How to Use AI Writing Tools and Become a Better, Faster, Higher-Earning Writer — Part 1

pensive male writer working on laptop at table

If you’re an aspiring or established writer who wants to level up your skills …

If the idea of working faster and earning more appeals to you …

Then you’re in luck — AI has opened a world of possibilities when it comes to writing.

Thanks to innovative new tools like natural language processing, natural language generation, and machine learning algorithms, writers have access to vastly expanded opportunities for improving their writing speed as well as drastically enhancing their expertise.

That’s why in this article, I’ll give you an overview of how you can leverage AI in your writing career.

But first, a confession:

AI generated about 75% of the copy you see above.

It took about four seconds.

All I had to do was go in, and “tweak” what it wrote for me.

I bring this up, not to scare you, but to show you the possibilities.

Once you know how to “coax” AI tools like ChatGPT into giving you what you’re looking for, a whole new world opens up for you.

Think of AI as your well-paid writing assistant.

One that can make your life as a writer far easier …

It can help you with a wide variety of everyday tasks you do as a copywriter when working on client assignments.

And as a result, it’ll make you a better, more productive, higher-earning writer.

Below is an overview of the specific ways you can leverage AI tools (and then, in Part 2 we’ll take a deep dive on some of these and show you examples of AI in action):

1. Market Research. Normally, researching a market you’re not familiar with can take hours or even days. You’d have to scour the Web for forums where prospects hang out in order to figure out what their fears, frustrations, wants, and desires are. With AI, you can get a pretty good idea within just a few minutes. Of course, you’d still do your research using Google or talking with real-life customers. But with AI, you can significantly cut down on the time it takes.

2. Product Research. This is another time-consuming task for most writers. You can do a good portion of your product research using AI software like ChatGPT. While it can’t give you intimate details of say, what’s in a course or training you’re selling, it can help you identify the benefits of going through the course or training. AI is especially helpful when it comes to doing research on physical products, like shoes, golf clubs, and more. It will give you a good sense of what makes the product unique, the benefits, and more.

3. Brainstorming Ideas. For writers, ideas are currency. Without good ideas, a writer is toast! That’s where AI is a huge help. It can instantly give you a limitless number of ideas — for content, for headlines, and more. Best of all, it can do it in seconds. In many ways, it’s like having a sounding board, where you can “converse” with it, and get “feedback,” new ideas you hadn’t thought of, and more.

4. Creating an Outline. Even though AI tools aren’t very good at generating super-long copy (like sales letters or white papers, for example) … they ARE good at helping you craft an outline, and then helping you “fill in” each section of the outline. This is great to have for bigger projects that are a few thousand words. This way, you know where you’re headed and what you need to write about. AI can save you time here, by giving you an instant outline you can follow.

5. Editing your copy. Yes, AI can help edit your copy, trim it down, make it more readable, and even translate it into a different language if needed! Now, there are limitations here, but overall it can act as a good “first pass” of your copy … and then a human editor can give it the final polish.

6. Eliminating writer’s block. Another great thing about AI is it can give you an instant “draft” of copy to work with. This is useful if you’re a content writer, who has to write blog posts, social media posts, ads, and more. There’s nothing worse than staring at a blank page, but when you use AI as your assistant (or junior writer), you’ve got something you can work with right from the get-go, saving you a lot of time.

There’s more AI can do for you as a writer, but this gives you a good idea.

It’s a massive time saver.

AI lets you finish projects faster, which means you can invoice sooner and move on to another project you can get paid for.

It’s the ultimate “productivity” hack for writers!

In Part 2 of this series, I’ll give you examples of how I’d use AI for some of these everyday tasks.

Plus, here are five steps you can take right now if you’re worried about AI copywriting.

How to Use the Power of AI

How to Use the Power of AI to Become a Better, Faster, and Higher-Paid Writer

Step into the future of writing and discover how to revolutionize your entire writing process. From doubling your productivity to editing your copy, AI can help you to outshine and outperform your competition. Learn More »

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Published: February 16, 2023

3 Responses to “How to Use AI Writing Tools and Become a Better, Faster, Higher-Earning Writer — Part 1”

  1. Thank you for such an informative and reassuring post! I often get worried that if I start off in copywriting that we will be considered "obsolete" - you helped put that hype to bed!


  2. Using AI to complete projects is efficient and produces great results. However, I prefer using Hemingway for editing. Can AI surpass Hemingway's editing abilities?


  3. Couple of questions:
    1. If 75% of your copy is AI's, can you claim ownership of that copy for copyright purposes? Say, I'm writing a novel for instance.

    2. If business owners can also use AI, why would they pay a copywriter when they can now do it themselves, with 75 % already written?

    Urell O

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