Why V is the Most Profitable Letter for Your Writing Business
Maybe you know, the letter E is the most common letter used in the English language.
Paste Magazine claims the letter Z is the coolest.
But most people don’t know V is the most profitable letter.
But you’re about to find out why …
It all starts with your niche.
You do have a niche, don’t you? If not, you’ll want one.
Because doubling-down the profitability using the letter V, requires a niche.
A niche is an area in which you have passion, knowledge, experience, or all three.
Let’s say gardening is your thing.
Time spent in the sun weeding, planting, and watering recharges your batteries.
You’ve got a shed jammed full of tools for every job imaginable.
And, selling the fruits of your labor to the farmer’s market for extra cash is pure joy.
So, let’s ramp up your gardening profitability faster than ever before by using the letter V.
Profiting from the letter V takes three components …
- A copywriting business
- A farmer’s market, aka a network of other garden enthusiasts
- A niche website
Say you’ve got a copywriting business and a passion for gardening.
Then your next step is to build a niche website.
A website where you write about what you love, and share it with other garden enthusiasts. Things like “how-to” articles, soil nutrition facts, pest control pointers, growing tips, product reviews, plant trivia …
For the sake of time, let’s assume you go ahead and set up your niche website.
Let’s look at how the letter V makes you profitable.
First, it has nothing to do with what words the letter V is used in. How often it’s used. Or anything like that.
The letter V’s physical shape is what matters here. How you form it using your niche.
Let me explain …
In your mind, or preferably on paper, draw a big letter V.
Under the pointy bottom of the V write, GreenThumbSuperHero(dot)com … That’s your imagined gardening niche website.
Above the top left of the V write, “Farmer market gig.”
Above the top right of the V, write the name of your copywriting business. We’ll call it, “The Gardening Copywriter.”
How the power of the letter V works.
Now, let’s imagine it’s Farmer’s Market Day. You’re selling veggies and chatting with fellow vendors.
Packing up tomatoes for a customer, Linda, she says she’d love to grow her own tomatoes. But Linda hates weeding, doesn’t have the time, and sold her tiller years ago.
She doesn’t even have a garden area anymore.
You give her a business card with your niche gardening website, and on the back of your card you write the title of the article she should read, Prize-Winning Tomatoes When You Hate Weeding and Don’t Have Time or Space to Garden.
You offer to pull the article up on Linda’s smartphone. Just to make it easier.
Because, at the end of your helpful article, there’s a link for her to purchase Weed-free Patio Gardening Boxes.
Every time someone purchases using that affiliate link, you get paid a percentage of the purchase price.
By helping people like Linda, we just drew the first leg of the letter V. From the top of the farmer market gig, down to the pointy bottom where your niche website is.
But we’re not done yet because we still have one more leg of the V to complete.
So imagine coming home after a successful day at the farmer’s market.
Checking your email, there’s a message from Amy, the marketing director at Weed-free Patio Garden Boxes LLC.
You sent her a courtesy email last week. You told Amy about your passion for their products, and the complimentary review you wrote on their latest garden box on your niche gardening website.
You offered Amy a chance to review the free product pitch for any additions she felt would be helpful, before going live to your huge audience on your website.
At this point, you might be wondering how a freebie review is helping your copywriting business.
We’re about to complete the letter V.
When Amy, over at Weed-free Patio Garden Box LLC, goes to your niche website to look at the free product review, she becomes even more of a potential client for your freelance copywriting business.
Because, you’ve just increased your value to her as a copywriter.
You’re obviously knowledgeable in Amy’s niche space.
You’ve approached her with a gift, rather than an “ask.”
You’ve given her samples of your work. She’ll read it, because she has a vested interest in finding out what you wrote about her company and its product.
What’s more, without Amy realizing it, she’s collaborating with you on a project. Even if it’s to say it looked great and she appreciate the pitch to potential customers.
You have something no other copywriter in your niche has …
Amy’s attention.
It’s much easier to get the attention of a marketing director when you come with a legitimate gift in hand, rather than an open one looking for work.
You’ve started a relationship with her. She has a sense of how easy it is to work with you.
While other copywriters pound on the front door loudly pitching their copy service, begging for work …
You calmly stroll to the back door, genuinely helping her to market her product with a free review.
Obviously, you’ll let Amy know about your freelance copywriting service in the gardening niche, for when she needs extra copywriting and marketing help.
And you’ll find an appropriate time to casually mention some fresh marketing ideas for her to consider.
Be genuine. Be authentic. Be yourself. Be helpful.
Why wouldn’t Amy want to work with you?
Now by doing all of this, you’ve just completed the last part of making the letter V. And hopefully you see why the letter V is the most profitable letter in the alphabet.
And, if you’re thinking this isn’t for copywriters just starting out, I’ve got some exciting news …
This can work especially well for new writers.
It can be the easiest, most profitable way to break into copywriting because it gives you a roadmap to follow.
Decide on a niche, and you have two of the three pieces.
The only missing piece is your niche website, or Money-Making Website.
And the good news is there’s a way you can create one quickly, and have fun doing it.
It’s called, How to Write Your Own Money-Making Websites.
Master Copywriter Nick Usborne can help get your Money-Making Website up in a handful of weeks.
He’s shared all the shortcuts, tools, and successful strategies for years. Everything he used to make over $350,000 and counting on his own Money-Making Website.
Once your website is up and running, position it at the pointy end of the V.
Work it like I’ve outlined, and you’ve captured the profitability in the letter V.
What questions do you have about creating extra income with your own Money-Making Website? Post them in the comments so we can answer them for you.

How to Build, Write, and Grow Your Own Money-Making Websites
Learn how to write an information website in your spare time and earn $1000, $3000, even $5000 a month in passive income. Learn More »
Hi everyone!
Thank you Brad Duns'e.I think I finally get at least part of this money making website thing.AWAI has been so patient with me as I try to make sense of this "Writer's Life"!
Your analogy with the 'V' has helped wrap my tiny little mind around it a little further.
I have had a presence on LinkedIn, I have a website on Google, but now I must adjust both accordingly. Thanks for re-inspiring me as I make this journey.
Web Wranglers –
Hey Brad - love your Big Idea and how you played it through. Well done!
Cecelia –
Very refreshing writing and idea! Thank you!
Word Peddler –