Why EVERY Aspiring Writer Should Write a Blog
You’ll not only become a better writer faster, but…
You’ll be tapping into the BIGGEST, MOST POWERFUL MARKETING TREND of our lifetime — One Where AI Cannot Compete with Human Writers Like You!
Here’s How to Get Started Today!
Dear Fellow Writer,
If you haven’t yet considered writing a blog…
You’re missing out on one of the most powerful skill-building exercises any writer can undertake.
Writing a blog is like a “daily stretch” for your brain and your writing muscles.
Even 15 to 20 minutes of writing each day helps you sharpen your writing skills… focus your thinking… and develop your own unique writing style…
All while building up a body of work you can be proud of and use to advance your writing career.
And most importantly — it gets you in the very positive habit of writing every day.
But that’s just half of it.
Businesses NEED You…
By learning the very simple secrets to writing your own blog… you’ll be developing one of the most in-demand skills in the copywriting world today…
You see, a study by ResearchNow showed that 84% of internet users make buying decisions based on information they get from blogs…
Over 1.7 billion people!
They’re more influential than opinions found on Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, in forums or in online magazines.
Naturally, businesses have taken notice.
Which is why they need writers they can reliably turn to… and are happy to earmark serious marketing dollars for in the form of retainers and writing fees every month to write them…
And that’s in addition to the passive income you could be generating — just from your own writing!
My name is Rebecca Matter.

As president of AWAI, it’s my goal to help aspiring writers like you find the best path to writing success.
And for those people who love to write but aren’t quite sure what they want to write about yet…
Writing a blog is the very best thing you can do for your writing career…
Both in terms of your professional development… AND learning a highly marketable and very-much-in-demand writing skill.
Best of all…
You’re likely already very familiar with this style of writing.
That’s because, if you’re like most people, you not only read blogs at least once a week, but you’ve taken some kind of action based on what you read!
And because this type of writing is typically short and very direct — it’s one of the easiest forms of paid writing to learn…
Which means, once you know the very simple structure to writing them, you can be up and running as a professional writer in a matter of days, not months.
Either writing a blog of your own…
Or as a “hired gun” to write blogs for the tens, even hundreds of thousands of businesses who need help keeping their blogs fresh, up-to-date, and relevant.
Now, there are some people out there who think blogging is “old news.”
I’m here to tell you — that’s absolutely false.
In fact, the polar opposite is true:
Blogging is the “now” and the future!
Especially for businesses.
That’s because more sales — and more brand- and loyalty-building — happen through GREAT CONTENT today than ever before…
And “great content” is what blogging is all about.
That’s terrific news for anyone who wants to make money as a writer… wants a simple writing project that can be mastered quickly… but isn’t ready to tackle the “hard selling” that sales letters and other online writing projects require.
"Can't AI Write These?"
Speaking of “simpler” writing projects…
You’ve no doubt heard the chorus of naysayers who say, “We don’t need writers to write blogs anymore — AI can do it…”
Sure, AI can write any blog you tell it to. The basic “structure” of a blog is very simple and easy to write…
But, even we were shocked by a study conducted by NP Digital, a company headed by traffic and content expert Neil Patel, last year.
The study analyzed 68 websites, where 744 articles were published — half written by AI with some human modification… and half written entirely by human writers…
From the very get-go, human-written blogs and content were outperforming AI content…
And after month five… human content was generating 5.4 times MORE TRAFFIC than AI-generated content!

