do it by writing about the things you already know and love… on your own terms.

Now, before we go any further…

I want to make clear this is not about starting your own blog, building a website for yourself, writing for social media, or anything like that.

Those are great, common ways to build a business through your writing…

But this is an exciting path the majority of writers aren’t thinking about… and I think you’re going to absolutely LOVE it.

Today, I’ll tell you exactly what it is, why it gives you the chance to go for a “clientless” writing business, and the four steps you can take immediately to get started.

The Massive World of Online Education — The Market Most Writers Overlook

The worldwide online education market is expected to reach a whopping $180 billion by 2030.

That works out to $493 million per day.

To put that into perspective…

The health supplement industry is a big market where many “A-list” writers focus their efforts.

MANY copywriters make six figures (and a few make seven figures) helping companies sell products that can help ease joint pain, protect the heart’s cells, and more.

How big is it? $40.9 billion a year… or just over $112 million per day.

That makes this overlooked market nearly five times larger.

The other highest-paying niche for copywriters is the financial advisory industry. There, you’re typically writing to sell newsletters filled with good stock tips, trade setups, economic forecasts, and more.

As you might imagine, some of the highest-earning copywriters in the world are financial copywriters.

But again — how big of an industry is it?

Just $63.9 billion a year. That works out to only $175 million per day.

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So Think About That…

Online education is such a huge and growing market, it dwarfs all the “traditional” copywriting markets most writers get into.

And the best part is, you don’t have to work with clients.

Instead, you write about the things you already know and love.

That is what Jamie Murphy did.

Jamie was working a stressful job that was taking a toll on her health and well-being.

When she lost her position, she decided to take a leap into creating online courses, focusing on a topic she was passionate about.

By sharing her knowledge, Jamie found a new sense of purpose and built a “clientless” business she loved. While her journey had its challenges, she now enjoys the satisfaction of helping others learn and grow through her courses.

Shawn did the same thing.

He was a successful dog trainer for years, working with a major pet store chain.

But he felt like he could be helping a lot more people.

So he created online courses on dog training where he was able to share his expertise with pet owners around the world.

This gave him a sense of fulfillment, because he was able to help more people build better relationships with their pets — which was always his ultimate purpose.

Even Top Athletes, Artists, Actors, Musicians, and Writers Are Tapping Into Online Courses

This market is still young and, like I mentioned earlier, is expected to grow to $180 billion per year by 2030.

That's why even some of the most talented and skilled athletes, actors, musicians, and writers are jumping in with both feet, through popular platforms like MasterClass and others:

  • Guitarist Carlos Santana
  • Basketball star Stephen Curry
  • Hit songwriter Ryan Tedder
  • Actor Samuel L. Jackson
  • Magician David Blaine
  • Bestselling author James Patterson
  • And many more!

Why What You Already Know
Is Amazingly Valuable to Others…

We live in a world where things are constantly changing at an increasingly fast pace.

Which means there’s always more to learn. Maybe it’s how to use a new piece of software at your current job… figuring out how to be more effective at achieving your goals when so many things are demanding your attention… or learning how a new app you just downloaded works.

Because of this need to always be adapting and evolving…

People are HUNGRY for knowledge.

Oftentimes they NEED that knowledge to solve a very real problem or challenge they’re facing.

It’s why to meet this huge demand, people from all walks of life are sharing their knowledge via online courses.

And it’s why creating an online course is, hands down, one of the most exciting ways for writers to build a business they love, without needing clients, all while focusing on their knowledge, passion, or expertise.

Because here’s the thing — knowing how to create a course is one of those skills you can choose to use in many ways that benefit you.

Yes, you can create a course to teach and help others.


If you know how to create a course, it means you’ll also know how to approach writing a book or e-book… a special report… an educational video series… or any other kind of valuable piece of content clients (and customers) will pay a premium for.

It’s why course creation is a “Swiss Army knife” kind of skill you can use to eventually create multiple income streams for yourself.

