How – and Why – to Become an In-Demand “Website Doctor”
One of the best parts about working as a freelance writer is that you’re “free” to take on any project you’d like. You can easily extra income as you need or want … without adding much more time at the computer to your schedule.
There is one type of assignment in particular that is a perfect way to make some money on the side (although if you like the work you could make this one of your primary sources of income).
It’s a service that’s so useful to companies that they pay very well – about $2,000 on average. There is little actual writing involved. And it can actually lead to multiple paid projects from the same client.
Here’s how it works:
Your job is to examine your client’s website closely. Nothing “technical.” No coding or programming. You simply look at the words on the website’s pages.
There are five key areas where many websites fall flat. Most business owners simply put up a website without thinking too much about its other than to make it look nice.
They don’t realize that without key copy elements, it’ll be hard for prospective customers to find it, if they can at all. And that once somebody is there it should be easy to navigate and find the information they’re looking for.
In Content Audit Profits: Your Path to Becoming a Well-Paid Certified Site Content Audit Specialist you get access to the proprietary tool that will make your job as a “website doctor” that much easier.
It’s a checklist that helps you identify what’s missing or could be improved with the content on your client’s website.
After you’ve done through your checklist, you prepare a report for your client outlining your findings and suggestions for improvement. That’s where the “bonus” money comes in. You could simply walk away with your initial fee (up to $2,000), or you could offer to make the improvements yourself. It’s a no-brainer because you already know what needs to be done.
The best way to learn how to conduct these site audits is with Content Audit Profits: Your Path to Becoming a Well-Paid Certified Site Content Audit Specialist.
It’s the result of nine years of development by site audit expert Pam Foster to make the process as streamlined as possible. At this point, it’s simply a matter of following some simple instructions.
After four weeks of training with Pam, you could be officially certified as an AWAI Verified™ Site Content Audit Specialist.

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter
The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »
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