Will AI Replace Copywriters? by Guillermo Rubio
There’s a lot of buzz these days around AI (artificial intelligence).
And with good reason…
Tools like ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini are able to instantly create hundreds or even thousands of words of “passable” content when given a topic or simple prompt to write about.
Naturally, it’s left many copywriters and content writers feeling worried that AI could soon replace them.
After all — if AI can write an article, ad, or blog post in mere seconds…
… why would a client need to hire a writer at all?
Today, let’s put this question to rest.
I’ve been writing copy for clients for the past 17 years. And I was using AI writing tools as early as 2021.
Frankly, I’ve found AI to be hugely helpful, if you know how to use the tools available.
(And perhaps more importantly, I haven’t had a client replace me with AI. 😉)
In this guide, we’ll take a deep dive into…
- what AI copywriting tools are really capable of…
- how AI can help you become a better writer (and improve your speed, quality, and creativity)…
- what the future may hold…
- and how to ensure you never get replaced by AI as a copywriter or content writer.
Let’s get started!
What Is AI Copywriting, and How Is It Different?
Simply put, AI copywriting is any kind of writing created via artificial intelligence.
AI has been around for decades (since 1952!)…
So why all the fuss now?
Because of something known as NLP, or natural language processing.
This is what gives AI the ability to interpret the nuances of how humans speak and write.
A quick example:
The words “red” and “read” sound the same when spoken.
Natural language processing is how AI knows if you meant “red” the color or “read” the action (like having read a book).
AI’s ability to understand context is why we now have robot assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Cortana.
But with the introduction of OpenAI (the company that created ChatGPT)…
This ability has gone to an entirely new level.
It’s what has given rise to AI copywriting — where you can simply ask AI to write an article or blog post on a certain topic, and off to work it goes. Here’s a quick example:
Write a short article on why Cookies & Cream ice cream is the best.
It's hard to argue against the fact that Cookies & Cream ice cream is the best flavor out there. The combination of creamy vanilla ice cream and crunchy chocolate cookie pieces makes for a perfect harmony of flavors and textures that can't be beaten. Plus, the mix-in pieces add just the right amount of sweetness and crunch.
Cookies & Cream is the perfect treat for a hot summer day. It's light enough to not be too heavy, but still has enough flavor to be satisfying. You can also pair it with other flavors to make a delicious sundae or ice cream float.
The combination of creamy and crunchy also makes this flavor a great choice for those who can't decide between a cookie or an ice cream cone. With Cookies & Cream, you get the best of both worlds.
If you're looking for an ice cream flavor that's sure to please, look no further than Cookies & Cream. It's the perfect mix of classic and modern, and it's sure to become a favorite for all ages.
This is clearly different from the traditional way copywriters have worked:
- They get hired by a client.
- The client explains the project and hands over any relevant information.
- The copywriter goes to work.
- And in a few days or weeks, they turn in their first draft for the client to review.
AI copywriting is obviously much faster.
But is it better?
AI Writing Tools vs. Humans
(And Will AI Take Over Content Writers?)
To settle this debate once and for all, it’s best to look at the kind of output you can get from AI versus a human writer.
Here is a short article written by an AI content generator, answering the question What is copywriting?
Copywriting is an important form of communication used by businesses to promote their products and services. Copywriting is the art of crafting persuasive and engaging content that is tailored to the target audience.
It is used to entice potential customers and convert them into loyal customers. Copywriting is used in various forms, such as advertising, product descriptions, press releases, emails, website content, and more.
It is the process of creating compelling and persuasive copy that compels the reader to take action. Copywriting is a powerful tool for building brand awareness and reputation.
The goal of copywriting is to persuade the reader to take a certain action. A good copywriter should be able to craft a message that is both persuasive and informative.
The copy must be well-written, use the right language, and have an engaging tone. It should also include a call to action that encourages the reader to take the desired action.
When it comes to copywriting, the key is to understand the audience. The content must be tailored to the target audience’s needs and wants. It should provide useful information that is relevant to the audience. The copy should also be creative and engaging.
Now here’s the same topic, written by a human:
What Is Copywriting?
Copywriting is the process of writing persuasive marketing and promotional materials that motivate people to take some form of action, such as make a purchase, click on a link, donate to a cause, or schedule a consultation.
These materials can include written promotions that are published in print or online. They can also include materials that are spoken, such as scripts used for videos or commercials.
The text in these materials is known as “copy,” hence the name “copywriting.”
You may not realize it, but copywriting is everywhere.
