Everything You Need to Know to Make Money as a Writer (Plus Free Resources to Help You!)
So you want to be a well-paid writer …
Fortunately for you, there’s never been a better time to be one!
Good copy and content writers have never been in more demand. Literally millions of companies need loads and loads of ongoing projects written. And the trail to success has already been blazed for you.
Like I said, there’s never been a better time!
But you may have questions … like how to get started, where to find clients, how to create samples, what to say when a client asks for your fees, and more …
Well, you’re in the right spot!
AWAI has been helping writers live the writer’s life for over 21 years.
We know ALL the questions and have ALL the answers.
And we’re here to help you succeed!
Below you’ll find a list of questions, challenges, and opportunities we hear regularly from aspiring writers, and the free resources we have that answer them — in great detail!
Let’s start at the very beginning …
You’re brand-new to the world of paid writing and have no idea what steps to take — or even the very FIRST step to take …
Let’s get you up to speed!
We’ve put together a 9-step blueprint you can follow to take you from zero to well-paid writer.
You hear writing every day can help you strengthen your own writing skills, while banishing writer’s block or “blank page syndrome.” But what exactly are you supposed to write about?
Access our library of persuasive writing prompts!
Each prompt is presented by a working copywriter to inspire you and get you writing fast.
While on a webinar, or talking to a client, you hear a copywriting or marketing term you’re unfamiliar with.
Have no fear …
Just head over to AWAI’s Ultimate Glossary of Copywriting Terms and Direct-Response Definitions and quickly get up to speed and back into the conversation.
You hear picking a niche is a good idea for freelance writers, but aren’t sure which niche to pick, or whether the one you’ve chosen is a profitable one.
Picking a niche definitely makes things easier when marketing yourself … both with finding new clients and negotiating your rates.
And while there are literally thousands of niches you could choose, and a variety of ways to pick one, we’ve put together a webinar that covers the easiest way to pick a profitable niche.
You have writing skills, you just need clients!
Boy, have we got you covered there …
Here are 26 different ways you can find freelance writing clients.
You’re ready to start marketing yourself as a freelance writer. Now what?
Start by putting up a professional LinkedIn profile targeting clients in your niche.
It’s one of the easiest ways to promote your writing business, presell your value and expertise, and generate an ongoing stream of clients for your writing business.
You love the idea of writing content instead of copy. Is there an opportunity to make real money doing it?
Fortunately, the demand for skilled content writing is at an all-time high.
Learn 12 ways to get paid to write content, and the quickest ways to get started.
A client has scheduled a meeting with you by phone. What will you say?!
Listen in as we role-play a variety of different scenarios and show you what to ask and say about project goals, fee estimates, timelines, and setting the tone for a smooth project.
You’ll see how to put the “pro” in your process, so potential clients will be impressed and say yes!
A client calls and asks you to do a project … but you have no idea how much to charge. What do you do?!
You download our free annual Pricing Guide and get the going rates for the top 75 writing projects.
Each year we publish the report, so you know what to charge, and clients know what they should expect to pay.
A client asks you to take on a project, but you’ve never done it before!
Go ahead and say, “No problem! I have time in my schedule three weeks from now.”
Then you head over to the AWAI catalog, and grab the program you need to give you the skills.
You need a little inspiration from your fellow AWAI members who have already blazed the trail and found great success as a well-paid writer …
Check out our case studies on successful AWAI members and see firsthand all the types of people who are making great money — and enjoying freedom they never thought possible — doing what they love.
You’ve been hearing about AWAI’s annual Copywriting Bootcamp but haven’t even finished The Accelerated Program. Is it too soon to consider going?
A lot of our new members go to Bootcamp before they finish The Accelerated Program; it’s not a prerequisite to attending. Our Bootcamp presenters cover a wide range of information about what’s working in the industry now, all in easy-to-understand terms. Plus, they make direct-response concepts come alive with their enthusiasm, so your studies may be even easier once you return home. The other benefit to going to Bootcamp right away is you’ll start to build connections with marketers who are looking for new copywriters. So when you are ready to look for paid work, you’ll have a network to approach.
You have a question about <fill in the blank here>. There’s a good chance we’ve answered it on our website (at least once or twice!).
Head over to the AWAI website and type a word or two in the search bar.
Or go to our content page and browse through the variety of topics and uncover a gold mine of tips and advice that can get you moving forward.
