Monday Morning Jumpstart –
Should You Fake It ‘Till You Make It?
Should you “fake it ‘till you make it” as a writer?
If you’ve ever struggled with confidence or the feeling of “not being ready,” it can be tempting to “fake” the confidence, call yourself a writer, and forge ahead.
But is there a downside to “faking it” in business?
Success coach Ted Capshaw thinks so … and he has a compelling reason why in today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart episode.
Watch as he and AWAI Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, debate the concept of “faking it,” and ultimately come up with a better option.
Join us every Monday Morning for a boost of writing motivation, plus tips and strategies to make sure you're staying on track and moving towards your goals all year.

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Confidently jump in, until you can swim.
Guest (JakeHamilton) –
I’m on Team Ted!
This reminded me of a time when I had first started giving haircuts. I did the schooling and passed the state board test so I was actually legit.
But, I botched one up and cut it way too short. Someone commented to me “I thought you could cut hair.” My response was “I can but I am just not very good at it.” I did get better with practice but decided I just wasn’t cut out for the job.
Making it seems to denote a level of success.
We all have to start somewhere and so we shouldn’t have to fake anything.
A favorite line of mine is “First day on the job?” when referring to a person who is quite new to their job.
Guest (Sandra ) –
Good morning Ted and jade,I love your videos. They are truly inspirational and uplifting please keep them coming.
Guest (Jessica) –
Another great JumpStart! Thank you Jade & Ted!
Guest (Jason) –
It sounds Like you are talking about: Having the courage to go outside your comfort zone. That is where we grow and make progress.
Guest (Dave K) –