Now, before I go any further, I know what you might be thinking:

What!? Me?! Create an online course? I’m no expert… What would I even create a course about!?

Yet it’s true, you really can create an online course (or any other kind of educational online product, like an e-book, long-form report, or workshop series).

Because the fact of the matter is — you DO have something valuable to share with the world.

If you’ve ever solved a problem for yourself in the past…

  • Like losing those last 10 pounds to fit into a dress (or tux!) for a wedding you were invited to…
  • Figuring out a little trick with your hips when swinging a golf club to add 30 yards to your drive…
  • Or finally learning how to communicate better with your kids or your significant other…

If you’ve got experience at a career or job you’ve done…

  • Like working in software sales for 15 years…
  • Working in management for a Fortune 500 company…
  • Or doing administrative work for C-suite executives…

If you have a passion or hobby you do for fun…

  • Like growing tomatoes or tending to an herb garden…
  • Collecting vintage wines (and sometimes drinking them!)…
  • Or writing historical fiction short stories…


Here’s why: The kind of information that’s valuable today is highly targeted and specific.

No longer are people willing to pay for generalized knowledge or advice. What they are willing to pay for, however, is knowledge that’s applicable to the current situation they find themselves in.

Which of These Would You Pay For?

For example, say your best friend has asked you to be her maid (or man) of honor… and to double as her wedding planner.

The day is coming up fast, and you want it to be beautiful and low stress.

Which of these courses would you happily pay for?

  1. A course called The Ins and Outs of Event Planning or
  2. A course that speaks to your specific situation — How to Plan a Fairy Tale Wedding, Even on a Tight Budget and a Short Timeline.

I’m guessing you picked No. 2. 😉

The reason is that the second course saves you time.

You don’t have to wade through a whole bunch of generalized information to try to figure out what you need for your particular challenge or situation.

This is why your knowledge, your experience, your past careers, your hobbies — ALL of it can be amazingly useful to someone else who’s in a situation similar to one you’ve already been in!

When you understand the framework, creating a course is just a matter of walking your audience through how YOU solved a particular problem or challenge or leveled up an area of your life.

It’s no different from talking to a friend who asks you for advice on a particular issue you’ve dealt with before.

Maybe they want to know your secret for how you stay in such great shape…

Maybe they’re curious about how you’re able to come up with so many creative ideas for your writing, time and time again…

Maybe they’d love to learn to play the guitar, but they just don’t know where to start.

The advice you’d give them?

THAT becomes the “meat” of your course or online product!

And as I mentioned already…

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Your Online Course Could Be the Perfect Path to the “Clientless” Writing Business You Want!

Now that we’ve explored why your existing knowledge could be valuable in an online course… let me explain why it could be the perfect path to the kind of writing business you want.

For starters…

Creating an online course allows you to package your expertise in a way that’s accessible to people around the globe, not just in your local city.

This means the world is your oyster. So you can create a course on almost any topic you’re knowledgeable and passionate about — and chances are good that there will be people who want to take it and benefit from it.

For instance, if you’re proficient in a programming language like Ruby on Rails, you could create a course that helps aspiring developers build their skills.

Or if you have experience using a unique productivity system you developed for yourself, you might develop a course on it for entrepreneurial moms.

The main key is to focus on delivering value to your students.

By helping them achieve their goals or solve their problems, you’re not only sharing your knowledge but potentially making a significant impact on their lives.

And I have to reiterate… you DON’T have to be an expert.

You simply need more knowledge and experience than the person you’re teaching. If you’ve already solved something in your life, you’re an expert in solving that particular problem.

Take Jacques Hopkins, for example.

He quit his engineering job and created a wildly successful online course, teaching people his unique take on how to learn the piano.

It’s a method that gets you playing as fast as possible.

And because of that, he built a business he loves and looks forward to continuing to grow.

Again, to reiterate — he was an engineer who loved playing the piano.

Not a world-renowned piano expert.

But he took his passion for playing… combined it with his engineering background… and created a totally unique way to learn the piano fast.

