Side Hustles Are BOOMING in 2022 …
Here Are Seven Reasons Copywriting Is STILL the Best One!
These days it seems like everyone is doing something on the side to make a bit of extra money …
According to Zapier, 40% of Americans currently have a side hustle. And that number is up from about a third just two years ago!
Naturally the global shutdown caused by the pandemic helped kick-start this trend. With stores and offices closed, travel stagnating, and most of the workforce clocking in from home, many people finally had time to start a side hustle.
And now, with inflation soaring and a recession potentially on the horizon …
The protection of an extra income stream is even more valuable.
And although there are many viable ways to make money on the side …
One of the BEST just happens to be copywriting.
It’s not a completely biased opinion either … 😉
I can give you SEVEN reasons copywriting beats just about every other side hustle:
1. More Bang for Your Buck
Uber drivers earn an average hourly rate of $18 in the U.S.
Tutors average $18.31.
Dog walkers do better, averaging $40 per hour.
But if you break down the fees you can get paid writing copy into an hourly rate, you could quite possibly earn $100 or more per hour.
For instance, you can get paid $100 to write an email that takes you 30–45 minutes.
If you write case studies, the low end of the fee range is $1,200. And a high estimate is that it takes you eight hours to write.
That’s still $150 an hour!
And as you gain experience — and speed — you’ll be able to charge a higher fee … more in the ballpark of $200 to $300 an hour!
Now, I don’t actually recommend you charge by the hour as a copywriter. But you can see that the hourly rate you wind up earning is way better than what you’d get working other side hustles.
And these are all projects you can do in your spare time. If you wrote one case study per month, it would take you only about five to seven hours for the whole month — but it would mean upward of $2,000 in extra income.
But this is just the first monetary reason copywriting is the best side hustle …
2. Not Just Money on the Side — but Money While You Sleep!
Another benefit of copywriting as a side hustle is the possibility of passive income.
With most side hustles, you get paid only when you perform a service. A seamstress gets paid only while sewing … A delivery driver gets paid only while making deliveries …
But when you’re a copywriter, there are projects that earn you passive income.
For example, any project that pays royalties on top of your regular fee — like sales letters — keeps paying you after you complete the project.
You can even earn passive income on the side without clients!
You could build a money-making website, which takes some work up front. And you have to create the site and write enough content to launch it. But from there, you can start earning money passively while adding to the site only occasionally.
Nick Usborne, the author of AWAI’s money-making website program, has earned more than half a million dollars in 15 years from his money-making website about coffee. And for years now, he’s averaged spending only about one hour a week on it.
Think about that … a lucrative extra income stream that you have to spend only an hour a week on. It’s the ultimate side hustle!
But there’s still another monetary reason copywriting beats other side hustles …
3. Get Paid Like Clockwork
Just like some copywriting projects lend themselves to passive income, some are ideal for predictable income.
You can write e-newsletters and land a retainer deal from each client that pays $800 to $2,000 a month to write anywhere from one to four newsletters per month.
And you’ll be able to complete each newsletter in just one full morning of writing.
As few as two clients could mean you’re earning between $1,600 and $4,000 a month in side income — writing just a few mornings a week!
To compare, if you were driving an Uber for $18 an hour, you’d need to work 89 hours to earn $1,600 — and 222 hours to earn $4,000. Not exactly a side hustle anymore!
And newsletters aren’t the only project that you can land retainers to write. Emails … social media … or pretty much any project clients need on an ongoing basis is ripe for a retainer deal.
4. You Have Everything You Need
There’s practically no overhead to start copywriting.
You need only four things. And you probably already have three of them — a computer, internet service, and an email account.
The only other thing is a LinkedIn profile so you can market yourself — which is free.
So who will you market yourself to?
That leads to the next reason copywriting is the BEST side hustle …
5. Everybody Needs Copywriters
Side hustles aren’t the only things that have skyrocketed since the pandemic began. So has digital copy and content.
We’ve talked here many times about “the Leap,” when 10 years’ of projected growth in digital marketing occurred in just 90 days in 2020 after the shutdown.
Well, this growth hasn’t slowed down either, despite the world opening back up.
So if you’re looking to start a side hustle, it helps when you can find something that not only pays extremely well but that’s so in demand, you won’t have to work very hard to land gigs.
The need for copy and content of ALL varieties — sales letters, emails, video scripts, SEO, social media, and so much more — is through the roof.
And since everything is digital, you can be anywhere in the world and the demand is the same. You don’t have to live in a big city, or live near a certain industry, to be a copywriter.
Not needing to live someplace specific gives you great flexibility. And speaking of flexibility …
6. Work on Your Own Terms
Ideally, you want your side hustle to be something you can work on whenever you want — especially if you have a full-time job that requires you to work set hours.
The problem is, a lot of side hustles have certain restrictions.
Any gig that requires you to work directly with someone else — like personal training or dog walking — means you have to coordinate schedules with them.
You can drive an Uber whenever it’s convenient for you. But to maximize your income in the limited time you put in, you’ll have to drive during peak hours.
With copywriting, it’s totally up to you. As long as you meet your deadlines, it makes no difference to your clients when you write.
And finally …
7. It’s Fast and Easy to Start!
You don’t need experience.
You don’t need to know how to write every type of copy.
Even if you’re starting out, just learn some copywriting fundamentals and one type of project, and you’ll know enough to get paid.
It doesn’t have to take you years or even months to get this side hustle off the ground. Depending on what project you choose, you can start in a matter of weeks!
Tens of millions of people in the U.S. now have a side hustle. And more are getting in the game all the time.
If you want to be next — whether to supplement your main income or as a way to keep busy and make extra money in retirement — there’s never been a better time to get your side hustle off the ground.
Have any questions or comments about copywriting as a side hustle? Post them below!

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter
The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »
I've wanted to do this for years, but until now, I didn't know where to start—or should I say, I was afraid to start.
I guess the deciding factor is that I'm not alone in this with AWAI, PWA, and Barefoot Writer beside me. I feel better now.
Looking forward to the friends made along the way. See you soon...
Phil Bailey –