In fact, if you just start by looking in your mailbox, you’ll find some obvious examples of copywriting. Promotions for local restaurants, catalogs, fundraising letters from charitable organizations, or sales letters for various products and services are all forms of copywriting.
Here’s another example, this time on the eight essential copywriting skills every serious writer needs to have.
It’s a short snippet of AI-generated content using one of many popular AI tools:
Writing can be a difficult and complex skill to master, but copywriting is an entirely different beast. It requires mastery of a range of skills that aren’t typically found in conventional writing. From persuading with words to understanding the nuances of language, there are certain essential copywriting skills every serious writer needs to have if they want to be successful. In this blog post, we’ll explore those 8 essential skills and why they are so important for creating great content that resonates with readers. So read on to find out how you can become a top-notch copywriter!
The 8 essential copywriting skills
Whether you’re a freelance writer or a full-time copywriter, there are certain skills that you need to have in order to be successful. Here are eight essential copywriting skills that every serious writer needs to have:
1. The ability to write persuasively
Copywriters need to be able to write persuasively in order to get their point across and influence their readers. This means being able to clearly articulate your thoughts and arguments, and using strong language that will resonate with your audience.
2. The ability to write concisely
In today’s fast-paced world, readers don’t have the time or attention span to read lengthy paragraphs of text. As a result, copywriters need to be able to write concisely and get their point across quickly and effectively. This includes using short sentences, active voice, and bullet points when possible.
3. The ability to write for different audiences
Excerpts from the human version:
Can you talk your friends into trying new restaurants, your kids into eating vegetables, or your boss into giving you the lead on a plum project?
Have you ever persuaded someone to take action either for or against something?
If any of those scenarios are true for you, you likely already possess the key to being a successful copywriter: the ability to persuade!
And, if you want to earn a great living using that ability, below are eight ways to tap into it and refine it to build a successful copywriting career.
The Copywriting Skills You Need to Be Successful
Below we highlight the essential copywriting skills you need to start getting paid to write.
1. Write Like You Speak
Imagine you’re sitting at your favorite restaurant chatting with your best friend. They just told you about a problem they’re having, and as luck would have it, you’re familiar with this problem and have the perfect solution for them. As you explain your solution, you keep it focused on them and how you can help them. You’re not using big words or complicated sentences. You’re not using jargon or cliches. You’re speaking from your heart.
You can see that although AI’s writing is good, it doesn’t feel very human.
It’s informative, but it lacks uniqueness.
And this is one of the major limitations currently with AI tools.
They can’t be “human.” They don’t have emotional intelligence, and they lack the genuine understanding of the human experience that comes from living, feeling, and interacting with the world around us.
They also can’t be creative on their own or have true empathy… the ability to “walk a mile in someone else’s shoes.”
And the biggest limitation of all — they still require human input.
This is an important point we’ll dive into a bit later in this guide… and then we’ll show you how you can use AI to become a better, faster, higher-earning copywriter.
First, let’s look at…
How AI Copywriting Software Works
Conceptually, it’s pretty simple.
You give the AI software an input, and depending on the input it was given, it will give you an output.
Depending on what software you use, you’ll have to tell it exactly what you want — for example, “a blog post detailing seven reasons why ‘cookies and cream’ ice cream is superior to other kinds of ice cream.”
It will then create an article of around 300–500 words based on the prompt.
How is it able to do this?
At the start, AI is “trained” on much or all of the available content on the internet.
It can then “see” patterns of how words are strung together, depending on the context, and can even predict what word “should” come next in a sentence, based on the words before it, using statistics and probabilities.
Over time, the AI uses machine learning to continually adapt and sound more “human” with the output it generates.
This is how it can create a solid article based on a simple prompt.
It simply reaches into its vast database, and (in this ice cream example) strings together words and phrases related to “ice cream” and “cookies and cream” and creates the article.
Another way you get input into AI software is by copying and pasting text into the software itself, so it can generate the output.
It will take what you’ve given it, and use that — along with what it’s already been trained on — and create the content you want.
But either way, the output will only be as good as the input you give it. Which is why oftentimes, it takes a lot of time and coaxing to get the result you want out of the software.
Where AI Tools Shine and Do Best
Right now, the area where AI tools and AI-generated content do best is with short-form copy.
For example, short social media posts (on the more generic side), product descriptions, short webpage copy, and short ad copy.
The reason AI performs just like human writers in this arena is that short copy often doesn’t require much creativity. It follows a predetermined template or format.