This is what I mean when I say you already know stuff you could package up and sell as a course. Knowledge that can truly help people going through challenges or who want to learn a specific skill you’ve already learned.

The key is knowing how to package up the knowledge you have into a course that delivers value in the most effective way possible.

After all — you want people to get great results with the course you create.

And therein lies the key to creating a successful course that could be the foundation of a business you love.

It’s why I’m so excited about the comprehensive program we’ve created, called The Course Creator’s Playbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building and Selling Courses People Want ..

It’s our first-ever program on how to create your first online course…

You’ll go from not knowing anything about course creation…

… to learning how to find a great and viable course idea based on what you know…

… to how to outline it like a pro…

… to using that outline to create the course material and communicate your knowledge in a way students will love…

… and even how to bring it out into the world and offer it for sale.

You’ll also be able to use these same principles to create your next book… workshop… seminar… special report… and more.

Not only that, but — you’ll also get FEEDBACK from professionals on your course outline and your first course lesson. That way, you can make sure you’re on the right track and setting yourself up for success!

I’ll tell you more about that in just a bit.

But first, how do you get started?

There are four simple steps:

Step 1

Identify Your Course Idea

The very first thing you need to do when it comes to creating a course is to come up with the idea for it!

This is where most folks hit a wall and never make it out of the starting gate.

They simply have too hard a time deciding what to create their course about.

Let me make it real easy for you:

Your first course idea should be about something where your knowledge, experience, or passions intersect with a big “need” or challenge that someone wants to solve.

Needs Venn Diagram

See where those three circles intersect?

THAT is what you create your first course about.

So maybe you’ve worked at having a healthy and deep relationship with your spouse. But maybe it wasn’t always that way.

You had to learn. A LOT. And you had to work at it. But eventually, something clicked and you and your spouse got to a point where you communicated well with each other and met each other’s needs.

Well, that’s knowledge you have.

Now, is there a “market” for that out in the big wide world?

A quick Google search for “how to keep a relationship strong and happy” shows over 400 MILLION results! Including showing some books for sale:

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This would be a great topic for your course, book, or any other kind of info product if it’s something you’ve solved in your own life.

Another example:

Say you’re a parrot lover. You’ve spent quite a while teaching your parrot to talk.

That’s your existing knowledge.

Don’t think there’s a market for that?

Let’s hop over to Google to find out…

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Over 2 million results!

Not only that, but there are plenty of videos and even products to help.

Oh — and someone out there IS having success selling a course on how to do this:

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The thing I want you to understand is that you don’t need a BIG idea for your product.

Instead, you want to “niche down” until you’re solving a problem for a very small subset of the population.

For Jacques Hopkins, whom I mentioned earlier, it was combining his love of music and using the structured nature of his engineering background to teach people how to play piano fast (in less than 21 days).

Moral of the story: When it comes to your course or digital product idea, think small, not big.

Oh — and don’t think for a second that by limiting who your course is for, you’re limiting your income potential.

You’re not. If anything, you’ll find you make a lot more money — far more quickly — when you serve a smaller audience with exactly what they need and want!

As part of The Course Creator’s Playbook, you’ll learn a proven formula for developing your course’s idea successfully.

And you’ll also get a highly valuable bonus report on profitable course ideas and how to narrow your course topic even further, so you get crystal clear on WHAT your course should be about.

Step 2

Create Your Outline

Now that you have your course topic or idea, it’s time to flesh out an outline.

This is pretty straightforward.

You’ll want to outline your course in a similar way to how you’d approach outlining a book (which is why this is a skill you can use in so many different ways!).

Just like a book has chapters, you’ll want to have the big, overall topics you’ll cover. And you’ll want them ordered in a way that makes logical sense.

With each section, you’ll want to introduce the topic… explain why it’s relevant to solving the problem your student has… explain the concept… and then give the action steps they need to take.

So for example, if you were going to create a course on proofreading, you’d outline it by the topics you’ll cover — like why proofreading is so essential, what kinds of documents you’ll learn to proofread, how to get started, key things to look for, how to make edits, and more.

