New, More Flexible Circle Terms Expiring Tonight

Writer sitting with laptop at kitchen table

Today is the very last day to join Circle of Success under our newest, most affordable, and most flexible terms.

We hope you’ve had a chance to see all the amazing benefits of Circle of Success and how it has transformed the lives of so many people.

If you haven’t — here’s your full invitation.

If you already know what Circle membership can do for you — allow us to clarify the amazing deal we’re offering you right now, given it is very different from offers you might have seen in the past.

It used to cost $17,500 for AWAI members to get lifetime access to Circle of Success, less any credits for what you might have spent on training that year, and a down payment of $995 to get started.

But now we’ve made the deal much simpler and even more affordable.

We’ve slashed the price almost in half …

Set up zero-fee payment plans as low as $372 per month … as well as generous savings to anyone who wants to pay for their membership in full.

That guarantees you at least two full years of the amazing Circle of Success benefits I’ve been telling you about …

  • Full access to our entire library of skill- and business-building resources, worth over $62,000 — plus everything we add in the future …
  • A “sit down” Career Action Plan meeting where we’ll help you choose and map out your success path …
  • A personalized plan, prepared just for you …
  • Your own mentor — a pro copywriter connected to your niche who’ll work with you and keep you accountable …
  • Invitations to private executive meetings, exclusive training, workshops, and masterminds …
  • Invitations to be our VIP guest at AWAI’s industry-famous Bootcamp (at no charge!) …
  • Unlimited copy reviews …
  • Client project collaboration opportunities …
  • On-demand coaching …
  • And much, much more.

Now, two years is PLENTY of time to get your career up and running — especially under the guiding hand of the professional mentors, coaching, and higher-level live training Circle of Success gives you.

In fact, many Circle of Success members report getting clients and being PAID for their writing within a few months or even weeks!

If you want to keep the “one-on-one” benefits of Circle of Success — mentoring, coaching, live training, VIP Bootcamps, and more — after those two years … you simply pay the very reasonable $495 ANNUAL fee (starting in 2026) …

If you don’t want or need those benefits … no problem! You can choose NOT to pay that completely optional annual fee …

And STILL get LIFETIME access to our entire library of self-paced training programs … and remain a part of the Circle of Success community — no matter what!

In short, we’re giving you what AWAI members have been asking for …

A more flexible and affordable membership that makes certain you have access to the biggest and most life-altering benefits (coaching and mentoring) EARLY … when you need them most …

At a far lower cost …

Without ever taking away any of the powerful training resources that will help you throughout your career!

But here’s the rub:

Today is the LAST DAY to grab this new Circle of Success deal.

We need all new members on board and accounted for so we can start scheduling next week’s all-important Career Action Plan meetings … get working on personalized roadmaps … and introduce you to your mentors.

So you have two options right now.

You can lock in your spot with a $372 no-obligation initial payment by going to the registration page here …

In which case we’ll be in touch with you with all the “next steps” either later today or first thing tomorrow …

Or, you can call one of our Senior Guidance Team members, Eric Schlosser or Barb Hume, before 5 p.m. ET today at

561-404-7735 …

They can go over benefits, answer any questions, and, if you choose to move forward, get you set up with access to everything right on the spot.

Either way …

We’re down to the wire!

Call or go to the registration page so we can get you access … set up your CAP call … and get your writing career moving at lightning speed!

See you in the Circle soon!

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Published: July 18, 2024

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