Here’s How to Earn $300 up to $4,500 Writing for the Web
Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels
The first Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences was awarded in 1969 to Ragnar Frisch, an economics major and mathematician, along with his partner Jan Tinbergen, also a mathematician and economist.
And since then, the Prize has been awarded a total of 52 times.
But in 2002, something a little odd happened.
The Prize was given to Daniel Kahneman, who never held any kind of economic position in his entire lifelong working career.
However, what Daniel does have is a PhD in psychology, which he earned from the University of California Berkley.
So why did members of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences award Mr. Kahneman a Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences?
Well, as it turns out, Daniel, working alongside his colleague Amos Tversky, developed revolutionary theories on how humans make decisions, especially those related to finances and economics.
They narrowed down their research to a few specific areas … The decision process people go through when faced with risky financial situations, and the opposite, how decisions are made when there is little risk involved.
The two psychologists compiled their research into a specific study known as the Prospect Theory, and it changed how financial planners worked with their clients in making investment decisions.
But the two are also famous for the work they did in something known as “fluency heuristic,” which is fancy terminology for the mental shortcuts we use to process information faster.
They discovered that the more skillfully or elegantly an idea is communicated, the more likely it is to be considered seriously, whether or not it is logical.
So what does all of this have to do with your copywriting career?
Well, knowing how to communicate an idea in a unique and compelling way is one of the fundamentals of web copywriting.
If you’re not familiar, web copywriting (also known as digital copywriting or writing for the Web), is in huge demand. Every business needs web copy and content now more than ever — no matter the niche or industry.
And the type of projects is wide ranging … from online content, ad copy, social media posts, landing pages, e-newsletters, emails, video scripts, chatbot scripts, blogs … and the list goes on and on.
For you, this means an almost unlimited pipeline of writing projects with huge paydays. For instance, writing a single blog post could easily put an extra $300 to $500 in your bank account.
And if your client needs you to write content for the homepage of their website, you could get paid anywhere from $450 to $4,500. And the same goes for writing a page that convinces a reader to sign up for more information … you could collect another $450 to $4,500.
That’s just the beginning of what you can earn writing for the Web. A single email could net you $250 or write several of them for your client and walk away with a check for $3,000.
How is it possible that clients are eager to pay these huge fees for digital copywriters?
It all goes back to demand. Nowadays, more and more people are buying things online. And those things include everyday items such as groceries, household cleaning supplies, home goods, and clothing. You name it and there isn’t anything you can’t find and buy without leaving your home.
In fact, online shopping is growing so fast that here in the U.S., it’s expected that by 2023, more than 300 million shoppers will be buying the things they need and want online.
To put that in perspective … that means 91% of the entire country’s population is shopping online.
And for you, Dear Copywriter, it means the opportunity to launch a lucrative and long-term writing career … even the chance to make a six-figure income.
So, how do you get started? Well, you use the copywriting foundations you’ve been learning here at AWAI and add to it web copy and content fundamentals.
For instance, a well-written content piece starts with an irresistible headline. A strong headline grabs the reader’s attention. But it can also lead to more social media shares.
In fact, the majority of social shares that articles get come from people who have not even read the article. Instead, most people share content based on the headline alone.
So imagine how happy your client will be when you draft up a blog post that has a compelling headline that people can’t help but share with others.
You’ll also want to make sure the content is well structured. And that’s where fluency heuristic makes a difference. If your piece is easy to follow and understand, the more likely a reader will trust what you’ve written.
And the more trust you gain with readers, the more likely they’ll take the action your client wants to them to do … whether it is signing up for an online newsletter or making a purchase.
Now, obviously there are more fundamentals to writing for the Web than I could list out in this article, which is why AWAI has created an online LIVE training program that walks you through each step of the web-writing process.
And by the time you are done, you’ll know exactly what it takes to write all of those projects I told you about earlier.
If I were you, I wouldn’t hesitate to take this training program. Remember, businesses are moving online at lightning speed and the demand for well-trained writers isn’t slowing down any time soon.
You can join the live digital copywriting training here.

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter
The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »
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