Big Congrats to the 3 Winners of Our December Writing Contest …
Each Will Receive a $200 Payout for
Writing an ‘About Us’ Page
Every month in The Writer’s Life, we hold a writing contest where you get a chance to show off your writing skills and talents.
The contests are based on a certain type of writing project … one that you might wind up doing for a client. So entering the contest is an ideal way to test yourself, especially if it’s a project you’ve never done before.
It also gives you a sample to include in your portfolio. But these contests are always fun, and who knows — you might be selected as one of three lucky winners.
Today I’m announcing the three winners of our December writing contest, which was all about writing About Us copy. No matter what the subject is, every Money-Making Website has an About Us page.
And that copy gives visitors a chance to get to know the company and people involved a little better. It actually makes the company feel more real, and when that happens, visitors are likely to view the rest of the website and in some cases make a purchase.
Even if you don’t own your own Money-Making Website, writing About Us copy is worth learning, because at some point in your career, you’ll be asked to write a short bio on a person. You want to make that copy credible but at the same time compelling to read.
So learning how to write About Us copy is a great writing skill to master.
When we asked members to participate in this contest, we had a few rules to follow: (1) Write on a topic you know well. (2) Make the topic the centerpiece of your About Us copy. (3) Do it in 400 words.
The rules were easy, which is why we had so many great submissions from members.
In fact every member who entered the contest deserves a shout-out for taking the time to write About Us copy.
Now it’s time to announce the winners. By the way, it wasn’t an easy task to narrow down the entries to three.
But we’re very happy to say the efforts of three writers stood out and earned them each a $200 prize, because they not only met the basic criteria but also created original and enthusiastic content that made their About Us copy stand out.
Here are the winners of December’s writing challenge:
Shelby Dennis
Shelby wrote About Us copy for the Hair Helper. Here’s the copy she wrote:
The Hair Helper
Welcome to the World of Toddler Hair Tips, Tricks, and How-To Guides!
Here at the Hair Helper, you’ll find everything you need to style your toddler’s hair for any occasion … and that’s not all. Following our guides will teach you the creativity and skills to create any style you or your child can imagine.
Helping grown-ups develop the skills to do their children’s hair is our ultimate mission. And since 2020, we’ve helped hundreds of people put an end to toddler hair tantrums.
Even if you struggle to brush your child’s hair — let alone style it — the Hair Helper is here for you. Our how-to guides, group sessions, and online community will help you conquer every kiddo hair conundrum.
- Hair How-To Guides: From French braids to mohawks, step-by-step guides to master any hairstyle
- Hair Helper Group Sessions: Live coaching sessions via Zoom so you can learn from licensed hairdressers
- Hair Helper On Demand: Hair emergency before school? Crazy request from your toddler? Get advice straight from Hair Helper experts
- Hair Hacks Newsletter: Weekly tips and tricks so you can style smarter, not harder
- Healthy Hair is Happy Hair: Our eBook with absolutely everything you need to know about your child’s hair, like how to make hair washes easier and when to get their very first haircut
A Message from Our Founder, Shelby Dennis: Chief Hair Helper and Children’s Hairdresser for 10+ Years
Hello Reader!
I’m thrilled to welcome you to the Hair Helper, where you’ll learn to overcome any toddler hair challenge. Since 2011, it’s been my joy to help people like you say goodbye to daily hair drama. That’s when I started working exclusively with children and families at my hair salon.
You deserve to enjoy these years with your little ones. There’s nothing better than being present for precious moments as they learn and grow.
And that’s exactly what you’ll do by utilizing the Hair Helper resources. I’m 100% certain your life and your relationship with your children will improve once you start learning.
In fact, you can read all about Hair Helper success stories from parents and guardians just like you.
Congratulations on taking the first step towards changing yours and your family’s life.
Rooting For You,
Shelby Dennis
Founder and Director, The Hair Helper
Need to Contact Us?
Email our team of helpers anytime at We’ll get back to you within 24–48 hours.
Mark Walker
Winner No. 2 is Mark Walker, who wrote his copy on Fedoras. Here’s his submission:
Fedoras With Love (.com)
All about fedoras and hats for men and women
First, thanks for stopping by!
For me, it all started back as a kid during the summer when it was too hot to play outside, and I’d plop down on the sofa with a Dr. Pepper, watching old movies on a small black and white TV.
All these guys in their snappy hats and sharp suits, the ladies in floppy hats … and then there was Humphrey Bogart. He was the one who impressed me the most.
