No Need to “Launch” Your Writing Business. You’ve Already Started …
Recently, I (along with millions of other spectators) watched as a rocket was being readied for launch into space, taking two astronauts to the International Space Station.
As part of the process, they were fueling the rocket, strapping the astronauts in, checking and rechecking everything so that, in case of emergency, they would know what to do to survive.
This is important. It’s life or death, and may even bear upon whether humanity survives into the future, literally.
So when I hear copywriters talk about “launching” their copywriting business, I sense they think about it in the same do-or-die, black-or-white sort of way.
As a copywriter, you are well aware that the language we use has the potential to deeply affect people. For example, you know that if you write a weak headline, that revolutionary new product — no matter how wonderful — will likely flop. There is tremendous power in the words we use.
That’s why I suspect that using the word “launch” as it relates to your new copywriting business is part of what’s holding you back from getting started or, rather, from seeing that you have actually already started.
Yes, you read that right …
You have already begun your copywriting business.
It may feel like you are not ready to start because you haven’t decided on a niche or your website isn’t up or you don’t have any writing samples.
But maybe, whether you know it or not, you are already started. You’re already in the process of doing it! Is that possible? Could you reframe it that way to yourself?
You see, in reality, starting a copywriting business is nothing like a rocket launch.
You don’t take off and reach unparalleled heights in just one day.
Instead, starting a freelance writing business is more like planting a garden. You plant seeds of learning in the soil of your life. And like a garden, it takes a long time and requires careful and constant attention before some of those seeds will actually sprout.
These seeds of learning are divided between learning how to do (or improve) your copywriting skills and learning how to make it a profitable business.
There’s no instant gratification in the garden. At first, it’s hard to see any effect of your attention and effort because a lot of it is happening underground. It is literally invisible to you. That’s why so much patience is required, not to mention trust in the process and faith that things are growing, even when you can’t see them.
This means that, from the moment you start studying copywriting and learning all the different types of copy you can offer to your clients, you are in business.
Launching your website — that’s not the starting line.
Finishing your LinkedIn profile — that’s not the starting line.
In fact, there is no starting line, no “moment” when your copywriting business starts.
There’s no before or after.
Likewise, there’s no feeling “ready” or not ready. No one ever feels ready. That’s the secret they don’t tell you.
By deciding to study and learn this new skill, you’ve started.
By talking about it with loved ones, you’ve started.
Talking about what you’re doing — about learning this new skill and building a business — is the beginning of the marketing.
When you talk casually about what you’re doing, you’re actually educating people about it.
There may be people in your circle or neighborhood who need copywriting but have no idea — not only that you can do it but also that they need it!
So unless you’re keeping your exciting new copywriting adventure a secret from the world, then simply talking about what you’re learning with your loved ones and neighbors, or even on Facebook with the other AWAI colleagues, you have already started using one of the most effective marketing tools I teach: networking.
So you can stop talking about “launching” and know that you’re already in it.
Just give it time, keep tending to it, and your garden will flourish.
Here are some additional resources to help you along:
Do you have any questions about moving forward in your writing business? Please share with us in the comments so we can help.

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Follow along as seven experts guide you through everything you need to transform your writing aspirations into a professional moneymaking business… From picking your niche, creating a unique marketing message, and putting your website up… to attracting clients, pricing, and closing deals… nothing will be left in doubt. Learn More »
I absolutely love this approach and concept to starting a career and business as a copywriter.
It takes the pressure off of having to define a certain time, day and activity to feel like you have launched your business.
I think I will adopt this concept with my own copywriting journey.
Eugene Coghill –