At this stage, you’re just outlining the concepts you want to talk about. You’re not diving into much detail — yet.

Of course, The Course Creator’s Playbook shows you this entire outlining process, including how to keep all your information neat and organized as you are creating your course outline.

You’ll learn the correct “mindset” you need to have as you outline your course, to ensure your students get the most out of it (and as a result, recommend your course to their family and friends!).

You’ll learn the questions to ask yourself as you’re outlining each section of your course. These are incredibly helpful and make the entire process go MUCH faster.

And finally, you’ll even get the opportunity to have a professional review of your overall course outline, to ensure you’ve got everything you’ll need to create a valuable course!

Step 3

Fill In Your Outline

With your outline complete, it’s just a matter of “filling” it in, lesson by lesson.

For each concept or bullet point in each of the lessons in your outline, you’ll go into detail with insights and explanations of “why” you’re doing things the way you’re doing them, and share stories that help illustrate the concept.

All this can be done through writing.

But you can also choose to create a video script that does the same thing, if you want to create a video-based course. Though it’s not necessary!

It’s truly up to you and how you’re most comfortable delivering and communicating your knowledge.

Now, once you’ve filled in your outline, you’re pretty much done.

You’ve got a full-fledged course!

All that’s left is to go through and edit it, make sure it’s polished.

The Course Creator’s Playbook walks you through this step as well.

It gives you specific techniques, like “fast writing” and the three-layer approach to make sure your course shines.

You even get advice on how to format your course… and add interesting and engaging visual and interactive elements to make your course more valuable.

Step 4

Offer Your Course for Sale

With your course or information product ready for prime time, it’s now just a matter of making it available for purchase.

You’ll have to think about where your prospective students or buyers “hang out” online and let them know it’s available.

There are also a few great marketplaces where you can offer your course for sale.

In The Course Creator’s Playbook, you’ll learn all about this step and all the elements involved in building an effective “sales machine” for your course or product.

You’ll learn what kinds of things work REALLY well… You’ll learn all about the importance of building and nurturing an audience… and all the different ways you can do that as a writer…

You’ll learn how to manage it all in a way that feels almost effortless…

And you’ll learn a powerful “lead-to-sales” sequence that turns a total stranger into a raving fan of your course.

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Use Your Writing Skills to Turn Your Knowledge, Experience, or Passion into a Full-Fledged “Clientless” Business

Even if you’re starting from “zero”… The Course Creator’s Playbook will transform you into a knowledgeable course creator and writer.

And it bears repeating:

With what you’ll learn, you will not only have the ability to create a full course from scratch…

… but you’ll also be able to take that same knowledge and use it to write a book… a lead-generation report… an online workshop…

… or anything else that aims to teach someone and help them get a result!

This is great, because it gives you OPTIONS.

You could…

  • create a course and sell it…
  • write a book and build your authority in your niche as a copywriter…
  • write lead-generation reports either for your own business or for clients (and get paid to do it)…
  • craft a smaller “mini-course” you can give away for free to build an audience who wants to learn from you…
  • and so much more!

The sky’s the limit once you have the skills to create a course from scratch under your belt.

And your guide on this fun and fulfilling journey is Heather Robson.

Heather Robson
Heather Robson

She has over 20 years of online writing experience and is the managing editor of AWAI’s Digital Copywriter.

She’s authored some of AWAI’s most popular articles and is a popular presenter on topics like content writing for the web and user experience (UX) copywriting. In fact, Heather is the expert behind AWAI’s UX training program and certification course.

She’s also taught alongside some of the biggest names in our industry, including Nick Usborne (digital copywriting), Brian Clark (content marketing), and Russ Henneberry (SEO).

And perhaps even more impressive:

She’s the creator of one of AWAI’s most popular programs — How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients.

That’s saying a lot, considering AWAI offers more than 100 courses.

So you could say she knows a thing or two about creating a course that both delivers the goods.

And frankly —

I think she may have outdone herself with The Course Creator’s Playbook.