*Courtesy of NP Digital, 2024
You don’t need to be a marketing expert to know that — when it comes to blogs and marketing content — traffic is HUGE!
It means over 5 times more potential buyers seeing and reading your content…
Over 5 times more people visiting your or your client’s landing page…
And over 5 times more people who could potentially buy your or your client’s product!
So, why do humans trounce AI, when it comes to generating content like blogs?
The study concluded that copy generated by AI lacked the experience, expertise, authority, and trust that only writers like you can bring…
In other words… empathy — that all-important human touch.
Because, when it’s all said and done, blog writing boils down to two very simple things:
- A desire to write…
- A desire to HELP people, by delivering to them the knowledge and information they need to solve a problem or improve their lives.
Now, the very fact you’re with AWAI and here to learn about blog writing with me today suggests you’ve got No. 1 covered.
No. 2 is all about empathy… caring for and wanting to help your reader.
And, how cool is that?!
To be able to make your living writing to people who WANT to hear what you have to say… who respect your insights, opinions, and suggestions… and who will use the information YOU give them to make their lives better in some way…
As far as “job satisfaction” goes — it doesn’t get much better!
Your blog is your gift to the world.
It’s like a “work of art” that is ongoing. Every day you’re thinking about it, tending to it, building it up.
And watching it grow day by day is incredibly rewarding…
Which is why the most successful blog writers I know are so passionate about what they’re writing about that they can’t wait to jump out of bed each morning and tend to it!
Bloggers, like all writers, are naturally curious, as well.
We’re excited to learn new things, explore new ideas.
Whether writing our own blog or writing blogs for clients — top blog writers are forever understanding what their readers want to know…
And then “digging in” to find the answer.
That’s what being a blog writer is all about.
It’s why starting a blog today is the VERY BEST thing you can do to jump-start your writing career.
It’s also the best and fastest way to build up the writing skills you need… and quickly create an impressive body of work you can use to wow any potential client.
In this special report, I’ll show you how to set up and start your very own blog TODAY.
And then I’m going to take it one step further…
I’m going to show you all the ways you can turn your newfound blog-writing skills into a fun and fulfilling part of your life, where you can get paid…
Writing a few hours each week…
About the things you LOVE to write about.
Sounds great, right?
And if, at the end of it all, you think you’ll need more guided help — I’m excited to tell you about a program our training team has put together…
Our first-ever program on becoming a highly skilled blog writer.
And we’ll be offering it at a price anyone can afford…
All because we want to get you writing — TODAY.
More on that later. But first…
Just What Is a “Blog” Anyway?
You hear about “blogs” all the time.
And a lot of people think they’re like a “journal” you write every day, with random thoughts about whatever happens to be on your mind that day.
When you hear about the more than 600 million blogs populating the internet today — many of them are just that:
Random posts and rambling thoughts that are of zero interest to most readers.
To be clear — that’s NOT what we’re talking about here.
The blogs we’ll teach you how to write deliver information people can use…
Information that helps them understand things better… accomplish their goals… make their lives better.
Simply put, a blog is all about useful content on a very specific topic.
By “useful” I mean:
Anything that answers a reader’s questions…
Anything that helps to solve a problem…
Anything that supports a shared viewpoint…
Anything that helps someone make a more informed buying decision…
Anything that educates, informs, enlightens…
And by “specific,” I’m talking about a very particular and defined subject matter.
For instance — instead of having a blog about a very broad subject like “cars” — you’re far better off writing about a particular model of car… or antique cars… or “muscle” cars… or auto restoration.
That way, you’re more likely to attract targeted readers who are more likely to follow you and buy the products and services you might recommend.
Which brings us to the next question:
Who Reads a Blog?
In short… pretty much everyone!
YOU read blogs.
More importantly, you trust blogs.
According to WordPress, roughly 409 million people view more than 20 million pages of blog content each and every month!
Because studies show that 70% of people would rather learn about new ideas or products through articles than traditional “paid” advertisements.
Like I mentioned earlier, online research firm ResearchNow reports that 84% of online buyers have bought products based on information and descriptions they read in blogs.
Which means, when it comes to making more informed decisions — whether it’s the quickest way to safely lose 20 pounds… how to fix squeaky brakes on a BMW M5… or what technology the next television they buy should have…
Consumers turn to blog posts containing useful content companies are more than happy to pay expert blog writers — like you — to write!
And considering 2.64 billion people buy online — the number of people who find blogs while searching online is MASSIVE!
Which brings us to the other crucial reader of blogs besides you…
Google Reads Blogs!
You see, Google’s all about giving its customers what they want.
In fact, according to Russ Henneberry, AWAI Advisory Board member and Google expert, Google’s algorithms have gotten so smart that even Google doesn’t know how Google works anymore.
It’s impossible to “trick” Google with anything but great content.
So, let’s say you have pets, like my family does. And you’re tired of paying over a thousand dollars a year to have them groomed. But you’re not sure of the best way to bathe and groom them at home.
If we search, say, “What’s the proper way to bathe our dogs”…

Google’s algorithms will “read” through the tens of millions of webpages in about a half second to identify articles that best answer that question.
And the first article to appear?
This incredibly thorough “how-to” blog post on “Tips for Grooming a Dog at Home” housed on the website of a pet company called Preventive Vet:

It features loads of information on technique, the brushes, clippers, scissors, shears, and other tools you’ll need to do an expert job…
Along with everything else you could ever want and need to know about grooming your pet like an expert.
And, because this blog contains so much great information, it landed smack-dab, high up on page one of Google’s search results, so I could easily find it.
So, what just happened here?
I got the information I wanted.
And, what did Preventive Vet get?
Not only did this article draw me to their website, where I might buy some of the items I might need to make grooming our dogs easier, but…
They gained a level of credibility by positioning themselves as experts in caring for our dogs.
In other words, they gained — in us — a potential customer.
And you can see, throughout this article…