It’s why AI in one case bested human writers in a head-to-head battle. JP Morgan Chase’s marketing department tested short ads written by AI versus its human writers.
The AI-generated ads produced better results.
However, in this particular case, the copy was extremely short and the topic was very narrow.
AI was able to use machine learning to give it an edge, based on all the data it was able to process.
So it’s easy to see why AI is just as good as a human writer when it comes to short-form ads.
Here are a few Google ads created by AI for a fictitious product, Budget Brainiacs, aimed at helping kids learn important financial skills early on in their lives:
Budgeting Made Easy | Fun way to teach kids about money | Earn rewards for learning
Budget Brainiacs helps children learn how to be smart with money. Visit our site to learn more, or sign up for our club today!
Earn Money While Learning About It | Financial Education for Kids | Budget Brainiacs
Budget Brainiacs is the best way for kids to learn about money — and have fun too!
A Fun Way to Learn About Money | Your Child's Financial Success Starts Here | Start Earning Today
Budget Brainiacs helps kids learn about their money and credit, so they can build toward their life goals. Sign up for your free account today and get started!
You can see that, because of the character limits of the ad itself, there isn’t much room for creativity. You can get only the bare bones of the message out that are relevant to the reader’s search.
Same with product descriptions. Here’s an example product description for a fictitious product called the Tastebud Bliss Air Fryer:
Looking for a quality air fryer that can help you whip up delicious meals in minutes? Look no further than the Tastebud Bliss Air Fryer. This top-of-the-line appliance is equipped with industry-leading temperatures up to 450°F, making it 20% faster than other models on the market. So whether you’re looking to cook up a quick snack or a full meal, the Tastebud Bliss Air Fryer is more than up to the task.
But what really makes this air fryer stand out is its 360° rapid heat circulation technology. This ensures that your food will come out crispy and delicious every time, with up to 85% less fat than traditional deep frying. And thanks to its compact design, the Tastebud Bliss Air Fryer takes up very little counter space. Plus, it’s dishwasher safe, so cleanup is a breeze.
And this is why when it comes to short copy, AI is a great tool to have.
The copy is pretty much ready to go, needing only minimal if any editing.
Plus, AI writing tools make it easy for you to create multiple versions of an ad quickly, so you can test them and find a winner. This is a huge time-saver, especially if you’ve already got a working ad but want to “freshen” things up.
Now let’s take a look at where AI isn’t so great:
AI Copywriting and Longer Forms of Copy — Hit or Miss?
As you probably know, copywriting is the art of creating compelling messages that encourage people to act.
The most tried-and-true piece of copy to do this is the trusty old sales letter.
Copywriter rates for sales letters vary, but writers are often paid thousands of dollars (and in some cases tens of thousands of dollars) to create these eight-, 10-, or even 24-plus-page letters that get readers to buy.
And if there’s one thing AI totally misses the mark on, it’s writing a full-length sales letter on its own.
Here’s a small taste of what artificial intelligence came up with when asked to write a sales letter selling a copywriting course:
Write a sales letter selling the reader on buying a copywriting course.
Dear Reader,
Are you looking to start a new career or take your current career to the next level? Copywriting could be the perfect fit for you!
Copywriting is a skill that is in high demand and is essential for any business looking to succeed in the modern digital world. With the right knowledge and guidance, you can be a successful copywriter creating compelling content that sells products, services, and ideas.
That's why I'm excited to introduce you to our copywriting course. Our course is designed to help you develop your skills and gain the confidence you need to become a successful copywriter. You'll learn everything from writing techniques to SEO practices, plus you'll get weekly feedback and support from our experienced team of professionals.
Our course is perfect for people from all backgrounds and experience levels. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned professional, you'll find the guidance and resources you need to excel in the copywriting field.
Now, compare that with a sales letter written by a human that has generated millions of dollars over the years:
Right away, you can read and feel the difference. The human version is much more engaging… feels more alive… and gets you more excited.
AI can’t replicate this without a LOT of human input — something that would require many hours of study and experimenting.
This same lack of "humanness" issue presents itself when it comes to writing longer, in-depth articles or long research reports like white papers.
All these are great-paying projects, and so far, AI doesn’t come close to producing what a human can. Which is good news for you!
One More Thing AI Can’t Do…
One of the things humans have been doing since the dawn of man is tell stories.
Stories are how we impart lessons, share experiences, and more.
And the one thing AI can’t do is tell an intimate story or share personal anecdotes like a human can.
Sure — it can create stories. Sometimes even good ones.