She holds nothing back — and gives you everything you need to take your knowledge, passion, and experience, and package it up into a course you can offer for sale.

You’ll start by learning all about the information marketing industry — a large part of the e-learning market — and see why it’s such an overlooked opportunity by writers.

Which is a shame, because as you’ve seen, it’s a massive market that’s still growing. There’s so much variety… opportunity… there are so many people you can help… snf you can build a great business doing it.

Course creation is, after all, about writing to help. Not writing to sell.

Then, Heather will show you the three big opportunities in e-learning and why creating a course is just the beginning…

Plus — you’ll see why creating your own course and other information products puts you in a unique position and gives you marketing knowledge that makes you a much more valuable copywriter in general.

So if you ever DO want to work with clients — even if it’s with other projects like sales letters, emails, and more — you’ll have a huge edge, since you’ll have all this newfound knowledge and experience.

Then, you’ll shift gears and get straight to work!

Because after each lesson, Heather gives you hands-on exercises so you can start implementing everything you learn.

In all, you’ll get an amazing overview of the course creation process… the course marketing process (so you can make sales)… and how to parlay those skills into working with clients if you decide to later on.

You Could Be Up and Running FAST

With The Course Creator’s Playbook, you really can be up and running fast as a course creator.

For example, I found this incredible story of someone who wanted to build and offer a course for sale.

So they created an online course on “programmatic SEO.”

And even before they’d finished creating the course, they had “pre-enrolled” a handful of students in a matter of FIVE days.

Speaking of which, once you learn the “lead-to-sales” method taught by Heather, you can do things like this — where you pre-enroll students in your course to gauge interest and have some immediate cash flow for your business even before the course is created.

It’s just one of the many options that are possible when you become a course creator.

In addition to all the training on creating a course, you’ll get plenty of instruction on how to…

Offer Your Course-Creation Skills as a Service

Up till now, we’ve focused on how you can use information product creation to build your own business — i.e., WITHOUT writing for clients.

But as I’ve mentioned, it’s more than possible to offer your newfound skills to businesses that need them.

Clients need content to help facilitate the “buyer’s journey”…

They need nurture emails to build that all-important relationship with their audience…

They need webinars that introduce people to their products and get them to buy…

They need special reports and landing pages to generate leads…

… and they need all the surrounding materials that go hand in hand with these projects.

Not only that, but in some cases, clients may also want your help writing a course!

These are all things you’ll be learning about in The Course Creator’s Playbook.

For example, Heather will show you how to write a special report… and you’ll learn about using paid ads to generate web traffic… how to map out your email sequences… and more.

Having a good understanding of these kinds of projects and what it takes to complete them puts you in a very nice position when it comes to working with clients.

Because they’ll prepare you for a variety of potential projects, such as…

  • creating informative special reports…
  • crafting nurturing email sequences…
  • designing landing pages for webinar sign-ups…
  • writing compelling copy for webinar slides, and…
  • developing follow-up email campaigns.

Each of these projects requires different skills and can be an important part of a client’s overall marketing strategy.

By mastering these various elements, you’ll be equipped to offer a comprehensive set of services to prospective clients or to use them in growing your own course business even further.

Unlock a Whole New World of
Opportunity as a Writer

Because once you learn the skills of creating a course for yourself and start offering it for sale…

… you also automatically expand your horizons as a writer and open new avenues to grow your business even more.

For example, with the skills you’ll have, you could also choose to write a book and have it for sale on a platform like Amazon’s Kindle store.

You could offer an online workshop that teaches a particular skill or helps people get some kind of result.

You could even design an entire seminar using the principles you’ll learn!

But it doesn’t stop there.

Because when you know how to put together an online information product…

You could also work with great clients in the information marketing space — which is part of the online education market!

Here’s an example… AWAI is an information marketing company. We sell specialized information.

And the fact of the matter is, MOST companies in the direct-response world are information marketers.

Which means if you do like the idea of working with clients, course creation opens up a whole host of new options for you to grow your business further.

