Top 10 Places to Find Freelance Writing Clients — Free Webinar and Q&A
What would you like to get paid to write?
Blogs, emails, newsletters, articles, SEO, chatbot scripts, social media, sales letters …
Whatever your specialty … whatever your niche … whether you’re new to freelancing or have years of experience … whether you’re looking for ongoing work or quickie assignments …
Companies are looking for YOU!
During our next Inside AWAI session, Top 10 Places to Find Freelance Writing Clients, on Wednesday, October 6th at 4:00 p.m. ET, AWAI’s Katie Yeakle, Pam Foster, and I will show you TEN of the best places to find clients.
We’ll cover …
- Why companies are looking to hire freelance writers
- What kinds of projects are the best to start with
- Where the best places are to find clients
- How to set yourself up for success when connecting
- And a whole lot more …
We’ll also open up a live Q&A at the end, so you can ask any questions you have about landing clients and making money as a freelance writer.
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If you have any questions in the meantime, please call our Member Success Team at 866-879-2924.

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter
The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »
Dear AWAI thanks for this opportunity of always inviting and informing me about the goings, I do love writing and this time around I'm going to take newsletters
Guest (Izofat zed ) –
I am in the Method class and have been most impressed so far. So much information that feels ultra-valuable to me. Thanks to all for putting together this wonderful experience.
Susan J Tucker –
This has been an extreme and difficult problem for me in my email marketing!!!
The Write Stuff –