But not great stories, the kind that live on for generations to come.
That’s because AI lacks those tiny “human” nuances that make for great storytelling… great writing… and connecting with someone else on a deep level.
One other thing AI can’t do is share its humanness.
It can’t share an experience that happened to it when it was five years old. It can’t have the same kinds of conversations you would have with friends and family.
And it can’t make all the creative connections you’ve made from all the books you’ve read, shows you’ve watched, songs you’ve sung in the shower, and more.
Which means it can’t make those same connections when writing, to create something fresh and original that hasn’t been done before.
The #1 Reason Why AI Won’t Replace Copywriters
At the end of the day, the biggest limitation of AI-copywriting software (that I alluded to earlier) is that it needs human input.
The output it produces will be only as good as the input it’s given.
And although ChatGPT and other tools like Claude and Gemini are impressive…
It takes considerable time and effort to have them write anything longer than a short ad that passes as “human.”
This is why many companies are now hiring human writers to “humanize” the content they’ve created with AI!
And others are flat out banning the use of AI with the writers they hire:
So as you can see, most companies won’t be firing their content writers or copywriters and replacing them with AI-writing robots.
First, because creating exceptional content requires a human touch.
And second, because getting true “humanlike” content and copywriting from AI, though possible, requires a great deal of thinking.
You’ve got to already know what you want as the output. You’ve got to understand persuasive writing, its “secret structure,” and more.
You’ve got to understand marketing strategy, market awareness and sophistication, and then use that knowledge and experience to guide the AI to create what it is you want.
Without all that?
It’s just a high-tech piece of software that can create really good bits of short copy.
So will AI replace copywriters and human creativity? Not anytime soon.
Should Copywriters Use AI?
Even though AI isn’t coming after you in a dystopian effort to replace you and all other humans…
… it still has a very real place as a useful tool for you as a copywriter or content writer.
The truth is, it can be an invaluable tool for you. One that can help you write better and faster, become more creative, and ultimately earn more money.
Of course, you should never try to use AI to completely write a project a client has paid you for and pass it off as your own. That would be unethical, and ultimately, you’d be turning in subpar copy.
That said, it’s a great idea to use AI as part of your writing process.
It’s no different from how you would use other tools, like a word processor, dictionary, grammar and spelling checker, and so on.
How to Use AI Writing Tools and Become a Better, Faster, Higher-Earning Writer
Think of AI as your super-smart, high-paid writing assistant that makes your life as a writer infinitely easier.
It can help you with these tasks:
- Market Research. Normally, researching a market you’re not familiar with can take hours or even days. You have to scour the web for forums where prospects hang out to figure out what their fears, frustrations, wants, and desires are. With AI, you can get a pretty good idea within just a few minutes.
- Product Research. This is another time-consuming task for most writers. You can do a good portion of your product research using AI software like ChatGPT. This is especially true with physical products, like shoes, golf clubs, and more. It will give you a good sense of what makes the product unique.
- Brainstorming Ideas. For writers, ideas are currency. Without good ideas, a writer is toast! That’s where AI is a huge help. It can instantly give you a limitless number of ideas — for content, for headlines, and more.
- Creating an Outline. For bigger projects that are a few thousand words, it’s great to have an outline. That way you know where you’re headed and what you need to write about. AI can save you time here, by giving you an instant outline you can follow.
- Getting a Rough First Draft. Finally, AI writing tools help to make “writer’s block” a thing of the past. If you know what you’re doing, you can end up with a rough first draft, so you never have to stare at a blank page again.
- Editing. This is another huge time-saver. Most writers are already using some form of this (think tools like Grammarly to check spelling and grammar). But AI can really help you strengthen a piece of copy you’ve already written… and give you that second set of eyes to make sure your writing is neat and polished, ready for the world to see.
All in all, AI is a massive time-saver.
It lets you finish projects faster, which means you can invoice sooner and move on to another project you can get paid for.
It’s the ultimate “productivity” hack for writers!
Let’s take a deeper look at how you’d use it.
Say you’ve been hired to write a sales letter to sell a supplement that helps ease joint inflammation.
Your client gives you a list of ingredients. AI can help you do all the research.
Take a look at what I get when I ask it to tell me more about glucosamine (one of the main ingredients):
Why is glucosamine an important ingredient for joint health?
Glucosamine is an important ingredient for joint health because it helps to produce glycosaminoglycans, which are the building blocks of cartilage and joint fluid. The glycosaminoglycans form the cushion that helps to protect the bones and joints from rubbing together. It also helps to increase the production of hyaluronic acid, which helps to lubricate and cushion the joints. Glucosamine also helps to reduce inflammation in the body, which can help to reduce discomfort associated with joint pain.