Plenty of opportunities to sign up to get their newsletter with even more tips on how to better care for our pets.
So, it’s very much a win-win…
Which brings us to…
Who Needs a Blog?
This is where it gets very exciting for you:
Virtually any business with a product or service that helps customers and potential customers get what they want or solve a problem will benefit from publishing a regular blog…
Just like Preventive Vet — who landed a new potential customer when I found its blog.
We’re talking literally hundreds of thousands of entities…
From the biggest multinational corporations… to online retailers and service companies… to nonprofits and professional associations… to smaller companies in your hometown!
They ALL benefit from having blogs with content their customers or followers need.
Millions of Businesses NEED You!
These folks are busy running their businesses.
They don’t always have the time, know-how, or resources to write blog content themselves…
So, what do savvy business owners do?
They find writers — like you — to write blog content for them.
So, once you establish yourself as a “blog expert”…
That can be a virtually never-ending stream of paying clients who need you.
Think about the small businesses in your hometown — from the local nursery who can set themselves apart from the competition by offering timely planting tips…
To the specialty wine and cheese shop writing about new vintages and perfect food and drink pairings…
Or the kitchen store offering cooking and other household tips.
Once you know and have mastered the secrets to writing a successful blog, you’ll be an invaluable resource for them!
But the opportunity extends far beyond businesses in your hometown.
Hundreds of thousands of B2B companies need blogs — content that helps other companies be more efficient, save money, grow their sales.
The biggest corporations need blogs. Walmart, Coca-Cola, Allstate Insurance, Whole Foods, Best Buy, Home Depot, and Disney have some of the best-read blog content on the internet!
Hundreds of thousands of online service companies whose businesses depend on great content to such an extent that they literally have entire teams of bloggers churning out articles.
Virtually any and every business with a story to tell can benefit from a blog!
And with the average blog article paying anywhere from $250 to $800 for a few hours to a day of writing, depending on the length and research involved…
This is not only “fun” writing — but it pays incredibly well, too.
And remember…
Businesses NEVER need just one blog post.
Most often they’ll post weekly, sometimes two or three times per week… week after week, month after month.
You can see very quickly how, as a skilled blog writer, you can keep very busy — and be very well paid — with just a handful of regular writing clients.
And that’s just writing blogs for OTHER people…
Your Own Blog Can Generate Healthy Income, As Well!
We haven’t even talked about writing your own blog yet — which you can easily set up to deliver passive income…
Writing about subjects you’re interested in and passionate about.
Not sure what to write about? It can be ANYTHING you’re excited or curious about.
If you love the outdoors, you can write about backpacking along the world’s greatest hiking trails…
If you’re an avid golfer, you can write about what it’s like to play legendary golf courses, offer tips for getting tee times…
You can focus your blog on specific aspects of gardening (tomatoes)… cars (restoration)… cycling (mountain biking)… pets (poodles)… finance (working women)… cooking (Northern Italian)… wine (collecting)… and so on.
Even if you don’t have a particular “passion,” you can still write a successful blog.
Some of the most successful bloggers are people who knew nothing about a topic… but wanted to learn. So, they started a blog that chronicled their learning experience, so others could learn alongside them.
One example you might know is a woman by the name of Julie Powell, who blogged about cooking all 524 recipes from Julia Child’s famous Mastering the Art of French Cooking in 365 days.
After gaining a huge following, she went on to write a book that was later made into the movie Julie & Julia starring Meryl Streep and Amy Adams.
As college students, Declan Wilson and his girlfriend were tired of living on cafeteria food and wanted to learn how to cook nutritious meals at a decent price.
So they started a blog that chronicled the two of them learning to cook, so other college kids who wanted to learn how to cook could follow them…
Declan calls this approach “learning out loud.”
I’ve seen people write blogs about their experiences in downsizing and preparing for retirement… losing weight and getting into shape… becoming a first-time parent… training for a marathon… restoring an old house — all told “as it’s happening.”
And that’s the beautiful thing about writing blogs…
You can write about virtually anything — so long as you deliver valuable and useful information to your reader.
People blog about books, TV shows, movies, their favorite sports teams…
Nick Usborne, AWAI Advisory Board member and one of the experts we interviewed for our program, blogs about one of his passions, coffee.
He sees a steady flow of "extra" income from his coffee blog by recommending coffee-related products — money that comes on top of what he makes as a copywriter and consultant.
Neil Patel shows internet businesses and entrepreneurs how to drive more traffic to their websites, which is why he was so interested in knowing whether "human" content or AI content works better…
Neil is a great example of what can happen when you take a blog to the highest levels.
He’s gained such a huge following with the great content he delivers that he generates as much as $380,000 in a single month from his blog.
And, if you really want to dream big…
Blogs that began as one-person “kitchen table” operations like Engadget and Mashable have gone on to generate several million dollars per month and be acquired by the likes of AOL for tens, sometimes hundreds, of millions of dollars.
Now, of course, not everyone makes money like this from a blog. And, you can go many months before your blog gets traction and money starts rolling in…
But here’s the thing…
No one blog is like the other.
And there’s no “formula” that’s better than the next.
There are MANY approaches to blogging that can be successful.
That’s why we didn’t limit our blog program to just one expert…
Instead, we reached out to 10 of the best, most successful bloggers working today and spent hours interviewing them…
With the sole purpose of distilling the knowledge they shared about writing and the “money-making” side of blogging into a clear, easy-to-follow program that any writer can use to build their own successful blog.
We’re talking world-class bloggers like…
Emma Johnson An author and blogger whose blog is aimed at helping the hundreds of thousands of professional single mothers live fuller and richer lives…

Sarah TitusIn what started out as “emails to friends,” Sarah’s blog shows millions of working mothers how to ditch the 9-to-5 lifestyle and make even more money as a stay-at-home mom… and generates a healthy income for her through endorsements and partnership deals…

Holly Reisem Hanna Her blog, “The Work at Home Woman,” named by Forbes as one of the Top 100 Blogs for Your Career, researches opportunities and weeds out the many scams, so mothers who’d prefer to make money from home don’t have to waste their time…

Carol Bryant The founder of “Fidose of Reality,” one of the best-read pet blogs, which sprang from her passion for cocker spaniels. She shows fellow cocker-spaniel lovers how to raise, care for, and nurture happy and healthy pets…

Yaro Starak His immensely popular blog helps entrepreneurs build bigger and better businesses and online ventures…

Sally O’Neil “The Fit Foodie” blog is one of the world’s most popular blogs on fitness and healthy eating for people tired of conventional diet and exercise plans…

Danny Iny His blog “Mirasee” helps business owners and entrepreneurs get their messages out to the masses in a way that positively impacts their communities and the world…

Michelle Schroeder-Gardner Her site “Making Sense of Cents,” helps people save and manage their finances… and, like so many top bloggers, also earns great money through ads and affiliate offers…

Jon Morrow Of course, blogger Jon Morrow needs little introduction. His site “Smart Blogger” is industry-famous for helping bloggers and online writers reach bigger and more diverse markets…

