4 Reasons I Love My
Secret Writing Specialty
Hi! I'm Laura Gale.
I’ve been a writer and published author — I could say best-selling author! — for years, yet you may not be familiar with my name. There’s a very good reason for that.
Let me explain …
After studying writing and publishing, I got my start working at Little, Brown — a division of Hachette, one of the biggest publishers in the world — as a publicist.
I got to work on amazing projects like the Twilight series, JK Rowling’s adult fiction, Tina Fey’s memoir, and many more.
Eventually, though, I decided I wanted more control over my life. I wanted to write, not just to promote other people’s writing!
And so, I struck out on my own, writing blog posts, copy, and white papers for a few years before stumbling onto one of the best-kept secrets in the writing world …
Yep — I became a ghostwriter.
I’ve worked on over 20 client books — many of which have gone on to become bestsellers. And now, I’m so excited to be able to share what I’ve learned along the way with you in an exclusive new program for AWAI.
You see, if you had told me at the start of my career that I would be able to control my time, earn great money, and work from anywhere, I would have thought you were pulling my leg. But it’s true, and I believe there’s a demand in the market for more ghostwriters.
Books are still a powerful way to establish authority, build visibility, and create new opportunities. And particularly in the business space, where people are looking to take advantage of the power of books. They are a way to connect with people on a deep level, to democratize information and experience that have previously been available to only a select few, and for the “author” to leave their mark on the world.
So, now that you know why I think this skillset is so important, let’s dive into why ghostwriting is so much fun.
4 Reasons I Love Being a Ghostwriter
1. It’s Like “Take Your (Inner) Kid to Work Day” … Every Day!
Do you ever wonder what it’s like to live someone else’s life? I sure do — and one of my favorite parts of ghostwriting is that it gives me the chance to find out. I’ve worked with nutritionists, CEOs, artificial-intelligence experts, copywriters, manufacturers, insurance agents, investors …
For the duration of our project, I get to be immersed in their career. I get to try it out — risk-free! — what it would be like to have all these different careers and experiences … and that is so exciting to me.
2. Flexibility That Would Make a Gymnast Jealous
I really like working. It gives me a sense of purpose and confidence that I’m adding value to the world. But … I also really like not working. Time away from my computer and obligations helps me recharge and feel more creative and inspired.
Most days, I work for about five hours, usually split between writing, interviews, sales calls, and admin. That gives me plenty of time to work out, invest in my relationships, and explore other creative outlets. (Of course, sometimes there’s a deadline looming, and I need to hustle a bit more … but even “hustling” only looks like about eight hours a day.)
I don’t work weekends, and I also take regular vacations. I have a rescue dog, and I really value being able to spend some time each day training and playing with him. I love going on adventures with my husband, and it’s really important to me to have plenty of time with my friends and family. Ghostwriting fits perfectly around my other priorities.
3. Connections, Connections, Connections
You know that saying, “It’s not what you know, but who you know”? Well, for me, that’s been the key to so much of my success. Ghostwriting has allowed me to connect with so many fascinating people who want my services and also want to see me thrive.
It’s given me a way to meet people I would otherwise never be able to access. And, because ghostwriting is all about building trust, the relationships I’ve been able to develop will last for my whole career.
Every new introduction, every new project, feels like an exciting new branch in the time-space continuum — an opportunity to connect with someone on a deep level, and for new opportunities to arise, as a result.
4. You Can’t Beat the Creative Confidence!
Finally, one of the things I love most about ghostwriting is the confidence it has given me in my own creative abilities.
So much of this work is about finding the threads that will really pull a story together, and looking at someone’s experiences with fresh eyes — looking for the spark of magic that’s going to make their book a hit. There’s no better feeling than finding that thread, that spark.
The more often this happens, the more confident you become that your ideas are valuable and that you have the technical ability to make them a reality.
People sometimes ask if ghostwriting makes me feel diminished, because my name isn’t on the cover, and someone else gets the credit. But actually, it’s the opposite. Since becoming a ghostwriter, I’ve done far more writing of my own than I ever did before. Practicing on someone else’s ideas has made me much more willing to take risks on ideas of my own.
I could go on and on about everything I love about ghostwriting. But we’ve gotta keep some secrets for the program, so I’ll wrap up here and hope these insights speak for themselves. This career has given me so much freedom and so much satisfaction. I hope you’ll invest in a copy of my self-paced program, How to Become a Sought-After, High-Income Ghostwriter, so you can get on the road to experiencing it for yourself. Check out the details here.

How to Become a Sought-After, High-Income Ghostwriter
Ghostwriting for executives, thought leaders, and innovators is a HUGE opportunity for writers, because although business leaders can benefit enormously from writing a book — most don’t have the time or expertise to write it themselves. So they turn to writers to help them — and gladly pay big money for it! Learn More »
Interesting but how can one qualify to get clients.
Guest (Julia) –