Because information marketers need writers who can help them create new courses… and then create all the materials needed to market them!

And guess who has a clear advantage, once they know how to create a course from start to finish?


This knowledge can set you apart and give you an edge with many of the “dream clients” of our industry.

These are projects that are in demand and regularly needed by information marketers. They form the “lifeblood” of their business, because they lead to SALES.

And the good news is, by the time you’re done with The Course Creator’s Playbook, you’ll be well equipped to tackle these kinds of projects.

Everything You Need to
Create Your First Course!

Like I’ve said before —

It doesn’t matter if you’re brand new to the information marketing world.

And it doesn’t matter if you don’t think you have anything to teach right now…

The Course Creator’s Playbook will show you how to tap into what you already know — so you can create a course or information product that others will want and value.

This is how you can put yourself on the path to build and grow a thriving “clientless” business as a writer.

And if for any reason you do want to work with clients, understanding how to craft an online course can give you an advantage over other writers.

Because the fact is — most great copywriting clients out there today ARE information marketers! Their businesses are based around selling knowledge and information.

If you understand the ins and outs of how their products are created in the first place, it makes you that much more valuable. It allows you to “speak” their language.

By going through The Course Creator’s Playbook

  • you’ll have a clear and actionable blueprint for identifying the knowledge you have that others want to learn… and how to create a full-fledged course around it…
  • you’ll get a complete walk-through of the information marketing industry and how it works… who the players are… and why it’s such an exciting opportunity…
  • you’ll discover how to create your course, one small step at a time, in a way that’s FUN and never feels overwhelming…
  • you’ll even learn how to add the finishing touches — including formatting your course for additional impact and how to use visuals and interactive elements strategically (since everyone learns differently).

PLUS — you’ll also discover…

  • the many different ways you can build your business by selling your own course…
  • how to find the sweet spot for your course’s price — so you maximize your sales…
  • the pros and cons of offering your course through third-party platforms like Udemy…
  • how to gain more independence and freedom when you want to grow and scale your course business…
  • the No. 1 “free” asset you’ll want to have when creating your course, because it will make your research and future courses you create much, much easier…
  • a clever method for quickly knowing what to include in your course that fills a deep need in the market…
  • a powerful 10-step plan for streamlining your research during the course creation process…
  • how to articulate the change or transformation your course will bring about in the student’s life, and…
  • how to approach writing a script if you’d like to include video in your course.

And of course, not only will you learn how to create your own course, but… you’ll also get a solid foundation in how to attract the right kinds of students who want to buy it.

So to that end, you’ll also learn…

  • why trying to sell your course right out of the gate is a huge mistake… and what you’ll want to do instead…
  • how to write a valuable special report that attracts ideal students to your course…
  • real-life examples of these kinds of special reports in the marketplace — and how they work on your behalf to generate goodwill by delivering tons of value…
  • how to establish and build an ongoing relationship with your target audience and get them to “know, like, and trust” you…
  • one of the best ways to sell your course effectively (and on autopilot)…
  • and much, much more!

It’s all there — ready and waiting for you in The Course Creator’s Playbook.

You’ll know exactly how to get your course out into the world, using a proven formula… including how to use things like social media and email to build a community of folks who love what you have to say and could benefit from your course.

Heather does an amazing job of breaking everything down, step-by-step.

To help you really master the key concepts, she’s even included quizzes to test your knowledge and make sure you understand them all.

In my opinion, there’s no better foundational training on how to create your own course.

And that’s saying a lot. We’ve built our reputation — and our 27-year success in this industry — through the courses we create to help writers like you.

Our programs have to be top-notch.

Which is why we asked Heather to create this course. You’re learning from one of the best in the industry.

I firmly believe that if you do the work and follow Heather’s system, what you learn in The Course Creator’s Playbook will give you everything you need to start creating courses you can sell.

You Get Valuable and
Personalized FEEDBACK

One of the best parts about this comprehensive program is the fact that you’ll be working on your course, lesson by lesson.

