How Some Writers Earn
Up to $6,000 a Day
The committee started the draft of their document on June 11, 1776.
The youngest delegate was put in charge of writing the first draft, both because he had the fewest enemies in political power and he was the best writer. Locked in a rented room, he wrote the document in a day or two.
After much discussion, the five-person committee made a total of 86 changes, including shortening it by more than a fourth.
And by July 4, 1776, the final version was approved and adopted. Once the 56 members signed it on August 2, 1776, it was never changed again.
We know this document as the Declaration of Independence.
For writers in search of freedom, there’s no better time than today to focus on your freelance career by adding a simple writing skill to your portfolio of services.
It’s a skill that could put you on the path to financial independence and the lifestyle you want.
I’m talking about blogging. And there are two ways to make money doing it:
- Write for clients
- Start your own blog
No matter which way you choose, you’ll have the chance to make a great living. Let me walk you through each method to show you how it’s possible to earn as much as $1,000 up to $6,000 a day.
Write for Clients
With almost four billion people worldwide connected to the internet, there’s never been a better time for businesses to include blogging as part of their content marketing strategy.
That’s because blogs are a great way to keep potential customers and current ones informed about new products and services, updates that have been made, or provide lots of useful information.
But they also drive traffic to a company’s website.
Having a blog increases a company’s visibility because the more content that is created, the greater the chance it will show up in search engines.
And the more that happens, the more likely the target audience will see and read those blog posts.
In fact, a recent study by ResearchNow showed that 84% of internet users are making buying decisions based on information they read from blogs.
Which means when it comes to making more informed decisions — whether it’s the quickest way to safely lose 20 pounds … how to fix squeaky brakes on a BMW M5 … or what technology the next television they buy should have …
Consumers turn to blog posts containing useful content.
This is also why clients need writers who understand how to put together useful yet relevant blog content. And they don’t mind paying you handsome fees to write their blog content.
It’s not unusual to get paid $125 up to $1,000 for a few hours to a day of writing, depending on the topic and amount of research involved. Let’s say you write three blog posts a week and get paid $1,000 for each one.
If you did this every week for a year, you’d make at least $156,000. Even if you did just two blog articles a week, your income would still be in the six-figure range.
Start Your Own Blog
You can also use a blog to create a separate stream of revenue outside of what you earn from writing for clients.
Take Michael Arlington, as an example. He worked in the tech industry and knew what innovations were making their way into the marketplace.
He figured that venture capitalists eager to invest in new tech start-ups would want to know what was happening behind-the-scenes.
So, in 2005, he created a blog and started posting news articles to keep everyone informed. He called his website TechCrunch.
Wasn’t much longer that TechCrunch turned into a must-read by anyone in the technology industry. Traffic to his site grew rapidly. In fact, TechCrunch dominated all other tech blogs.
Michael turned his little blog idea into $10 million business. Even better by 2010, AOL bought it from him for $40 million.
Now, you might not be able to sell your blog for that much money, but you can certainly make a good living from it.
For example, Sarah Titus writes a blog for mothers. She shows them how to ditch their 9-to-5 lifestyle and make more money as a stay-at-home mom. Writing on her blog, she earns roughly $200,000 a month. (Yes, a month.)
That translates into earning over $6,000 a day.
Then there’s Michelle Schroeder-Gardner who helps readers save and manage their finances in her blog articles. She generates about $100,000 a month from her blog.
These are just a handful of stories of people who started a blog in their spare time. In fact, every aspiring writer should write a blog because it’s one of the most powerful skill-building exercises any writer can undertake.
And to help you succeed, AWAI has created a training guide designed to teach you everything you need to know about blogs … from what subjects to write about, choosing a name, and the different types of blogging software to pick from.
When you join the program, you’ll be getting guidance from blogging expert, Heather Robson. Let me tell you … her program is like getting a master class on blogging.
She’s taught alongside some of the biggest-name instructors on AWAI’s specialty Certification trainings, including Nick Usborne for Digital Marketing, Brian Clark for Content Marketing, and Russ Henneberry for Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
She’s also authored articles and delivered presentations on all kinds of writing topics, including content writing for the Web, User Experience (UX) Copywriting, and of course, blogging.
So you are definitely in good hands when you follow this self-paced training program. You can learn more about the blogging program she’s created right here.

How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients: A Step-by-Step Guide to Blogging Success
Every writer should know how to write blogs. You’ll become a better writer faster. And you can make great money writing blogs for yourself or for clients. Learn More »
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