What used to take hours scouring the web… takes a fraction of the time. Not only that, but…
It can spark even more ideas or things to research that you wouldn’t have thought of! In this case, I could now research more about “hyaluronic acid” and “Glycosaminoglycans.”
Even crazier — now that ChatGPT-4 can “surf the web,” it can give you the source of the information.
For example — I ask ChatGPT to give me at least three studies that either prove or strongly suggest collagen is great for helping to alleviate joint pain:
please find 3 studies that prove or strongly suggest collagen is effective at helping to alleviate join pain. Include your sources please.
Here are three studies that strongly suggest collagen's effectiveness in alleviating joint pain:
Meta-Analysis on Collagen Peptide's Efficacy in Knee Osteoarthritis: This comprehensive study conducted a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials to evaluate collagen peptides' effectiveness in managing knee osteoarthritis pain. After screening thousands of records, the study included four trials with a total of 507 patients. The results indicated a significant difference in pain relief between the collagen peptide group and the placebo group, with the former showing better pain control. Additionally, the risk of adverse events did not significantly differ between the two groups, suggesting that collagen peptides are a safe option for managing knee osteoarthritis symptoms (BioMed Central).
Hydrolyzed Chicken Collagen Type II Supplement Trial: A double-blind, randomized, placebo- controlled trial investigated the effects of a hydrolyzed chicken collagen type II (HCII) supplement on joint discomfort. The study enrolled adults who received either the HCII supplement or a placebo for eight weeks. Findings showed significant reductions in joint-related discomforts, including pain and stiffness, and improvements in joint function among the HCII group compared to the placebo group. This trial demonstrated the efficacy of HCII in reducing joint pain and stiffness and improving joint mobility (MDPI).
Native Type II Collagen in Knee Osteoarthritis: Another randomized, double-blind, placebo- controlled trial focused on the efficacy and safety of native type II collagen in modulating knee osteoarthritis symptoms. The study's outcome variables included the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index (WOMAC) for assessing joint health. Results indicated a significant reduction in total WOMAC scores and improvements in joint pain and stiffness in the collagen group compared to the placebo. This trial provided evidence that type II collagen could effectively relieve joint pain and improve overall joint health (SpringerOpen).
These studies collectively suggest that collagen, particularly in hydrolyzed and native type II forms, can significantly reduce joint pain and improve joint health, offering a potential therapeutic option for individuals suffering from osteoarthritis and other joint-related discomforts.
Notice the source links in blue? I can also choose to click them and visit the source page, just to double-check the information is accurate:
So as you can see, AI writing tools make all kinds of research infinitely easier and faster.
Now, what about doing research on your prospect?
Here’s an example of how you could use AI to do exactly that:
What challenges does a 60-year-old woman who lives with arthritis and joint pain face?
- Mobility: Arthritis and joint pain can make it difficult for a 60-year old woman to walk, bend, or even lift objects. This can limit her ability to do everyday activities such as shopping, going to appointments, or even participating in hobbies.
- Fatigue: Arthritis can cause fatigue and pain that can make it difficult to stay active. This can lead to a decrease in physical activity, which can further increase fatigue.
- 3. Medication management: Managing medications for arthritis and joint pain can be a challenge. It is important for individuals to take medications as prescribed and monitor for any side effects.
- 4. Mental health: Living with chronic pain can be emotionally draining and lead to depression and anxiety. It is important for a 60-year old woman to find ways to cope with her condition and seek support from family, friends, or a mental health professional.
Again, instead of having to search dozens of forums, groups, and more…
… in less than a minute you’ve got a pretty good idea of who your prospect is and what their biggest challenges and frustrations are.
Now that you’ve done your research, it’s time to write.
What about brainstorming a few ideas for your headline?
AI can help you with that too. Here’s an example:
Write 5 Headline ideas for a joint pain supplement, highlighting the features and benefits.
- Alleviate Joint Pain with this Natural Supplement
- Get Back on Your Feet with this Joint Pain Relief Supplement
- Reduce Joint Discomfort with this Natural Supplement
- Enjoy Life Again with this Joint Pain Relief Supplement
- Feel the Difference with this Joint Pain Relief Supplement
Now, the headlines above are not that great. However, there are ways to “coax” AI to give you better output, especially if you have existing copy you can paste in for the software to use and "learn" from.