These experts have transformed their blog-writing skills into rewarding and fulfilling careers… simply by giving their readers the information they’re looking for.
And, you’ll get the benefit of all their experience — including how they monetize their writing — in our first-ever “soup-to-nuts” program for new bloggers — How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients: A Step-by-Step Guide to Blogging Success.
You’ll Never Know Where Your Blog Will Take You… Until You Start Writing!
Again, I’ll share all the details about this exciting program in a moment…
But first…
Now that you see the MASSIVE opportunity for skilled bloggers…
Both in terms of a steady flow of income you can make “ghostwriting” blogs for companies…
And the income potential having your own money-generating blog can lead to…
Not to mention all the clients you could attract as a topical expert… the potential book deals that can come your way… the online business that can spring from your blog…
The question becomes…
How do you get started?
Well, it’s easier than you think:
You simply start writing!
Because, remember what I said at the beginning…
The reason you want to start writing a blog first and foremost is to “kick-start” your writing career…
By getting in the habit of writing every day…
Ratcheting up your writing skills…
Building a solid portfolio of writing you can be proud to show potential clients.
And the very best way to do that is to start a blog for yourself…
Not next week, or even tomorrow.
Right NOW!
Because — once you know how blogs work and how to write one for yourself — writing a blog for others will be like a walk in the park!
So, first things first: You need a subject for your blog — something to write about.
Step 1: Come Up with an Idea for Your Blog
Maybe you already have an idea…
If that’s the case — congratulations! You’re more than halfway to becoming a successful blog writer!
If you’re not sure what to write about — start by thinking about your interests… or things you’ve always been interested in learning more about.
As top blogger, Neil Patel says your idea does NOT have to be revolutionary. No blog in the world is truly unique. But you are unique. Your voice… your personality — that’s what will draw people to your writing.
So, here’s a short “litmus test” that will help you decide on a topic to write about.
Simply ask yourself these two questions:
- Is this a topic I’m excited about and want to learn more about?
- Are there others interested in the same things?
If you’re not fascinated by what you’re writing about, writing won’t be “fun” for you.
Your writing likely won’t have the energy and passion it needs, and like a lot of people who start blogs, you’ll lose interest and quit.
One writer I know thought about writing a blog for first-time home buyers. I said to him, “I didn’t realize real estate was a passion for you!” His answer was “It’s not — but it’s ‘hot’ right now.”
In another conversation, I discovered he was a HUGE fan of Scotch whisky. He knew everything about blends, malted barleys, the special yeasts, the regions they come from, the different barrels for aging, how they get their distinct flavors.
I told him — “Forget about a blog on houses. Go with your passion, which is obviously Scotch!”
The big lesson here? Don’t write what you think other people are interested in. Write what YOU are interested in.
Maybe you fear your passion is too “narrow” to attract readers — that not enough people share your excitement.
Fortunately, finding out is very easy. Just do a quick Google search!
Here’s one for “Scotch whisky”…

There you see… over 55 million webpages dedicated to this one topic!
That’s very real data-backed confirmation that you are NOT the only one interested in Scotch whisky!
You may find your idea is, in fact, too broad — in which case you’ll want to be more specific with your topic…
So, maybe instead of “Scotch whisky” — you might want to focus your blog on “single malt Scotch whisky.”
Again — Google the term “single malt Scotch whisky”…

And there you see — over 30 million results.
Narrow it down again — “single malt Scotch whisky from Islay,” a famous Scotch-producing region off the west coast of Scotland:

Now we’re down to 7 million results — still a potentially large audience… but with fewer people writing about it.
Because, remember what we said about narrowing your subject:
It not only focuses your writing and makes you more of an expert, but it’s more likely to attract passionate readers who are more likely to be more loyal readers of your blog and better buyers, as well.
So, first step — think of a topic and put it to the “Google test.”
And, if you can’t think of an idea — not to worry!
Our program How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients dedicates an entire section to laying the groundwork for your blog, which includes helping you choose the best topics to write about — both in terms of the demand for content and the ease with which you can monetize your blog.
Plus, we’ve included an amazing “Bonus Report” that not only helps you zero in on the best blog subject for you…
But lists over 340 blog topic ideas you can write about — ideas that millions of people around the world are passionate about and want to hear what YOU have to say about in your unique voice!
Step 2: Choose a Name for Your Blog…
With a subject in mind, it must be time to write your first blog post, right?
Not quite!
There are a few “logistics” you have to cover first, such as…
What’s the name of your blog going to be?
You want to pick a name that’s unique and interesting, but also makes it very clear what your blog is about.
You also want to make sure nobody else is using it — and that the “.com” domain name is still available, which is as simple as logging on to any domain name registration site like GoDaddy and entering it.
… and a Publishing Platform
Once you have a name for your blog and a domain name you own, you need to choose a blogging platform.
Again, very simple. Most bloggers choose WordPress, because it’s easy to use… easy to set up… and best of all — it’s free!
Plus, you can choose from thousands of design themes to give your blog a unique look. And, if you don’t like any of WordPress’ free design themes, for a nominal fee you can purchase others from places like StudioPress or Themeforest, and they’ll work with WordPress.
Later you can add all kinds of “plugins” as you need them — like forums, a comments section where you can interact with your readers — even a shopping cart should you decide to sell products directly, as opposed to affiliate product links where you get paid when a reader buys a product you recommend.
Again, don’t be intimidated by this part.
Setting up WordPress is very simple — pretty much all “point and click.”
And if you need guidance, the “Getting Ready to Launch” section of How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients will help you make the right decisions and find all the great resources you’ll need to launch and grow your blog.
Plus — not only have we created an entire special report that’s dedicated to all the technical aspects of taking your blog “live,” but…
We even show you how to kick-start the process of letting Google know you’re “open for business” using a very simple but powerful plugin called Yoast SEO.
Step 3: Start “Banking” Ideas to Write About
With a blog topic you’re excited about…
Your blog name chosen and your “.com” name registered…
WordPress all set up and your “blank writing canvas” waiting…
There’s one more bit of planning you’ll want to do before you start writing…
And that’s create an editorial calendar that’s jam-packed with ideas to write about!
In How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients, we share with you all the tips, tricks, and techniques top bloggers use to make certain they have months and months of great ideas waiting in the hopper at all times…
Ideas they’re excited to jump out of bed and write about.
Here’s one I love…
Every now and then you’ll hear on the news that today is “National Administrative Professionals Day,” or “World Cat Month,” or “National Ice Cream Day.”
Well, it turns out that every day is a National “Something” Day.
In fact, there’s an entire calendar that tracks over 1,500 national days, weeks, and months.
So, let’s say your blog is about chocolate. Well, January 27 is National Chocolate Cake Day, so why not write a blog around that, where you offer tips for baking especially moist chocolate cake and offer a recipe?
Then you learn July 7 is World Chocolate Day — a great day to write about the top 10 chocolate-producing countries in the world.
November 4 is National Candy Day and November 5 is National Donut Day — more fodder for your blog.
Even days that aren’t seemingly connected to your blog’s subject matter can lead to great content. For example, November 1 is National Cook for Your Pet Day — which is a great time to write about why you should NEVER feed chocolate to your dog.
The “National Day” Calendar is an excellent source of fun, interesting, and unique blogging ideas, which is why every blogger should have a copy and study it…
And it’s just one of many tricks top bloggers use to fill up their editorial calendar that we’ll reveal in How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients…
You’ll learn powerful brainstorming techniques… how to drill down and “thin slice” one Big Idea into dozens of articles… ways to use Google to come up with all the articles you’ll ever need… how to get ideas from your readers and fellow bloggers… and much, much more.
You’ll also learn Jon Morrow’s very powerful “Zone of Magic” technique that makes sure your articles are hitting the sweet spot in terms of what your audience wants to hear with every article you write.
So, if you’d love to start a blog but — like most people — you worry you won’t have enough to write about…
The tips and secrets you’ll discover in How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients will put that fear to rest for good.
Step 4: Start Writing!
With your blog set up and a calendar brimming with writing ideas…
It’s finally time to write!
And here’s where How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients is worth its weight in gold.
Read any great blog and it looks…
There’s incredible clarity. You instantly know what the article is about.
The promise of what you’re going to get out of the article is very apparent — and it delivers.
The writing flows beautifully, too.
It’s easy to read… with short sentences, simple words, so it’s very conversational.
It’s even inviting visually: no “big blocks” of copy… Instead, it’s got lots of white space on the page and great imagery. Nothing that suggests “heavy reading.”
And the tone?
If you’ve ever had a conversation with someone who has a “natural way” with people — that’s how a great blog reads. Yes, you’re getting great information — but you somehow feel more assured, more confident…
Like someone has lifted a big weight off your shoulders by solving a problem, answering a question you had, or somehow making your life just a little more enjoyable with a great suggestion.
Plus, all great blogs have a distinct “personality” or voice to them — one that’s “in tune” with the subject matter. For instance, a blog about mothering will have a more “maternal” voice than one about, say, antique car restoration.
And on top of everything — a great blog is all about the reader — NOT the writer.
These are some of the hallmarks of a great blog…
And one of the many great things about How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients is that you’re not getting just AWAI’s insights on writing great blog copy…
You’re getting insights from some of the best blog writers in the world.
Bloggers who not only deliver great and useful content virtually every day… but do so in a way that’s engaging and fun to read.
That’s what makes How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients nothing short of a MASTER CLASS in great blog writing.
Your guide is none other than AWAI Master Instructor Heather Robson.