Still can’t find the answer?
Post it as a comment below, and I’ll make sure you do. Or contact our friendly and knowledgeable Member Services Team here.
Bottom line …
If you want to make a great living as a writer, AWAI can help.
So, don’t let any questions or roadblocks stand in your way.
Reach out and we’ll be happy to help you move past them!

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter
The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »
I like the tip especially about writers being asked to take on a job they've never done before. "Tell them you have an opening in 3 weeks, and head to AWAI to brush up (or learn) that skill!"
When a client or prospect asks us to take on something that is not yet a skill set, this is our opportunity to learn.
Thanks, Vanessa
Guest (V Lewis Writer) –
@V Lewis Writer - thank you for the feedback!! Rebecca
Rebecca Matter –
Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to give me the full knowledge on copywriting.
Guest (John Henry ) –
Dear Rebecca, Thank you for not giving up on me. I was one of your first copywriters, way back in the late 20th Century.
I think that I finally won the Publishers Clearing House Drawing and I am just waiting so I can separate myself from the situation I've gotten into.
I promise that I will be back in touch. I need to hire some people to help me with my office so I can work comfortably. Do you know any Real Estate agents?
Retired high school teacher. Just beginning.
Guest (Coyanosa) –
I wish to write on the business opportunity and the tax system in Malaysia.
Guest (pfhchong) –
At this time I have one question. I write one or two pages of short thoughts to Make you recall times in your life that made you stop & think? My hope is once you have read one of my writings that it might cause you to look back and say why didn't think of that?
Guest (JDC11) –
How to obtain referrals might be a good topic to canvass at some point.
Guest (Steven) –
Guest (SHAROD BOY) –
Excellent service. I am glad to have joined this group.
Guest (Harry) –
I follow all the emails from AWAI with high interest. The advice and information is vital to becoming a writer.
Guest (Eva Acqui) –
Grateful and still eager to learn and start earning money.
Guest (Julia Chinaeze eto) –
Thanks for your emails, please continue to send them. Wishing all of you a fun, safe July 4th holiday!
Thanks, Robyn
Guest (Robyn) –
Always believe that I could write. I started in 2014. I have a lot of materials but still haven’t came out what a proper introduction I have a story to tell but I need help telling it and preparing it so it can go right on paper. I think my thoughts write them down, put them together and make a story but I have family pain issues problems and I need to put that on paper in a good way so I could be the best that I ever possibly can.
Guest (Dorinda Johnson) –
I have so many ideas about so many different things. I think I’m scared of failure
Guest (Angel Lacorte) –
Am going to start, but petrified!!!
Guest (Sandy) –
Please keep sending
Guest (Melissa Greene y) –
I have been a paying member for about 3 years (or longer). My wife continues to chide me into stopping those payments, but that would be like choking my dream to death with my bare hands. I haven't brought myself to do that. In fact this Thanksgiving weekend I spent hours hunting down potential clients through various industry lists. In fact, just before seeing this email from you, I had committed to calling you up Monday morning to ask-"How can I ramp this into HIGH GEAR!" Expect my call.
Guest (Robert D ) –
I want to become a writer to write my own autobiography I'm excited about joining with you
Guest (Mary Walburga Deese ) –
It is my keen ambition to work with a great team that keeps motivated and pushing goals in terms of writing and creativity.
What exactly,we have to write as far I am concerned What we going to write about what subjects or what event then I can assuming some idee on my mind what is all about
Guest (Heros) –
How is it possible to be productive and make money in this real world just by being a writer I’m confused and how much money do I have to invest imagine
Guest (Maribel ) –
All jobs you advertise or that are advertised for copywriters demand experience. So how will people like me without experience do hired projects?
Guest (Fevious Hachunga) –
How much money do I have to invest first before even beginning? I need to make money before I can invest money. I love writing and think I would be great at this but I have no idea where to begin.
Guest (Erica ) –
do you offer a course on how to use AI in copy writing
Guest (william collier) –
@William - we do! The details are here: https://www.awai.com/ai-copywriting/p/
Rebecca Matter –
@Erica - we have loads of free content on this website. I would start here: https://www.awai.com/what-is-copywriting/
And then start going through our other free resources: https://www.awai.com/resources/
The key is just to dive in. Learn as much as you can and take action every single day towards building your business. And you will move forward and find success if you keep going.
Rebecca Matter –