What if you’re a content writer who needs dozens of blog post ideas for your client?
Again, your AI “writing assistant” can help you with ideas for content creation:
In this case, it produced 10 ideas in about four seconds.
Please give me 10 ideas for an article on cookies and cream ice cream.
- The History of Cookies and Cream Ice Cream: How it Became an American Favorite
- Creative Recipes for Cookies and Cream Ice Cream Cakes and Pies
- A Guide to Making Homemade Cookies and Cream Ice Cream
- The Best Store-Bought Cookies and Cream Ice Cream Brands
- A Comparison of Different Types of Cookies and Cream Ice Cream
- The Nutritional Benefits of Eating Cookies and Cream Ice Cream
- Unique Toppings to Enhance Your Cookies and Cream Ice Cream Experience
- Recipes for Cookies and Cream Ice Cream Sandwiches
- The Science Behind Making Perfectly Smooth and Creamy Cookies and Cream Ice Cream
- Creative Ways to Enjoy Cookies and Cream Ice Cream with Friends and Family
For many writers, brainstorming ideas like this can sometimes take an hour or more. Which is why AI can be such a big time-saver.
Finally, maybe you’ve written an email, but you’re stumped for a good subject line.
AI to the rescue!
Just ask it to give you a few different subject lines…
Write 5 subject lines for an email on building muscle.
- Get Bigger & Stronger: The Ultimate Guide to Building Muscle
- Discover the Secrets to Building Lean Muscle Mass
- Intensify Your Workouts & Maximize Muscle Growth
- Transform Your Physique with the Right Training & Nutrition
- Unlock Your Potential for Maximum Muscle Growth
Now you can pick and choose which you like best, you can combine some of them, or maybe it sparks an idea for an entirely new subject line.
Banish Writer’s Block with AI
Another great way we human copywriters can use AI is to eliminate writer’s block altogether.
Because it’s a fact that it’s far easier to work with something that’s already on the page than to stare at a blank page and blinking cursor.
That’s where AI comes in.
You can ask it to write a longer article or piece of copy.
It won’t be perfect. And it certainly won’t be something you’d turn in to a client.
But it’s given you a start.
You can take the output and start editing it… adding to it… and making it your own.
For example, maybe you’ve been hired to write a “listicle” blog post on starting a dog-walking business.
You would hop into your favorite AI-writing program… and first ask it to create an outline for the acticle… something like this:
outline a "listicle" blog post with valuable tips for starting a dog-walking business.
Sure, a listicle format can be quite engaging for readers, especially for practical topics like starting a dog-walking business. Here's a structured outline that could work well for your blog post:
Title: 10 Essential Tips for Launching a Successful Dog-Walking Business
Brief overview of the growing demand for dog-walking services and the potential for starting a dog-walking business. Highlight the importance of passion for dogs, reliability, and the right preparation.
1. Understand the Market
- Research the local demand for dog-walking services.
- Identify your competition and potential client base.
- Pricing strategies based on market rates.
2. Get Certified
- Importance of pet first aid and CPR certification.
- Other beneficial certifications (e.g., dog behavior training).
3. Legal and Administrative Setup
- Choosing the right business structure (sole proprietorship, LLC, etc.).
- Necessary licenses, permits, and insurance.
- Importance of a well-drafted contract.
4. Develop a Strong Brand
- Choosing a catchy business name and logo.
- The role of a professional website and business cards.
5. Online Presence and Marketing
- Utilizing social media platforms effectively.
- Creating content that engages potential clients (tips for dog care, success stories, etc.).
6. Offer Exceptional Service
- Importance of reliability and trustworthiness.
- Keeping detailed notes on each dog's needs and preferences.
- Going the extra mile (birthday treats, holiday cards).
7. Get Reviews and Referrals
- Encouraging satisfied clients to leave online reviews.
- Setting up a referral program to reward clients for recommending your service.
8. Safety First
- Keeping up to date with dog walking safety practices.
- How to handle emergencies and unforeseen situations.
9. Expand Your Services
- Considering additional services (pet sitting, grooming).
- Tailoring packages to meet varied client needs.
10. Continuous Learning and Adaptation
- Staying informed about pet care industry trends.
- Seeking feedback and continually improving your service.
Summarize the key points and emphasize the joy and fulfillment of working with dogs. Encourage aspiring dog walkers to take the first step with confidence and dedication.
Call to Action
Encourage readers to follow your blog for more tips, share the article with potential dog walkers, or contact you for more in-depth guidance.
