3 High-Value AI Services You Can Offer Your Clients Now

Writer working on an email for a client

It’s about two years since OpenAI launched the first version of ChatGPT.

That was a mind-blowing moment!

These AI models are great for research and brainstorming. It’s like having a private research assistant and a high-level brainstorming buddy rolled into one.

AI is great for ideation, as well … helping us come up with big ideas for our next sales campaigns or social-media promotions.

But, here’s the thing … while everyday uses for AI are super-helpful, they just scratch the surface of what these tools can do for you as a freelancer.

Do it right, and you can futureproof your business and massively increase your income.

Let’s look at just three of these high-value AI use cases.

Use Case #1: Add Avatar Creation to your list of freelance services

Companies pay agencies and consultants huge fees to create an avatar of their Ideal Customer Profile.

Why? Because, whatever your marketing plan, it won’t work very well unless you’re targeting the exact right group of people. You need to create a profile of who that ideal customer is. Only then can you customize your marketing messages to the exact right audience. Know your customer!

This kind of work typically costs companies many thousands of dollars. Consultants have to collect huge amounts of customer data, from many different sources, and then compile and analyze it.

This kind of work has always been way beyond the scope of what freelance writers can do. But not anymore. With AI, anyone can deliver this high-value service.

Here’s how you do it …

If it’s a product you’re working on … let’s say an Air Fryer … go to a website like Amazon or Best Buy and copy and paste at least 100 customer reviews from the Air Fryer product page. Also, ask your client if they have transcripts of customer service conversations about this product.

Basically, you want any data that includes the voice of existing customers.

Now paste those reviews and transcripts into GPT-4o and give it this prompt:

“Working with the following, please create an Avatar of the Ideal Customer Profile for this Air Fryer: [paste the reviews + transcripts].”

Click for the AI to start work and count to 10. Voila … an Avatar of the Ideal Customer Profile, which you can now format and sell to your client.

The easiest way to sell this is as an upsell. If a client asks you to write a sales page or email campaign, for example, ask them, “Excellent … and do you have an Avatar of your Ideal Customer Profile? That will help me nail the copy.”

If they say they don’t, describe the benefits and then offer to create one for them, and submit an estimate.

Congratulations! You just doubled the fee you can charge for that job.

Use Case #2: Use the same approach to create and sell Sentiment Analysis Reports

Another very valuable service is to create a Sentiment Analysis Report for a client.

These reports reveal the emotional triggers that are most likely to engage your prospects and convert them into buyers.

If you’ve been a copywriter for any length of time, you already know that it’s emotion that drives the sales.

While AI models are not particularly good with emotion … because they have no emotions of their own … they can definitely help us create these reports.

As with the Avatar creation process, if a company wants a Sentiment Analysis Report, in the past they would have to go to an agency or consultant and spend tens of thousands of dollars.

But not anymore. Now you can do it for them.

The process is very similar to what we went through with the Avatar creation model. But in this case, let’s take a B2B example, where we are working with a client that sells office cleaning services.

Again, we’re going to work with the client to compile a ton of data. This will likely include customer reviews, social-media mentions and comments, support-ticket transcripts, feedback forms, Google Reviews, and any other data the client has collected.

Again, paste it all into GPT-4o and ask it to create a Sentiment Analysis Report for you.

And, hey, presto … you have a high value report you can now submit, along with a four-figure invoice.

Use Case #3: Position yourself as an AI Copy Chief

There are companies and agencies now producing AI-generated copy and content at an industrial scale.

But, who takes care of monitoring the quality of all that automated writing?

In a real-world, physical factory, a quality-assurance process is applied at multiple points in the manufacturing process, sometimes implementing ISO 9000, or some other relevant standard.

But, when companies and agencies use AI to mass-produce copy and content, it often just flies off the end of the digital conveyor belt, without anyone checking for quality.

This gives you an opportunity, when prospective clients say, “Sorry, we use AI for copy and content creation.”

You can reply, “Sounds good, but do you have a quality-assurance process in place? Who is the AI Copy Chief? Who checks for quality? Is the messaging on-brief and on-brand? Who checks for errors and hallucinations? Who makes sure the copy and content are of a quality that will help you achieve your goals?”

This is a high-value opportunity, just waiting for you to pounce. Present yourself as an AI-focused Copy Chief or Creative Director.

And this is just the beginning …

Step one is to leverage AI for everyday uses like research, brainstorming and draft outlines. Every writer and copywriter should be using AI in these ways.

But, if you want to dramatically increase your income as a writer, you need to move up to step two, and pitch new AI-related services, like the three we have just explored.

Each of these services could add many thousands of dollars to your bottom line, and futureproof your business for the foreseeable future.

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The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter

The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »

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Published: December 5, 2024

1 Response to “3 High-Value AI Services You Can Offer Your Clients Now”

  1. Great set of articles. I must read.

    Guest (James Rehg )

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