How to Snag Your First $1,000 Writing Fee Using Money Mile Markers
You’ll find them along all sorts of highways across the country.
Some are located on local or state highways, while others are on large interstates.
But no matter where they are positioned, these days they look the same: little metal signs with a number in the middle.
And depending on which way you are traveling, the numbers increase or decrease by one.
I’m talking about highway mile markers. They’ve been around since World War I, when traffic began to increase.
Initially they were made of stone and the numbering was carved out by hand.
But as more roads were made, it was difficult to keep up with the stone carvings needed to mark the highways. So the stone was replaced with metal.
Whether made of stone or metal, their purpose is simple … to aid in your travels.
From Mile 0 in Key West, Florida, where tourists flock to be photographed at the southernmost point in the United States, all the way up U.S. Highway 1 to upper Maine, to all over the country, mile markers help you know where you are.
For instance, if you’re driving on the highway and your car suddenly breaks down, you’ll want to call for assistance.
But help wouldn’t arrive quickly if the only way to describe your location was “on Highway 40 near the big oak tree.”
However, if you spotted a mile marker, then you could then say, “I’m about a quarter mile past Mile Marker 17 on Highway 40.”
In addition to determining location, mile markers also coordinate with exit numbers. If you’re headed for Exit 47, and you just passed Mile Marker 37, then you’ve got approximately 10 more miles to go.
And if you’re headed toward the border with another state and the mile markers are decreasing, you can gauge how many more miles to go. But you can also tell because most markers change numbering at state borders.
Now, what if you could use a similar mile marker system to aid you in your copywriting career? Or more specifically, what if the amount of money you earned was a marker that designated where you are in your copywriting career?
Let’s say you set a goal to earn your first $1,000. That now becomes your career mile marker. And when you hit that mark, you set another mile marker goal of earning $5,000. And after you reach that amount, you set another mile marker of earning $10,000.
You can repeat this process all the way to earning a six-figure income.
Setting these money mile markers will help you earn more money much faster because they offer you a focused path to follow. Just like driving on the highway, by using mile markers, you know exactly where you are at any given time.
The same holds true for money mile markers as an aid in helping you build a long-term thriving freelance writing career.
Of course, it’s one thing to create money mile markers and another to actually meet those goals.
That’s why AWAI is inviting you to join our highest level of learning, Circle of Success. As a member, you get unlimited access to all of our training programs any time you need them.
That includes one of our more popular programs, How to Write Blogs for Yourself and for Clients.
The reason I’m highlighting this program is because it’s the easiest way for you to make your first $1,000 money mile marker. You see, a recent study by ResearchNow showed that 84% of internet users make buying decisions based on information they get from blogs.
That’s over 1.7 billion people reading blogs. Almost every business that is online also happens to have a blog.
Now take a guess who they hire to write blog posts? People like you who have the training and skill set to do so.
And since you have the training, companies are willing to pay you anywhere from $250 up to $1,000 for each blog post you write.
But it gets better. Because once your client sees the value your blog posts bring to their business (more traffic, more clients, more money), you could even negotiate a retainer deal.
This means you get paid every month like clockwork for writing a few blog posts. If your second mile marker goal is to earn $5,000 … well, securing a retainer deal is the easiest way to make it happen.
Because blog posts are in such demand, clients won’t think twice about paying you that amount per month to be their exclusive writer.
Heck, you might decide to create your own blog, writing about subjects you love while making a few hundred to a few thousand dollars extra per month.
Now, How to Write Blogs for Yourself and for Clients is just one example of the many programs available to you through Circle of Success. There are over a hundred programs and resources in the Library of Resources … all designed to help you achieve your goals and dreams.
And in addition to the programs, as a Circle of Success member, you get personal mentoring and coaching.
For instance, if you’re not sure which writing niche to pick, one of our expert COS mentors will help you figure out which market best matches your writing skills and talents.
In fact, as a COS member, you’ll start your journey with a personal Career Action Plan (CAP) call to talk about your goals, experiences, and interests to formulate a personal roadmap to success.
Or if you have a project due from a client and need a mentor to “peer review” your writing, just ask and we’ll line one up.
There’s so much more to Circle of Success, I couldn’t possibly describe all the benefits in this single email. But if you check out Circle of Success here, you’ll find everything you need to know to make your decision.

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter
The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »
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