Exciting News for Digital Copywriter Members!
Digital Copywriter just opened the doors to the 2025 Reality Blog Challenge.
Why It Matters: Members have the chance to become a regularly featured writer on the site, getting paid, receiving professional feedback on their work, inspiring their fellow writers, and building their business. Not to mention all the polished writing samples they’ll end up with.
This is a huge opportunity!
If you become the Reality Blogger …
You’ll be challenged to plan your year carefully … both your goals and how you’ll reach them.
You’ll be accountable to an audience, which can keep you focused on reaching your goals.
You’ll have a regular writing gig, which will give you practice at hitting your deadlines and receiving and applying feedback. That’s a recipe for becoming a better writer and businessperson.
And, you’ll have a steady, paid gig for a full year.
When asked about the Reality Blog and what it means to the Digital Copywriter community, the site’s managing editor, Heather Robson, had this to say: “It’s so helpful for writers to see the journey of a fellow writer who is at a similar stage to them. And it’s amazing to watch the individual writer’s growth. Many of our Reality Bloggers have transformed their business in the course of a year, going on to enjoy big success. It’s an exciting ride, and I can’t wait to see who our next Reality Blogger will be.”
This challenge is open to Digital Copywriter members.
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