But to truly help you succeed, it’s important to know if you’re on the “right track” with what you’re creating.

That’s why — as I said earlier — you’ll have an opportunity to send us what you’re working on and receive professional feedback.

Specifically, you’ll get a personalized review of two critical items:

  1. Your overall course outline. This is your “roadmap” for the course you’ll be creating, so we want to make sure it’s as good as it can be.
  2. Your first lesson’s outline. This will consist of ideas for your lesson intro and the major “teaching” parts you’ll include in the lesson, along with the main ideas and supporting points for each idea.

The reason we want to see this first lesson along with your overall course outline is simple — getting this first lesson right is super important!

This first lesson outline is the “model” you’ll use for all the other lessons you plan to include.

So if we can help you make sure your first lesson is great and informative… and then ensure you’ve got a great roadmap to follow to create the rest of your lessons…

… you’ll be well on your way to creating a top-notch course you can be proud of and will help people get real results.

This alone makes The Course Creator’s Playbook immensely valuable.

You won’t be “wondering” if your course or information product outline is good or not. Once you get feedback and implement any suggestions, you can be confident you’re heading in the right direction. And even though we could charge a LOT more because this level of personalized feedback is included…

… I want to make this affordable for you so you can get started now.


I’m so excited about what we’ve created here, and I want to make it as easy as possible for you to get started right away.

After all…

This is a “hefty” program, in that it covers a LOT of ground. Frankly, we could charge at least $1,000, given everything you’ll learn.

But for now, we’re pricing it at $497.

A bargain when you consider The Course Creator’s Playbook gives you a complete roadmap for creating a course you can sell.

Once you’ve offered your course for sale and enrolled a few students, it’s not unreasonable to say you could make back your investment in this program.

And as you continue to grow your business, well… it’ll have been an investment that was well worth it, I think.

There are so many folks out there who’ve taken advantage of this opportunity… left their old lives behind… and built businesses they love, thanks to online course creation.

I believe it’s fair to say that if you take action and apply what you learn, you can be one of them.

It’s why I want to make it as easy as possible for you to get access to this training and experience it firsthand.

Let me show you some of the powerful bonuses Heather’s prepared for you, to help you really hit the ground running and see success quickly.

You Also Get These BONUSES
to Help Accelerate Your Progress

How to Know if You Have
a Viable Course Idea

Earlier I mentioned that one of the biggest things that stops people from creating their own course is this: They don’t know “what” to make their course about!

That’s why I asked Heather to create this additional resource for you — to literally GIVE you a list of some of the best and popular niches out there for course creators and also show you HOW to know if your idea has a good chance of selling well.

You won’t have to wonder whether your course idea is a good one. Simply make sure it’s within one of these niches, and you’re giving yourself far better odds of success right out of the gate.

Plus, you’ll also get proven course formulas you can apply to everything you’ll be learning in The Course Creator’s Playbook to ensure you start making course sales as soon as possible.

A Step-by-Step Checklist to Organize Your Course Creation Process

Once you’ve decided on a course idea, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. This Course Creation Checklist makes it far simpler to do so.

No wondering what to do next. No missing critical parts that make up a great and profitable course.

This checklist will have you ready to share your knowledge with the world FAST. Just print it out.

Check off each of the items. By the time you get to the last one, you’ll have a course that’s ready to make you money.

How to Grow a Thriving Community to Support and Sustain Your Information Marketing Business

It’s a lot easier to sell your course at a premium price when you’ve got a community of people who can benefit from it.

That’s why community-building should be at the top of your list of ways to make a great income with your course.

It isn’t as scary or complicated as it sounds. It’s simply about connecting with others online by sharing little tips and tricks on the topic your course is about.

Do that consistently, and more and more people will want to “stop” and listen to what you have to say. Over time, you’ll have an audience who wants to hear from you and wants to buy your course.

All the “best practices” on how to do this and have it be fun are in this wonderful webinar Heather’s prepared for you.

