Here Are 140 BILLION Reasons to Build Your Skills as a Freelance Online Copywriter … Right Now
According to research company eMarketer, digital ad spend worldwide will hit an astounding $695 BILLION this year.
And that number is projected to grow to over $835 BILLION by 2026.
That's an EXTRA $140 BILLION over the next two years.
It's within those extra billions that YOUR opportunity lies!
If you want to build a future as a copywriter, you should always go where the growth is.
And right now, that growth is definitely online.
Less than two years ago, digital marketing spending officially surpassed traditional, offline spending for the very first time. And the historic amount being spent on digital marketing continues to escalate over every part of the Web, including email, websites, social media, mobile marketing, and chatbots.
This is a dynamic space, with new opportunities evolving all the time.
When I first started out as a copywriter — more than 40 years ago now — everything was a lot simpler and quieter.
There was no internet. No Web. Just traditional media like print, radio, and TV.
And nothing really changed.
Honestly, as a copywriter, I could have disappeared for 10 years without missing a beat.
I could have sat on a desert island, totally disconnected from the world.
Then, when I got back to my desk, I could have "caught up" over a coffee and donut. Maybe two donuts.
Seriously. Everything was static.
The process of writing a print ad hadn't really changed in 100 years. Same with direct mail.
And a 10-year absence wouldn't have stopped me from sitting down to write a TV commercial. As a medium for advertising, TV hasn't changed in decades.
Try doing that with the Web … with digital media … with digital marketing.
Ha! If you disappeared for even SIX MONTHS, you'd have a huge amount of catching up to do when you got back!
First, we had the Web.
Then the first blogging platform. A huge innovation.
Then, with increasing bandwidth, video hit the Web. Massive!
Then along came social media. A whole new definition of what it meant to communicate online.
Then the arrival of smartphones. They changed everything!
Then along came AI. It opened up a new world of possibilities when it comes to writing.
The history of the Web, and digital marketing, is defined by rapid-fire change.
And what does this have to do with you?
Massive growth and a fast rate of change bring opportunity!
Every big change online creates a new demand for marketing materials and content.
And that demand translates into a need for new online copywriters and web content writers.
Writers like you!
The digital space is at the center of every company's marketing plan.
Marketers today know the future of their marketing efforts is going online.
That's the new battleground. That's where they have to win, and they know it.
Sure, they might still spend on some traditional media, like TV, print, and radio. But they know their future will be defined by how well they do online.
Online marketing is now the hub, or center around which everything revolves.
The trouble is, many companies just don't have the resources to feed that hub with the level of expertise it demands.
And that's why this is a golden opportunity for freelance online copywriters.
For as long as the Web remains a platform defined by growth and change, the need for freelance copywriters will continue to grow.
In addition to being a medium of growth and change — the Web also has a relentless, voracious appetite for new copy and content.
Back when I did copywriting work for Chrysler, I wrote a few of their brochures.
You know the kind of thing … beautifully produced brochures that sit on tables in car dealerships.
The thing is, once I had written a brochure for a particular model of car, I was done for the year. They wouldn't produce another brochure until the next year's model was announced.
It was a one-year cycle.
How things have changed!
Today's cycle, online, is now measured in days, if not hours.
Companies need to feed their online marketing machine with new copy and content every day.
If they're active on social media, they need to stay fresh and updated on an hourly basis.
Now, just pause for a moment … and do some imaginary math on this.
First, consider the demand for copywriters back when the production cycle was once a year … like those brochures I wrote.
Second, consider the demand for copywriters now that the production cycle is measured in days and hours.
HUGE difference, right?
And that's not even accounting for the growth in the NUMBER of companies doing business online today.
There are not only millions of established companies that have migrated to the Web. There are also millions of NEW companies that are Web-only. They are native to the Web.
ALL of these companies need to feed their digital marketing machine with a nonstop flow of copy and content.
This is a golden age for freelance copywriters.
When I started out, way back in 1979, I was stepping into a static market. It was flat. No big changes. No big growth. No fresh opportunities.
And yet, I still managed to build a freelance business for myself.
Today … utterly different.
So much growth. So much change. So much demand.
It truly is a golden age for copywriters.
If you like to write … and want to step into a place of historic opportunity … now is the time to stand up and step forward.
Go for it!
Do you have any questions about the opportunity for web writers? Share with us in the comments.

The Digital Copywriter's Handbook
Learn how to become an in-demand online copywriter for companies big and small. Online copywriting expert Nick Usborne shows you how to write web copy that converts. Learn More »
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