Digital Copywriter
A writer with over 20 years of online writing experience, Heather is the managing editor of AWAI’s Digital Copywriter… as well as an esteemed member of our Circle of Success faculty.
She’s authored articles and delivered presentations on all kinds of writing topics, including content writing for the web and user experience (UX) copywriting.
She’s taught alongside some of the biggest name instructors on AWAI’s specialty certification trainings, including Nick Usborne with digital copywriting, Brian Clark with content marketing, and Russ Henneberry with search engine optimization (SEO).
In fact, it was Heather’s deep connections with top writers and industry influencers that made it possible to create this one-of-a-kind collaborative program.
By breaking down and distilling the best writing practices and income-generating techniques of the web’s most prominent, successful, and highly paid bloggers into a single, easy-to-follow, learn-at-your-own-pace program…
You’ll be learning from not just one expert… but 10 of the very best.
No Stone Left Unturned
You can have ZERO knowledge about blogs and blog writing and be an expert by the end of How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients.
This is a “soup-to-nuts” program, if ever there were one…
It starts with six of the most popular blog post formats and structures — and when to use them.
There’s the “news” format, which is a great method for attracting readers, because it ties your blog’s topic to something that’s “top of mind” and newsworthy with your readers.
There’s the ever popular “how-to” — which is essentially an instructional article presented in an engaging and entertaining way…
You’ll learn the incredible power of using personal stories in your blog.
No reader can resist the intrigue that’s created by skillful use of the curiosity gap — the technique that exploits that “space” between what we know and what we want or need to know. Mastering this technique will be one of the most powerful writing skills you will ever learn.
Heather will also teach you the proper techniques for introducing and writing “list-based” blogs, also known as “listicles.”
There’s also the popular “product review” format — another favorite of readers and Google.
You’ll learn the secret structure and copy techniques to writing all six of these tried, tested, and proven blog structures — with up-to-the-minute illustrations of how they’re executed using actual blogs from the experts.
And mastering these formats is just Lesson One of our “Writing a Great Blog Post” section of the program!
From there it’s a “deep dive” into everything you need to know to write these blog formats skillfully.
You’ll learn the six proven formulas for writing great headlines for your blog — another MUST for attracting readers and getting the attention of Google and other search engines.
There’s an entire lesson on “story writing” that’s easily worth the price of the course all by itself!
That’s because in any kind of writing you’ll do — whether it’s writing a blog, copywriting, or writing a novel — nothing is more powerful than a skillfully told story.
Stories connect and are memorable. Studies show 5% of people will recall information delivered with facts and statistics, but 63% will recall information delivered via a story.
Best of all — anyone who loves to write can learn great storytelling…
And we show you the very simple formula, starting with the six elements of a good story — like the “sympathetic hero” approach… the “relatable conflict”… the “worthwhile goal” approach… and more.
Heather brings you the best storytelling secrets from the masters she interviewed — simple yet powerful tips, like the power of metaphors… the importance of specificity… the importance of not overestimating what your readers already know… and more.
Seeing It All… “In Action”
But we don’t just “teach” you these writing secrets…
We show you — by breaking down actual blogs — how top blog writers from around the world have incorporated these high-level secrets into their writing…
It’s like an “ultimate swipe file” for bloggers…
You’ll see examples of great headlines and powerful leads written by top bloggers…
You’ll be able to see real-life examples of story-driven blogs, listicles, reviews, news-based posts, how-tos, and more…
You’ll see firsthand how the best writers use short sentences and short paragraphs, and inject sensory words to bring their writing to life.
You’ll see and be able to mimic how writers keep their blogs relevant… use warm, engaging conversational language… and inject “personality” into their writing…
You’ll get to see, firsthand, how virtually every successful blog you’ll see is built on a simple four-part structure we’ll teach you — and you’ll know exactly how and when to mimic it in every blog post you write.
And remember…
The writing techniques you’ll learn in How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients will help you not only write your own great blogs…
But master high-level writing skills you’ll be able to take to any client.
It goes back to what I told you earlier…
Marketing success these days is all about getting relevant and engaging content to prospective customers…
And one of the surest, simplest, and most cost-effective ways of doing that is through a regular, skillfully written blog.
The numbers don’t lie:
One study reported by Optinmonster says businesses that prioritize blogging are 13x MORE LIKELY to see a positive return on their investment than those that prioritize another marketing format.
But remember…
Business owners are NOT blog experts.
They’re great at running their company, but most don’t know the secrets to writing engaging copy their customers and Google love.
Which is why over half of all businesses — and 64% of B2B marketers specifically, according to that same report — outsource their blog writing to skilled writers like you.
Also, businesses don’t write just one blog and call it a day.
To stay relevant in their industry, they need to be blogging once, twice, five times, even 10 times a month…
They use these posts on their websites, send them to customers via email, publish them in company newsletters.
Which is why many businesses are happy to "lock you in" and pay copywriters like you a monthly retainer to write their blogs.
Become an In-Demand Blog Specialist
And, something to consider…
Given the average blog comes in at 1,000 words — and can take as little as three hours to write (including research) — once you know the structure and secrets to writing a great blog…
You can take on multiple blogging clients where you can get to multiply your earning potential…
Have plenty of time for other paid copywriting assignments…
And still have an hour or so a day to write and operate your own blog!
Which is why How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients doesn’t stop with its Master Class on writing great blog posts…
You Get the “How to Make Money” Part, As Well!
By offering good, useful, and relevant information to people who love a subject as much as you do…
You’re writing to a HUNGRY audience…
People who are EAGER TO BUY THINGS related to their hobbies or interests.
Products and services that solve a problem…
Products and services that make performing a task easier and faster…
Products and services that enhance the enjoyment of an activity.
And through the goodwill and trust you build through delivering them the information they crave — you can make money by offering them access to products and services you love most — and would be happy to recommend!
In our comprehensive seven-part section on monetizing your blog, How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients shows you all the ways you can build a thriving list using your blog… and then convert that list into a money-making machine.
We’ll teach you all about working with ad networks — how to choose the right ones for your audience… why “looks” matter when it comes to ads on your site… how many ads are “too many”… and how to maximize this free source of money for your site.
You’ll learn all about sponsored content — blog articles that are relevant to your audience but clearly are promoting a product or service that will help your readers.
