5 Steps for Writing Emails That Make Your Clients Happy (and Richer)
While last year might have proven tumultuous for many businesses, one thing has become clear: Email marketing is now at the forefront of how companies reach potential clients … whether that’s to let them know about a new product or service, a savings discount, or a product improvement.
And marketers aren’t shy about using emails either.
Since the start of this year, marketing departments have sent out 27% more emails than in previous years.
The reason why is that they work. Studies show that 99% of people check their email every day, with more than 50% checking it more than 10 times a day.
And that constant checking eventually turns into a source of revenue for your client.
In fact, for every $1 a client spends sending out an email, they get back $38, according to the Direct Marketing Association. That’s a 3,700% Return on Investment, which is a lot of money.
And since email marketing is profitable for companies, that explains why they can easily afford to pay copywriters very generous fees to write them.
How much are we talking?
Well, it varies by client and project, but it’s not unusual to earn $350 up to $500 for a single email. And I’m talking about writing an email that might take you just one or a few hours to complete.
Some clients are willing to pay $1,500 up to $1,700 for a series of three of four emails. And again, they won’t take you very long to do … just a few hours on the weekend.
And then there are clients who pay copywriters as much as $3,000 up to $5,000 on a monthly retainer basis.
You can see there are different ways to get paid …
And writing emails are fun projects and easy to learn. In fact, here are five steps to follow for writing emails that make your clients happy and richer:
- Write like a real person. Emails are one of the most personal forms of marketing a company can use to stay in touch with customers. So whenever you sit down to write emails for your client, be sure you write them in a friendly, conversational tone and voice. In other words, write like person talking … someone with a personality. You also want to be succinct and not have too many words.
- Write a strong subject line. The subject line you use for your email needs to be relevant to your target audience. The email won’t catch your prospect’s attention unless you’re saying something that matters to them. The quickest way to do that is to make sure your subject line has relevancy. And keep that relevancy going. Make sure the body copy of your email relates to your subject line, otherwise your prospect won’t have a reason to continue reading.
- Have an element of curiosity. In addition to making your subject line relevant, you also want to strive for adding in curiosity. That’s going to pique your reader’s interest and make them want to know more. For instance, “He gets paid $1,324 every time he says this word,” has enough curiosity built-in that your reader wants to know more.
- Tease — don’t give it all away. When it’s time to write the body copy, you want to give your reader enough information that they want to click on the link in your email. In other words, your body copy doesn’t have to be dense, or tell a long, drawn-out story. Your goal is to pull the reader in and then get them clicking on the links that are embedded in your email. Your number one job is to get that click.
- Crystal clear call-to-action. Since your job is to get the reader clicking on the embedded link, you have to be ultra-clear on telling them what action to take. Don’t be coy, shy, or vague. Make your call-to-action stand out. Your call-to-action might be, “click to watch,” or “go here for more information,” or “last day to enroll, go here now.”
As you can see, these are super simple tips to get you started writing winning emails. Remember, your goal is to get the reader to click, so there’s no heavy selling involved.
And because of that, they won’t take you weeks to finish — most won’t take you more than few hours to complete!
With demand for email marketing at an all-time high, you could specialize in writing emails. As a specialist, you’ll never run out of work.

How to Write High Impact Emails
Learn how to write winning emails from one of the best email writers in the industry today. From writing subject lines that get noticed to “call to actions” that get results, it’s all included in this home study program. Learn More »
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