Monday Morning Jumpstart:
Starting Small
Consistent sustainable action — each and every day — is the key to success. Specifically, actions that set you up to achieve “wins” faster, and more often.
In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, and Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, show you the power of small actions … as well as the emotional impact quick wins can have on you. By starting small, you can experience success faster and create a sustainable life that you enjoy.
Join us every Monday Morning for a boost of writing motivation, plus tips and strategies to make sure you're staying on track and moving towards your goals all year.

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter
The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »
Best take away for me is the successs of the small things completed, and to beware of the shiny objects of distraction.
Wes Andersen –
Thank you, AWAI, for these Monday Morning Jumpstart messages! They are always very motivating and so practical and 'useable'!
All of you are such great leaders and provide such top-notch service!
Hats off to all of you!
Aneta ThinkOfAll –
"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education alone will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."
Found at the bottom of a to-do list.
Author unknown...
Ralph Waldo Emerson?
Burke –