My dad wore a Fedora to work every day. So, in 7th grade, I decided to wear one of his hats to school. It gave me this sense of being my true self, not to mention getting some extra attention.
I wore hats a lot until college, and then styles changed, I changed, but after turning 50, I frankly didn’t care because Fedoras are Classic, Timeless — they always look great — and keep my head warm and dry.
Here, it’s about everything Fedora and Fedora-related for men and women. Did you know the Fedora Hat originated primarily as a women’s hat?
We cover Trilbies, Homburgs, Toppers, Bowlers, Skimmers, Panama’s, caps, and more.
Since you’re here, you’re probably already an enthusiast, or maybe you’re just getting started, looking for information and inspiration.
It also says something about you … you care about your appearance … discerning with a sense of style … you want a bit of an edge, separating you a tad from the rest of the pack.
In an age when dressing “down” has sadly become almost slovenly, you want to elevate everyone’s game. You’re practical, too, because Fedoras offer more protection from the elements.
Something compelled you to check out Fedoras … someone you saw on the street looking cool … maybe an old movie, a star who tilted their hat a certain way.
Or you want to discover everything you can about Fedoras — their history, how they’re made, how they’re fitted, the hatmakers around the world … or maybe you just love Fedoras!
I wear Fedoras every day. They’re part of my daily routine, my style, and I change them out seasonally. As Frank, Bing, and Deano sing, “You’ve either got, or you haven’t got — style.”
A Tip o’ the Hat from your Host, Mark — writer, author, artist, entertainer, raconteur, rogue, lover of life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and Fedoras.
Amy McCune
And winner No. 3 is Amy McCune. Amy wrote about the Pet Sitters Global Network.
The Pet Sitters Global Network
Your premier resource for success as a pet sitter
Are you an animal lover like me? Does taking a dog for a walk or spending some snuggle time with a cat sound like your kind of job? Maybe you’d like to feed some chickens or other types of animals. If so, then pet sitting is the perfect way to spend time with furry friends.
Pets are living creatures. They need daily feeding, cleaning, exercise, and most importantly, love. Owners need responsible, trustworthy people to shower their pets with the love and attention they need and deserve when they are away.
That is where you and I come in
Together we can make a difference in pets’ lives. We can fill this need. Are you ready to share your love of pets while making the owner’s life easier? Is being a babysitter for pets in your future?
Let’s make sure you have all the resources you need to enjoy your pet sitting opportunities to their fullest. I created this site to help all of us do just that. That is the purpose of this success support Network.
With decades of experience and five-star reviews from 5 continents, I’ve learned a few things along the way. And I’ve met others who also want to share … learn … and succeed. Together we are a powerful team.
A growing library of resources at your fingertips
Whether you are looking to create your own pet sitting business in your local area, or you are looking for some animal love as you travel the world, this is your one stop for all the how-to, tips, and expert guidance you need to succeed.
You can browse through our guides, trainings, and other resources on topics including:
- Pet care and training
- Pet first aid
- Finding sits
- Building relationships with pet owners
- Creating a business
- Safety strategies
- Travel considerations
- And more!
Whatever your pet sitting needs are, this animal loving community is here to support you. It doesn’t matter if you are new to pet sitting or have been doing it for years, this is your home base for everything pet sitting.
PSGN is not my network, it’s our network
The Pet Sitters Global Network brings together everyone who loves pet sitting. We all share ideas, resources, and tips for having great pet sitting experiences. If you are a pet sitter, your tribe is here.
Let’s Chat
Congratulations to our winners and to everyone who took the time to participate in the challenge.
See you in January for the next challenge.

How to Build, Write, and Grow Your Own Money-Making Websites
Learn how to write an information website in your spare time and earn $1000, $3000, even $5000 a month in passive income. Learn More »
Congratulations to the winners!
All three of you did an excellent job !!
I enjoyed reading all three of them. Wow!
Guest (Teresa Valdez) –
AWAI, you stopped me in my tracks! After your tasty tidbit, I sat down for the full Copy Ninja feast.
Because I'll be creating an About Us page for my client.
Amy, Shelby, and Mark, you blew me away!
This was more than a copywriter's test drive.
Shelby, you are natural, empathetic, and authentic writer.
Mark, I love your passion for Fedora headwear. You've taken me back to a simpler time and captured my heart. Such STYLE!
Amy, you tickled my Dog Grandparent’s heart!
I need to ask:
What’s the biggest contributor to your success as a copywriter?
Thanks, Sandy, for the AWAI copy talent debut!
Lynda Dell –