Learn How to Create an Irresistible Offer and Watch How Quickly Your Writing Career Takes Off
In 1988, Michael J. Lanning and Edward G. Michaels made a rather bold discovery that made businesses re-think how they should sell their products and services to new clients and customers.
Even better for you, Dear Copywriter, is that the discovery they made is critically important when it comes to writing sales copy that gets prospects hitting the buy button.
And the more times a prospect hits the buy button, the more money your client makes, and in turn, the more you inch your way toward being an in-demand copywriter able to charge high fees.
The higher fees you earn then put you on the path to becoming a six-figure writer. Now it’s a win-win for you and your client all the way around.
So what’s the discovery Mr. Lanning and Mr. Michaels made that could have an immediate impact on your copywriting career and your bank account?
It’s something they called value proposition.
And the first time the two men introduced this new concept to the business world was in 1988 in a staff paper they wrote for the popular consulting firm, McKinsey and Company.
If you’re not familiar with the company, it was founded in 1926 by University of Chicago professor James O. McKinsey. And it’s known worldwide for providing trusted strategic advice to large corporations, governments, and other big-name organizations.
In their paper, Mr. Lanning and Mr. Michaels defined the value proposition as “a clear, simple statement of the benefits, both tangible and intangible, that the company provides, along with the approximate price it will charge each customer segment for those benefits.”
In the simplest of terms, a value proposition is the promise of the overall value your client offers potential customers.
Now, here’s the thing to keep in mind. So much of what makes great sales copy work usually revolves around having a strong value proposition.
So if you can clearly and quickly communicate your client’s value to a reader, then congratulations … you’re light years ahead of the competition. And you get to set this issue of The Golden Thread aside.
However, I should point out that creating a compelling value proposition is not just about clearly communicating the value of whatever product or service your client is selling.
Remember how Mr. Lanning and Mr. Michaels described the value proposition … that it’s both the tangible and intangible benefits along with the price the company charges.
This means that when you are creating a value proposition in your sales letter, you also must know how to put together an irresistible offer … one the reader simply can’t turn down.
Now, if you’re a Circle of Success member, you’ve probably already gotten your hands on the guide AWAI created with “A-list” copywriter Bob Bly entitled “Irresistible Offers.”
Or you also might have a copy of The Architecture of Persuasion, written by AWAI Co-Founder and Master Copywriter and marketer, Mark Ford.
And of course, creating irresistible offers is also covered in The AWAI MethodTM for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter.
Now, if you don’t have any of these programs and guides, then good news. Right now, AWAI is putting their most popular programs on sale, which means you could pick them up at a huge discount … up to 90% off. If you want to see a list of programs on sale, just go here.
However, there is also another way to get your hands not just on these programs but on every single one AWAI has in its library of resources and that is by becoming a member of Circle of Success.
It’s not only our highest level of training but offers a roadmap that shows you the easiest and fastest way to advance your writing career. If you’re not a member yet, I think you should consider joining. But hurry, the deadline to join is coming up fast. Go here to reserve your spot.
If you’d like to know more about creating irresistible offers, check out this article, The Art of the Irresistible Offer by the legendary Clayton Makepeace. He explains the eight factors that go into crafting an offer that’s too good to pass up.

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter
The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »
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