October Issue: Marketable Humanity
Have you noticed that everyone seems a little more human lately?
It’s a product of the pandemic.
Now we get to see into each other’s homes. Into celebrities’ homes. Into newscasters’ homes.
We exist in our comfortable clothes without the façade of silk blouses and makeup, or ties and a close shave.
It’s raw and real and a little scary …
But with a hidden benefit: This new humanity can make your writing business soar.
Click here now to read your October issue of Barefoot Writer.
Our Featured Interview this month is with an extraordinary copywriter who’s pinpointed one of the biggest things we all struggle with.
Whether you’re a veteran writer with a stable income …
A brand-new freelancer still looking to earn that first paycheck …
Or somewhere in between …
It’s hard to put yourself out there and be vulnerable and honest.
Yet doing so will likely blast your writing career right out of the water.
To find out how, read my interview with Danielle Hughes on page 9 as she explains why showing your own humanity and explaining what’s important to you is the single most effective way to grow your writing income.
More importantly, she shows you how.
Click here now to read your October issue of Barefoot Writer.

The Barefoot Writer
Discover a lucrative style of writing that will give you as much freedom as you can have while earning a great income at the same time. Learn More »
I'm new to the freelance writing world. I look forward to reading your valuable tips about becoming a successful writer. Thank you for allowing me to provide feedback.
Guest (Rodney Brazier) –
I am glad AWAI is given me the opportunity to be a member. Having gone through the testimonies of some members of the team, I am sure I belong here.
Lordjoe –
I am excited to be on the AWAI platform. I am looking forward to learning different writing strategies of how to become a powerful and effective global Free Lance Writer.
Tsitsi G Madzongwe –
I am grateful for this opportunity to do what I love and get paid to do it, write. I have pulled something out of every story I have read thus far. Thank you AWAI
Ready For Change –