3 Things I Learned from Our First Group of Chatbot Copywriting Students
Earlier this year, we launched our Chatbot Copywriting Mastery & Certification live training program.
This was an all-new program, created from the ground up.
It was, and still is, unlike any other program out there.
The fact is, nobody else has recognized that the killer app for chatbot marketing is COPYWRITING.
That’s the reason I was so keen to introduce chatbot marketing to a whole new generation of writers and copywriters.
It’s a huge opportunity.
But here’s the thing …
I was incredibly nervous!
I had never taught this program before. NOBODY had taught this material before.
I had no idea whether people would love it or hate it.
In particular, I was worried about the new concepts and technology tools I’d be introducing. Would people be willing to learn these new skills?
Right up until after the first session, I was ridiculously nervous.
But I needn’t have been.
Because the class was packed. And everyone rose to the occasion.
Not quietly, but with a roar!
Here are three things I learned while teaching those classes.
Takeaway #1 — Writers are ready to jump in and try something new
In a lot of professions, people get stuck in their ways. They resist change. They want everything to stay the same. In fact, they’ll go to great lengths to avoid change.
Not so with writers and copywriters.
They’re more than willing to scale a new learning curve. Or two!
At least, that’s been my experience.
For example, part of learning about being a chatbot copywriter is understanding the principles of Conversation Design.
Conversation Design is a new discipline that came out of the rise of Artificial Intelligence and voice-enabled assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant.
People had to figure out how a “conversation” actually works between a human and a machine.
As a chatbot copywriter, you need to learn how to design conversations between a bot and its users.
This is all new. It’s not a skill set that traditional copywriters need to have. It’s unique to writing for chatbots.
So … I was a little concerned. While I find Conversation Design to be fascinating, I was worried other people might not feel the same way.
But, as is often the case when I make assumptions about other people, I was dead wrong!
The students taking the chatbot program jumped in and devoured all this new material.
It turns out copywriters love to learn. And that’s a true superpower.
Takeaway #2 — Writers aren’t scared of technology
When you decide to become a chatbot copywriter, it’s not just new concepts you have to grasp.
There are new technologies to learn as well. New software tools to become familiar with.
In particular, you need to learn how to use a prototyping tool.
This allows you to create a working prototype of your chatbot script, and play it on your phone, as it if were a real interaction with your chatbot.
Again, this was all new.
And it gets crazier. Because halfway through teaching the program, the prototyping tool I had been using was suddenly “upgraded.”
Long story short … the tool was no longer a good fit for us. I had to tell all the students to forget everything, and start over with a new tool.
Ouch! This is not something you want to have happen in the middle of teaching a new program.
But again, not a problem.
Everyone took this in their stride. No fuss and no bother.
Takeaway #3 — Writers can adapt and prosper
Like I said, in most professions, people resist change. They worry about it and don’t handle it well.
This makes them vulnerable.
And as we’ve all learned during the last few months, rapid change can come out of nowhere.
That’s what makes me feel grateful to be a freelance writer. Being a writer makes it possible for me to adapt to changing circumstances. It’s a skill set that gives me the courage to take on new challenges.
And, of course, I’m not alone.
My experience teaching the chatbot copywriting program showed me that my fellow writers … even those just starting out … have the ability to adapt and thrive in the face of new challenges and opportunities.
Above all, writers love writing for chatbots!
This was the biggest takeaway of all.
At the outset, before I even began to teach the program, I was telling people that writing for chatbots was the most fun I’d ever had as a copywriter.
Once again, it turns out I’m not alone.
Right from the first online class, the energy was amazing.
Everyone immersed themselves in the new craft of writing for chatbots, and had a blast.
I have literally never taught a class where people were so excited and engaged.
That’s great news, because the opportunity for chatbot copywriters is growing like crazy.
While there are plenty of programmers out there who know how to BUILD chatbots, there is a massive shortage of copywriters who are trained in how to WRITE chatbot scripts.
That sounds like a good combination to me — having fun as a copywriter in a niche where the demand is growing and growing and growing.
Finally … thank you to everyone who put their trust in us by signing up for that first series!
And if you missed it … no worries … we’re doing it again!
Do you have any questions about this brand-new opportunity? Let us know in the comments.

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter
The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »
Everything Nick said is true! I was in his first Chatbot Training, and am now working as a certified chatbot copywriter and designer. His training was intense, but so was the enjoyment and camaraderie among the students. And as a teacher, Nick is second to none. Honestly, his training was a blast, and so is making money doing something that is so much fun! It doesn’t even feel like work...it feels like getting paid to have the time of my life! Oh, and don’t be put off by learning new technology, either. I am a senior, and this old dog easily learned all the new tricks!
Lisa Bjornstad –
I just want to encourage everyone to take this course! I was one of those who took the first one, and we all loved it. It was creative in a whole new way, and Nick did a brilliant job of encouraging us, and teaching us while making it a ton of fun!
AnnJ –
Lisa, AnnJ... Thank you for the kind words. : )
Nick Usborne –
I thoroughly enjoyed this course. It was the first certification I took from AWAI. I'm not afraid of new technology but sometimes it can be frustrating. Though we had to switch platforms I think the latter was easy to use and offers some great features. Nick is a fabulous teacher and James is as well.I hope to review any new materials from the new group if possible. I'm curious about how the QR code works. Things are always evolving in the writer's life! It keeps it exciting!
Guest (Michele E) –