Building a “Better Home” for Your Words … (and Why It Could Catapult Your Writing Career)

Writer siting on couch with laptop and dog

As a copywriter, you’ve spent countless hours learning how to write copy and content.

And thanks to that time you’ve invested in honing your craft, chances are you’ve landed a few clients and are living some version of your writer’s life.

But how do you get to the next level?

Where you can command higher rates (without any pushback) and regularly have clients approach YOU?

The answer is simple, though you may not like it.

You’ve got to build a well-crafted website.

Now, before you roll your eyes, please hear me out!

Your words have the power to change minds, touch hearts, and move markets.

Don’t you think they should have a worthy home of their own?

The answer should be a resounding YES!

But I know firsthand after working with hundreds of writers, building a website is No. 1 on the “tasks that never get done” list.

It gets pushed out to “someday.”

Of course, “someday” never comes.

There are lots of reasons for this, including thinking that building a site is too technical. Or feeling uncomfortable “selling yourself” on your own site.

Or, you might not think it’s that big of a deal to NOT have one.

After all … if you’re just getting started as a writer, all you really need is a LinkedIn page, a dash of resourcefulness, and a pinch of courage.

With that alone, you can land your first few clients. No website necessary.

But as you grow as a writer and gain more experience …

 … having a website is absolutely CRITICAL to catapulting your career forward!

Because a website is FAR more than just a digital brochure for your services.

It’s an ASSET that benefits you in many ways and can literally catapult your career forward, enabling you to live your BEST version of your writer’s life.

Benefit 1: Authority Booster

Having a website is an INSTANT “authority” boost. This is important, because people do business with those they know, like, and trust.

Your website helps boost all three!

I mean, think about it:

Let’s say you were looking for a special kind of dental surgeon for a delicate procedure.

You have two options:

  • One with a website explaining their process, how they work, and how you can get in touch, with stories of happy patients and more …

OR …

  • A simple name and number listing on Google for “JP Dental Surgery and More, LLC.”

Which would you choose?

It’s no different for your prospective client when they’re looking for a good copywriter to help them out!

Your website shows them you’re serious about your craft and invested in your business.

You’re not someone who’s just “trying this freelancing thing out” until something better comes along. Instead, your website transforms you into an expert with a digital home base.

This in turn can lead to MANY good things:

  • Clients finding you (instead of you hunting for them)
  • Increased trust (since your site can showcase testimonials, case studies, and so on)
  • Getting speaking, consulting, or even guest blogging opportunities: An online presence can lead others to find you and ask you to share your knowledge on other platforms or even get you hired for MORE than just writing!

Next …

Benefit 2: Higher Rates Become EXPECTED

One of the things you learn quickly as a working copywriter is how important positioning is.

Basically, this is the context you create to “frame” things.

When you frame something as exclusive, nice, and upscale, people will naturally value it more and assume it will cost more.

And vice versa.

For example …

Let’s say you go to a Michelin-star restaurant. They have a burger on the menu.

You’re going to expect to pay a LOT more for that burger than if you were buying it from a food truck.


Because of the presentation … the atmosphere … i.e., the “context” that surrounds that burger.

I’m not making this up.

Here is a restaurant in the Netherlands that charges $6,000 for their burger:

Again — do you think someone would pay that much for that same burger if they were buying it at a food truck?


So please, don’t be the food truck.

Your website is what will create that context and atmosphere (i.e., positioning) …

 … so that immediately, a prospective client will EXPECT to pay you higher rates than they would pay someone similar on a “job site” like Fiverr or Upwork.

Benefit 3: Diversified Income Streams

Aside from helping you land bigger and better-paying clients, your website can help you bring in multiple streams of income.

Like we’ve just established, it can help you LAND CLIENTS.

That’s income source No. 1.

But from there, you could also sell consulting … coaching … or anything else related to your “niche” or specific area of expertise.

For example, for clients who don’t want to pay you to have you “do it for them,” you could offer templates, a course, an e-book, and so on.

These are all ways to generate even more income for yourself.

Or you could start a paid e-newsletter that your clients sign up for from your site.

Or you could create a membership community.

Or you could do affiliate marketing or offer sponsored ads on your site.

The possibilities are endless.

But it all starts with that “home for your words” … your website.

So if you haven’t started building one, what are you waiting for?

Don’t put it off a moment longer.

Build it!

The AWAI Method™

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter

The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »

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Published: September 25, 2024

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