We’ll show you how to attract ideal sponsors for your blog… how to collaborate on a topic or a theme for the article… why YOU should write the content and NOT the advertiser… key questions to ask sponsors before you make a deal or write… tips for writing an effective paid post… and much, much more.
Sponsored content is great because when it’s done properly, you’re providing a valuable service to your reader — AND you’re getting paid for an hour or two of writing!
Of course, ad networks and sponsored content are just two ways to monetize your blog…
We’ll also show you how to set up affiliate deals to generate income.
Bloggers love affiliate deals, because they can be very lucrative… they’re easy to line up… you can control what you’re selling… and everyone wins: you, the affiliate you’re working with, AND your reader.
Top blogger Michelle Schroeder-Gardner — one of the experts we interviewed for the program use her blog to promote affiliate products she loves and uses herself. She told me:
“With affiliate marketing, I can enjoy life more and know that I’m still able to earn a great living promoting products that I use and enjoy.”
We’ll show you how to line up potentially lucrative joint ventures, where you team up with one (usually larger) business partner to promote one product or an entire line of products related to your audience.
Remember, as a blogger, you’re viewed as an EXPERT in your niche.
So, not only does your endorsement of other people’s products and services carry weight — so do any books, guides, courses, coaching, or advisory products you create.
We’ll also show you how to create your own products and services you can sell, where ALL the revenue is yours to keep.
You’ll learn how to create your very own line of products…
Everything from figuring out what you can offer your readers… to planning and outlining your special report or course… to writing and marketing it to your readers AND to your list.
And remember — all the money you earn from your own products is in addition to what you could be making from the ad networks, affiliates, partnerships, and sponsored content!
We’ll Help You GROW Your Readership, Too!
When it comes to making money from your blog, it’s truly a numbers game. The more readers, the more money you can make.
That’s why we’ve dedicated an entire section of How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients to building up your readership over time.
It starts with a crash course in SEO — optimizing your blog for search engines like Google.
Now, I realize…
Just the thought of that can be intimidating. But don’t worry…
A HUGE part of having a “Google-friendly” blog is delivering precise, useful content — which is the primary focus of How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients.
The other part is keywords — those words and phrases your target readers are likely to use when searching for information your blog can help them with.
The good news is there are online tools you can use that will do much of the heavy lifting, when it comes to identifying keywords suited to your blog’s subject matter.
We’ll show you how to use them…
How to interpret the data…
And how to compile those keywords and phrases and “seed” them throughout your blog…
So readers who can benefit most from your content will have the BEST chance of finding you.
But that’s not all…
Heather asked each of the experts she interviewed about their experiences with SEO, and she shares their often ignored “tricks” for gaining favor with Google…
Like making sure any images you use in your blog are “optimized” in the format, size, and dimension Google prefers… how to write the ideal “meta description” for your blog… and more.
SEO is a great skill to have — and How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients is the perfect “crash course” for writers new to it…
But SEO is just one way to get your blog in front of more and more readers…
Heather digs into how to effectively use the many social media platforms to attract new readers. The experts she interviewed had plenty to say on the topic…
You’ll learn how to create intriguing “must-read” social media posts using the content you’ve written in your blog…
How to turn any blog article you write into a vibrant YouTube video with the potential to attract an entirely new category of readers…
The best ways to repurpose blog articles for Medium and LinkedIn as yet another distribution channel for your writing.
Another way to take your blog to the next level is to build successful relationships with industry influencers, publishers, niche experts, academics, readers… even your fellow bloggers!
We show you how to identify them…
How to reach out to them…
How to nurture those relationships…
All the ways you can “give” to them, so you build optimum trust, respect, and a sense of reciprocity among the people who can help you most…
Just think about it…
Reaching out the right way to even a dozen bloggers or industry influencers with just 5,000 readers — that’s a potential 60,000 people you can attract to your blog with a simple “guest post.”
Between simple SEO techniques, social media, and strategic relationship building — you’ll see how it's possible to expand your readership.
If you’re NOT interested in having your own income-generating blog… and would rather simply write blogs for the hundreds of thousands of businesses who NEED BLOG WRITERS…
Here’s more great news!
We’ve capped off How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients program with two crucial tutorials:
Landing Blogging Clients
One of the great things about blogging is it’s one of the easiest writing niches to break into — simply because it’s “low-risk” for both parties.
Writing a blog is “quick and easy” — a few hours to half a day, tops.
A short, one-time blog article might cost a company $300 to $500.
If they like the work you do and you like working with them, it can lead to a thriving and lucrative relationship for both of you.
If it turns out it’s not the best fit for one or both of you — very little in terms of money and time is lost. Both parties simply move on.
In the “Getting Clients” section of How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients, we’ll show you all the best ways to reach out to companies in your niche.
One method is to simply do a search for companies that have blogs in your area(s) of interest and identify those that haven’t posted in several months — and ask them if they’d like you to help them “catch up” on posts.
Chances are that “gap” in posts has been on the business owner’s mind, and your offer will be welcomed.
We’ll even show you what to say in an email to ensure the company sees you as an expert who understands the importance of freshening their blog posts… so that “first connection” goes off without a hitch and leads to an assignment.
But there’s an even better way to land clients…
And that’s having them find you!
By becoming an expert in a niche you’re interested in… writing a blog about it… and then making sure the hundreds, perhaps thousands, of companies who are potential clients see your writing.
It’s an easier process than you might think… extremely effective… and we’ll show you how to position your blog and get it in front of the people who need to see it.
Everything You Need for SUCCESS As a World-Class Blogger!
How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients: A Step-by-Step Guide to Blogging Success is truly a “soup-to-nuts” program for anyone who would like to have a blog but doesn’t know where to start.
Everything you need to:
- PLAN your blog,
- make smart choices about the SET UP of your blog,
- WRITE blogs at a very high level
- ensure a jam-packed hopper of IDEAS TO WRITE ABOUT for your blog,
- build an AUDIENCE for your blog,
- turn your blog into a stream of PASSIVE INCOME…
It’s all in the program!
At every stage, Heather shares secrets from top bloggers: Michelle Schroeder-Gardner, Yaro Starak, Emma Johnson, Sarah Titus, Holly Reisem Hanna, Nick Usborne, Carol Bryant, Sally O’Neil, Jon Morrow, and Danny Iny. You’ll get their best personal tips, techniques, and insights…
Insights that helped them go from unknown, aspiring writers… to writers with huge followings, earning hundreds of thousands and sometimes millions of dollars!
Of course, there’s no better way to learn than to see all these powerful writing and marketing concepts at work… in actual real-life blogs…
Which is why Heather has loaded How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients with dozens of sample blogs from our team of advisers and other top players in the blogging sphere.