Writing for Information Marketing Clients — What You’ll Write and What You Can Charge

One of the great things about The Course Creator’s Playbook is that it gives you two great paths:

Creating your own course OR using the knowledge and skills you’ll gain to help information marketing clients.

If you choose to go the client route, there are many great opportunities to help companies with their marketing and with creating new courses.

This guide covers them all, and gives you what you need to know to get started working with these clients.

How to Find and Approach High-Value Clients in the Information Marketing Niche

A great thing about helping clients create a course is you can write about a wide variety of topics you may or may not be very familiar with.

The only problem is — how do you find the right clients?

This powerful resource shows you exactly where to find these kinds of high-paying clients and what to do to approach them and maximize your odds of success.

Remember — the nice thing about learning how to create a course is that you can create it for yourself. So use this guide only if you’re ready and wanting to work with clients to help them out!

Spinning One Course Into Multiple Growth Opportunities

Have you heard the phrase “work smarter, not harder” before? That’s what product spinning is all about… and it’s a great way to grow your business using the hard work you’ve already completed.

Heather will show you how to leverage the material in your course to create multiple other products, and offer you tips and tricks to do it quickly.

25 Tools You Can Use to Launch and Grow Your Information Marketing Business

Last but not least, you’re also getting a vetted list of some of the most useful and handy tools for course creators and information marketers.

For example, you’ll get a list of some of the best tools for helping you launch your course… and marketplaces where you could easily put your course up for sale and have it “seen” instantly by a large number of potential students.

You’ll also see software recommendations to make building your community easier and keep things organized… where to find photos, video footage, and more to add some “spice” to your course… and much more.

You get ALL of these bonuses in addition to everything else you get in The Course Creator’s Playbook.

For just $497!

And in exchange, you’ll learn a highly financially valuable skill. One that will serve you for a lifetime.

You’ll have the ability to take what you already know… package it up into a course or other information product people want to take… and sell it over and over again.

It's the complete blueprint you need to do the work once, and then let your course or product work for you for as long as you want!

You’ll learn how to do all this and more — for just $497.

Yes — Give Me Instant Access!

And to sweeten the deal, I want you to…

Try It Risk-Free

I firmly believe creating your own course can completely change your financial future for the better.

100% guarantee

But don’t just take my word for it.

I want you to have a full 30 days to go through The Course Creator’s Playbook and start building out your course.

If in that time you’re not thrilled with the program or you decide you don’t want to learn how to create an information product or course, no problem.

Just let our Member Success Team know and they’ll issue you a prompt and courteous refund of every penny paid.

As you can see, I’m doing everything I can to help get this program into your hands.

That’s because I know it can transform your life.

Remember — the online education industry is massive. It’s expected to grow to $180 billion per year in the next five years (Source: Spherical Insights).

Despite how huge it is, you’re still early.

Now is the time to seize this opportunity.

Now is the time to share your knowledge with those who need it.

As a course creator, you’ll be part of this growing economy in which knowledge is increasingly becoming a highly valuable asset.

You’ll be able to create a "clientless" business you love for yourself.

But if you do want to work with clients, the skills you’ll learn will set you up to do that in a way that makes you far more valuable.

Whatever you decide, know that you very likely have a course inside of you that Heather can help you bring to life.

Like an undiscovered vein of gold, that knowledge… that experience… is sitting there untapped.

And one more time because it bears repeating:

What you know can help people.

They’re out there right now, searching for ways to solve their problem.

One way or another, they’re going to spend the money on a course to get the information they need to solve it.

Why not have it be yours?

Let The Course Creator’s Playbook show you how to make it happen.

You’ll even have the chance to get PERSONALIZED FEEDBACK on your course and first lesson outline, to help make sure you’re on the right track — which is priceless.

And right now, you'll pay just $497.

That gives you instant access to EVERYTHING, and you can try it completely risk-free for the next 30 days.

You either love it or you don’t pay.

Click here to get started now.

To your course creation success,

Rebecca Matter
President, AWAI

Yes — Give Me Instant Access!

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