This structure offers a comprehensive guide that covers the essentials of starting a dog-walking business, with each section providing valuable insights for aspiring entrepreneurs.
Once you’re happy with your outline, you can ask it to start writing each section of the outline to create your first rough draft:
Great-now please write the introduction and part 1 of the article
Certainly! Here's the introduction and Part 1 of the article, following the outlined structure:
10 Essential Tips for Launching a Successful Dog-Walking Business
The allure of turning your passion for dogs into a profitable venture has never been stronger. In today's fast-paced world, dog owners are increasingly seeking reliable and caring individuals to ensure their furry friends get the exercise and attention they need during busy days. Starting a dog-walking business not only opens the door to a fulfilling career but also taps into a growing market with significant demand. However, like any entrepreneurial endeavor, launching a successful dog-walking service requires more than just a love for dogs—it demands reliability, a strategic approach, and thorough preparation. If you're contemplating embarking on this rewarding journey, our guide lays out 10 essential tips to help you start off on the right paw.
1. Understand the Market
Before leashing up your new venture, it's crucial to get a lay of the land. Understanding the market is the first step toward establishing a successful dog-walking business. Here's how you can get started:
Research the Local Demand for Dog-Walking Services
Begin by assessing the need for dog-walking services in your area. Look into the number of dog owners, their lifestyles, and their propensity to seek such services. Urban areas with busy professionals or neighborhoods with a high population of elderly pet owners might offer fertile ground for your business.
Identify Your Competition and Potential Client Base
Knowing who you're up against can help you differentiate your services. Analyze your competition's offerings, pricing, and customer reviews. This information will not only help you position your business effectively but also enable you to target your marketing efforts more precisely.
Pricing Strategies Based on Market Rates
Pricing your services competitively while ensuring profitability is a delicate balance. Investigate what other dog walkers in your area charge and consider factors like group versus individual walks, the duration of walks, and any additional services you might offer. It's also wise to think about introductory rates or discounts for multiple dogs from the same household to attract initial clients.
Understanding the market is more than just about prices and competition; it's about identifying an underserved niche or offering something unique that sets you apart. Whether it's specializing in walks for high-energy breeds, providing real-time updates to owners, or incorporating training techniques into walks, finding your edge will make your business stand out. As you delve into the world of dog walking, remember that success lies in not just meeting but exceeding the expectations of the dog owners and their beloved pets.
You’d repeat this with each part of the outline and paste the output into a document to edit once the draft is complete.
Again, it won't be perfect, but it'll be a pretty decent start.
Now you could easily take that and make it your own, eliminating the blank-page blues and saving yourself a ton of time.
This is why AI is great if you also want to produce large amounts of content quickly. Especially if you or your clients do any form of content marketing.
AI Copywriting Tools You May Want to Consider
Because of the buzz around artificial intelligence, many AI writing tools have popped up claiming to help you write great copy.
Sometimes they’re also referred to as automated copywriting software. Either way, most of them are similar in function, albeit with key differences.
But here are the top ones you might want to consider, depending on your budget:
1. ChatGPT
This is the best “all-around” tool out there, released in late November 2022. Currently it’s free to use with limited features. You can pay $20 per month to upgrade to ChatGPT Plus, which gives you access to all the latest features (including being able to “surf” the web and cite sources, create GPT “bots,” and more). What makes ChatGPT unique is it’s set up as a chatbot, where you can tell it what to do. This is different from many of the other tools out there today. It’s also why ChatGPT is the best overall tool to use for things like research, coming up with content ideas, and more. Its only limit is your own creativity for how to use it!
2. Surfer SEO
This is a great tool if you’re a content writer who’s trying to help clients gain traction with organic search traffic. It’s pricey, with plans starting at $89 per month. It uses artificial intelligence to analyze your competitors for a specific keyword, and then gives you optimizations to create a piece of content that’s just as good or better — so it’ll get noticed by Google. It even has a built-in editor that gives you feedback as you’re writing, giving you suggestions on what semantically related keywords to use and more.
3. Jasper
Formerly known as Jarvis, this was one of the first tools to hit the market. Its plans start at about $49 per month. With that, you get to use most of its templates and features that help streamline the writing process. For those who prefer a simpler interface that’s more intuitive, it could definitely be the way to go. It comes with multiple preloaded template options for quickly creating different kinds of short content, including product descriptions, blog post outlines, ad templates, and outlines for popular copywriting formulas like AIDA and PAS.