Blogs you can use as a guide when it comes to designing, writing, and marketing your own blog.
Whether it’s selling products and services your readers want — or using your blog to land all the writing clients you’ll ever need…
How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients is based on the real-world results of a team of highly respected bloggers teaching you how to “break through” as a successful blogger.
Here’s How to Get It NOW!
How much does it cost to get this program in your hands, so you can start blogging immediately?
That’s where it gets even more exciting.
As detailed and comprehensive as it is, we created How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients for the sole purpose of inspiring writers who want to write to take that first step…
And start WRITING today!
So, first and foremost, we wanted to make it affordable…
To everyone.
But before I tell you your price today…
I want to highlight some very special bonuses we’ve prepared for you.
FREE BONUS #1: 347 “Ready to Steal” Blogging Topics
The first, called 347 “Ready to Steal” Blogging Topics — is for people who would (1) love to write a blog… (2) don’t know what they want to write about… and (3) worry that they won’t be able to think of a topic to write about.
347 “Ready to Steal” Blogging Topics not only gives you a long list of specific niches and topics with HUGE potential readerships, but also teaches you how to “think like a blogger” and find topics and ideas to write about simply by exploring the world around you!
FREE BONUS #2: The Technophobe’s Guide to Launching a Blog
The other aspect of blogging that concerns people is the “technical” aspect of setting up a blog. Even though it’s very simple… and it’s covered in the program, we wanted to give you an extra layer of assurance that you’ll have EVERYTHING you need to get your blog “up and running” in no time with The Technophobe’s Guide to Launching a Blog.
This guide gives you everything you need to make smart choices about the technical parts of setting up a blog, including the questions you need to ask when selecting a service (like web hosting). It also points you toward the easiest DIY options, if you decide not to hire a web designer to set up your blog.
This guide will have you “live” with your own blog FAST — and you’ll also have a new appreciation for just how “uncomplicated” creating a revenue-generating blog and website is.
FREE BONUS #3: 10 Successful and Highly Paid Bloggers Share Their Secrets to Earning Six or Even Seven Figures Through Blogging
Of course, we couldn’t let this opportunity slip away…
When 10 of the industry’s top blogging experts agreed to share their insights and secrets to help future blog writers succeed — we couldn’t resist taking time to sit down with them “one-on-one” to get their personal insights into what it takes to be successful in the blogging sphere!
And that’s exactly what we did with Michelle Schroeder-Gardner, Yaro Starak, Emma Johnson, Sarah Titus, Holly Reisem Hanna, Nick Usborne, Carol Bryant, Sally O’Neil, Jon Morrow, and Danny Iny.
You’ll learn how they got started, the steps they took to get from those fledgling blogs to where they are today, and their favorite ways to earn income from their writing.
You’ll also read their expert tips on…
- choosing a topic to write about…
- how to measure your success when you’re first starting out…
- skills you must cultivate outside of writing to reap the most benefits from your blog…
- the best ways to drive traffic to your blog and build an audience…
- how to deal with rough patches and setbacks…
- the advice they’d given themselves when they started out blogging…
- and so much more!
Again, these amazing bonuses come free with How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients.
And that’s on top of the “core” program, where we show you…
- how to PLAN your blog, so you have a solid foundation in place, a niche you’re passionate about, and understand everything it takes to be an “A-level” blogger…
- how to SET UP your blog, so you’re up, running… “ready to write” as quickly as possible, and have a long list of story ideas, so you always have something to write about…
- how to WRITE a great blog, so you’re building up your writing skills while delivering great content and insights to your readers, and building a strong following…
- how to GROW your audience, so you gain more influence, build credibility, and have greater potential to make more money, whether it’s revenue your blog generates or new clients who hire you to write blog posts for them…
- how to MAKE MONEY with your blog by gaining a complete understanding of ALL the money-making channels bloggers enjoy — everything from ad networks to lucrative affiliate arrangements to creating your own line of products.
So, what does it cost to get this comprehensive, life-changing program in your hands in the next few minutes?
This Is NOT a Typo!
Your price today…
Just $497!
Not ready to pay $497 today?
No problem!
Because today we’re doing something to make it as easy as possible for you to get started…
We’re offering you a way to pay for How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients over time… and STILL get access to everything right away…
So right now, you can pay just $99.40…
Followed by four additional monthly payments of $99.40 applied to the same credit card you use today.
That means you can get started NOW — with access to everything with your initial $99.40 payment.
You can start learning the skills…
And check out all the amazing bonuses…
Nothing is held back!
But it gets better!
You LOVE the Program — or Pay NOTHING!
Take a full month to review the program and start writing your blog.
If you’re not 100% thrilled with the program — or you decide blogging just isn’t for you — simply let us know anytime over the next 30 days and we’ll refund every penny of your purchase price.
So, why are we bending over backward to get you access to How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients today?
For one reason and one reason only:
Remember what I said at the top of this report…
If you want to be a writer — you need to write every day.
And writing a blog is the BEST way to make sure that happens…
Because remember, blogging at its core is persuasive writing.
It’s about engaging your reader and writing about one idea CLEARLY.
But, unlike a lot of other persuasive-copywriting projects, blogging is easier and much faster to learn…
Especially when you’re learning from top experts who have spent years mastering it and whose proven methods are generating hundreds of thousands — and in some cases millions — of dollars.
So, whether you want to write your own blog and follow in the footsteps of folks like Sarah Titus, Carol Bryant, Sally O’Neil, Danny Iny, and Jon Morrow, and make a great living blogging about your passions…
Or you’d like to master blog writing as a great-paying writing service you can offer the literally hundreds of thousands of businesses who NEED blog writers…
How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients is a must-have.
And remember…
You get access to the full program and bonuses within minutes of placing your order…
You can be up and running writing your very first blog post — all thanks to the clear direction from Heather and her expert bloggers and the 347 “Ready to Steal” Blogging Topics report.
So, don’t let this chance slip by…
Click here and you’ll be taken to today’s exclusive order page.
Review everything you get, fill out the form, include your payment, click the order button… and you’ll get an email from us within minutes that will show you how to get immediate and full access to the program.
I can’t tell you how excited I am to offer you this amazing deal today.
This blogging program was a long time coming — and I couldn’t be more thrilled with the result.
But I’m even more excited for you…
I’m so confident that blogging is just the thing you need to kick-start your writing career — and let you live the writer’s life that so many AWAI members today enjoy…
That I’m happy to let you try it for a full 30 days… at ZERO risk.
So, grab How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients now.
Again, you can access the order page by clicking here.
To your success,
Rebecca Matter
President, AWAI