Your Playback Is Here!
How You Can Make $100K/Year Writing Sales Enablement Materials

Webinar Playback

Ever since legendary B2B copywriter Steve Slaunwhite announced he was on the lookout for writers he can send his “overflow” clients to for sales enablement projects …

We’ve gotten a TON of questions … and LOADS of enthusiasm about this high-paying and fun opportunity for writers.

So Rebecca jumped on with Steve to help you determine whether it’s the right fit for you.

They covered …

  • the types of projects you’ll be working on …
  • who your clients are and what they’re looking for …
  • how to deliver outstanding results that keep clients coming back …
  • what you can expect in terms of fees and earning potential …
  • why AI is a big plus here …
  • and much more!

Right now, Steve is getting ready to take a group of apprentices “by the hand” and walk them through his exact process for writing sales enablement copy …

You’ll get all his formulas and templates — including his process for using AI to complete projects quickly.

He’ll also teach you his personal client-getting strategies that have worked for him when it comes to looking for sales enablement clients …

And consider you for his pool of “go-to” writers he can refer his overflow clients to!

Get all the details on how to join Steve’s apprenticeship here.

(Are you a Circle of Success member? Good news!
You get an exclusive discount on this training. Click here to access your special rate.)


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Published: June 26, 2024

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