4. Claude
This is a direct competitor to ChatGPT. It too comes with a free plan and offers an upgraded plan for $20 per month. Claude is excellent at generating very “humanlike” content. Its algorithm works differently from OpenAI’s ChatGPT. So if you want to produce great first drafts that don’t require as much editing or as much human input to begin with, Claude is the way to go. It does, however, lack many of the features ChatGPT Plus offers — like GPTBots and being able to visit and read website URLs. One thing to note: Claude is still in the “beta” phase, and is currently available only in the United States.
5. Gemini
This is yet another language model that’s a direct competitor to ChatGPT and Claude. It’s from the engineers over at Google and was formerly known as Bard. Google’s Gemini is a serious contender, because it’s had a lot of improvements in the last few months. It writes very well right out of the gate and boasts a large “context window,” making longer-form content and copy projects easier to write. One thing it can’t do, however, is visit and “read” websites, like ChatGPT Plus is able to. Gemini is free to use with a Google account, though the more capable Gemini Advanced is available for a $20 per month subscription fee.
There are more tools out on the market.
But those are some of the “best-in-class” available today.
As a writer, you’ll have to decide what works best for your own writing and content creation process and the kinds of clients you work with.
Is AI the Future of Copywriting?
Thanks to advances in machine learning and natural language processing, AI and its ability to write copy and content is better than it’s ever been before. As the months and years go by, it will only get better.
So is it the future of copywriting and content marketing?
AI will become more commonplace. Especially in the form of AI copywriting tools.
In the near future, AI will be no different from a word processor. It’s simply a tool to help writers get more done in less time.
Can AI replace copywriters, and take over content creation and human creativity at some point in the future?
It’s highly unlikely.
Mainly because AI isn’t conscious. It doesn’t have experience that a human copywriter can draw from and write about.
At the end of the day, AI requires human input, so that it knows what to do.
And the only way you can know “what” to tell it to do is by having studied copywriting and marketing.
There’s no substitute for that.
Which means if you want to truly future-proof your career as a writer, it’s important to learn and grow as much as possible.
5 Steps to Stay Ahead of the Curve
So where do you go from here?
The No. 1 thing you want to do as a writer is increase the value you bring to the table.
Because although AI won’t replace human copywriters, it can replace certain kinds of writing jobs.
As mentioned earlier, short copy projects like ads and product descriptions.
For many larger companies, the kind of “boilerplate” generalized copy AI can create in an instant is “good enough” for what they need.
So if you’ve somehow made a career writing only that short kind of copy, then it’s seriously time to upgrade your skills.
It’s the larger, more complex writing projects where AI copywriting software can’t replace human writers.
Here are five steps you can take to give yourself an edge:
- Learn marketing and strategy. One of the things AI cannot do is come up with a fresh approach to a marketing problem. That’s something that so far, only humans can do. But the only way you can creatively solve marketing challenges is to learn everything you can about digital marketing and the strategies to do it effectively.
- Get more creative. Higher-value work always involves a lot of creative thinking. And one of the best ways to get more creative is to learn how to come up with ideas on demand. There are many books out there on this subject. One great place to start is with Jack Foster’s How to Get Ideas.
- Dive deep into human psychology. Understanding what makes us tick and why we do what we do as humans is one of the best ways to make yourself high-value in your client’s eyes. It will help you sell more and get better results once you know the psychological triggers that move us to action.
- Get good at storytelling. There’s no question that AI can create decent content and copy very quickly. But can you guess what it can’t do as well as a human? Tell an emotionally compelling story! That’s why if you can tell great stories through the written word, you’ll be very valuable to anyone who hires you.
- Connect at an emotional level. If you learn how to leverage emotions in your writing, you’re golden. Only a human can connect with his or her readers on an emotional level that AI simply cannot (at least yet). That’s why if you can craft copy that elicits emotion and gets your reader feeling something, you’ll have nothing to worry about.
The One Future-Proof Writing Skill
Every Copywriter Should Master
If you want a skill that will protect you years into the future from AI, it’s writing long-form sales letters.
This is the kind of project that requires human creativity to come up with a great “big idea”… to craft a compelling, attention-grabbing headline, and to write a lead that makes it nearly impossible for your prospect to stop reading.
It’s why it’s one of the few forms of writing that can help you earn more than most doctors and lawyers. Mainly because it helps to generate sales!
The closer your writing is to the “sale,” the more valuable it becomes and the less likely it could ever be replaced by artificial intelligence.
This is why copywriters who’ve mastered this skill aren’t worried at all.
If anything, AI is a huge boon that allows them to work better and ultimately make more money.