The 3 Advantages of Sales Enablement — The Easiest Client Pitch You’ll Ever Make

Writer talking to client

In any job, there’ll be tasks you’re good at and tasks you may not excel at.

Salespeople, generally, like to sell. (It’s in the name!) Good salespeople are good because they enjoy connecting with people, talking to them, making eye contact, building relationships, and solving their prospects’ problems.

What they’re often less proficient at is writing … creating PowerPoint presentations … crafting trade show materials … drafting informative one-sheets … writing emails that move the sale forward … and more.

Typically, it’s just not in their wheelhouse. Yet now more than ever — in a world changed by the pandemic — sales teams need a lot of written content to support each sale.

And even if the company has a marketing department, marketing materials are written differently, and aimed at a global audience. Those wouldn’t work for members of the sales team, who are communicating with prospective clients at the one-to-one level.

It’s different messaging, and the sales team messaging has to personally resonate with the reader to keep that sale alive and moving forward to the next step.

Sales directors want their staff fully engaged in talking to prospects — and they don’t want them writing emails, drafting copy, or putting together sales presentations … It’s just not the best use of their time.

So, what’s a sales director to do? Hire a sales enablement copywriter.

When you’re a sales enablement writer, you sell your services to a sales director, letting them know you can fill that gap for their sales team, allowing them to spend more time selling and giving them copy that increases their success rate.

It’s an easy sell to convince a sales director you can do this. Which gives you an advantage when you’re trained in this specialty and marketing your services.

In fact, having sales enablement skills gives you a triple advantage.

Advantage #1 — Less Competition

Yes, you may sell your sales enablement services to a marketing manager, but more often, you’re working with the sales manager, sales director, or VP of sales.

And most other copywriters are not pitching to sales management. Why would they? Sales management doesn’t hire marketing copywriters, which is what the vast majority of copywriters are.

So, fewer writers are pitching to them on the sales side … and …

Advantage #2 — Direct Proof of Effectiveness

Because sales teams are generally measured on just one thing, their ability to close deals and generate company revenue, anyone or anything that can get them into more sales discussions will get their attention.

And sales enablement copy has been proven to do that.

A recent survey shows 76% of organizations see an increase in sales of 6% to 20%.

Sales enablement as a category, which includes software, training, and other supports in addition to copy, has grown 343% for a reason. It’s solving problems sales teams struggle with.

Advantage #3 — Less Price Sensitivity

B2B products are generally not cheap — and the sales cycle is long. Most B2B products and services take four months or more for a complete sales cycle.

So, salespeople are working on many leads at one time and trying to keep their pipeline full of new prospects. Any single prospect could result in four-, five-, or six-figure sales, depending on the type of product sold.

Your quote to them of $7,000 for a package of 10 cold emails, 10 follow-up emails, a one-sheet, and a battlecard … well, that’s not going to cause even a slight eyebrow raise. If that pulls in even one more sale (and remember, most companies see between 6% and 20% increases in sales), it’s worth it to the company.

You’re giving the sales team more time to reach out to prospects and to nurture leads. You’re also giving them more effective messaging to use with those leads.

Bonus Advantage

B2B companies have sales teams for so many different products, you’re sure to find something that interests you.

If you don’t like technical products, you don’t have to market your sales enablement services to technical companies. Though there are lots of opportunities in technical companies, there are also plenty of opportunities in many other industries and areas.

For instance, all these kinds of nontechnical companies have sales teams and could use the help of a sales enablement copywriter: packaging, training, event space, real estate, construction, manufacturing components, office equipment, furniture, industrial equipment, grocery and restaurant suppliers, and so many more … If a product or service is sold by a sales team, sales enablement copy can help them be more effective at their jobs.

With less competition and proven effectiveness, I can’t think of an easier way to build your writing business around copy that will pay you well and get easier “yeses” from prospects than sales enablement copywriting.

To help you get started, I’m going to be mentoring a small group of writers in sales enablement copywriting. In just four short weeks, you’ll get the skills, take a deep dive into why it’s so in demand, gain a complete understanding of who the players are, and get a step-by-step roadmap for setting yourself up to profit from this new “genre” of writing FAST!

B2B expert Steve Slaunwhite is going to be joining me to help you learn all you need to know about this exciting new specialty.

Find out how you can get up to speed fast to fill the demand.

The AWAI Method™

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter

The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »

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Published: June 27, 2024

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