The One-Word Resolution
Sometimes I feel like a fraud …
I’ve written numerous articles on how to set resolutions … or rather, goals.
I know how to set them. And I’ve successfully achieved plenty of them over the years.
But the truth is, I no longer really believe in them.
Don’t get me wrong …
I believe in creating roadmaps or plans … listing out the things you need to do to move forward … which I guess, one could say, is like “setting goals.”
But, when I think of the word “goal” itself, I just see a limitation.
Let me explain …
If you were to say to me, “My goal this year is to make $10,000 a month from my writing” — my question would be why?
What happens if you make $9,000? Will you feel like a failure for falling short? Even though you’re making great money doing what you love?
And on the flip side, I might ask why would you limit yourself to $10,000? By setting that goal, aren’t you creating a ceiling (something many people come to AWAI to escape) on what you can achieve?
Let’s say you hit that $10,000 “goal” on the 15th of the month. Will you celebrate your win and stop pushing? What if you could have made $15,000? You may never know.
These days, I’m a believer in swinging for the fences …
To approach each year — and each day, really — with the intention of making it better than the one before.
And to do that, I’m a believer in making plans.
Planning Goals vs. Milestones
Now, I should point out that saying, “I want to make $10,000 a month from my writing this year” is very different from stating, “I need to make $10,000 a month before I can leave my full-time job.”
In my opinion, the latter is simply a fact …
You’ve calculated how much you need to make to pay your bills to ensure you make a safe/sound decision. It’s a milestone you need to reach.
I get it! We all have responsibilities, whether they’re mortgages, debt, kids, or any other financial commitment.
When you determine how much you “need” to make to move forward to the next phase of your career, it gives the structure you need to make a plan on how you’ll get there.
For example, if I say I need to make $10,000 a month to quit my job, I may look at the types of projects that could get me there …
- 2 Case Studies at $1,500 Each = $3,000
- 3 Social Media Retainers at $2,000 Each/Month = $6,000
- 1 Newsletter Gig at $2,500 a Month = $2,500
That would total $11,500 and definitely put me in a comfortable position — with a little wiggle room each month — to commit to going freelance full-time.
With a list of projects getting me to my financial goal, now I know what skills I need and can make a plan to acquire them. I also know what level of clients I need to land, which helps me choose my niche, etc.
So, that said, what SHOULD you do for the New Year?!
I encourage you to make a plan, if you don’t yet have one … and, if you click here, you’ll get access to a webinar that will walk you through the steps.
And, as part of making your New Year plan, I also want you to try something new …
Pick a Word
Years ago, the Managing Editor of our Barefoot Writer Magazine, Mindy McHorse, issued me and my fellow members a challenge …
Pick one word that would sum up our focus for the next year.
It was supposed to touch on an area in life where we’d like to improve and resonate with our hopes of what would happen in the year to come.
One word.
We writers are used to pouring our souls out onto the page …
But she wanted us to sum it all up in one word?!
Still, I decided to give it a shot.
And let me tell you, six years later, I’m doing it again today. And it’s become a “thing” we do every year now at AWAI.
It’s been that powerful.
Words I’ve chosen in the past have been Gratitude (when I wanted to be more mindful of all I’d achieved, rather than constantly focusing on what was next) …
Health (when I felt I was putting everything else in front of my own personal needs) …
And Fun (when I was simply taking on too much … and realized I wanted to remember this time of raising young kiddos as being a time full of fun).
Other writers I know chose Abundance, Momentum, Persistence, Bold, Productive, Faith, Action, Courage, Confidence, All-in, Connection, Focus, Listen …
There’s really no wrong answer.
You just think about the year in front of you and decide what you want the theme to be.
And then, once you have your one word, you use it to guide every action you take for the next set of 365 days.
One year, Mindy used Simplify as her guiding word, and she was able to tackle all things with an eye toward simplification.
As a result, everything became easier. If something was hard, that was her clue that it needed to change. By the end of the year, she was an expert in one-pot recipes, only shopped at one store, and had a Virtual Assistant.
I once decided to focus on Fun. So, before saying “Yes” to anything, I’d stop and ask myself, “Is this actually going to be fun?” It made it easier to say “No” to activities and obligations that lacked enjoyable or entertaining qualities.
The result was a lot more free time, which resulted in better productivity, more wins, greater satisfaction, and a happier me …
Which meant happier kiddos, husband, and colleagues. ;)
With another New Year upon us, I’ve been thinking about the one word I’ll pick to guide me through 2025 …
It’s going to be LOVE.
I want to fall in love with writing all over again …
I want to be mindful of all the love I have in my life …
Continue to give love freely …
And be grateful I get to do something I love — so very much — every single day.
I love helping the AWAI community … navigating challenges … and celebrating your wins.
What about you?
Remember, there is no wrong answer; it can be any word you want.
And this assumes you also have a plan of what you need to accomplish this year to meet your milestones. After all, it’s easier to get where you’re going with a roadmap!
But, simply pick a word to be your guiding light this year …
And see what happens!
Care to share your word? Post it in the comments below and commit to making it happen.

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BarryB –
The one word I choose is 'FAITH'.
Marcellus Greene –
My one word: Joy
A second word I would choose is: Peace
These are for myself, I will do what brings me Joy and helps me to feel Peace within myself. Thank you for this idea, it's great.
Guest (Deanna) –
My best friend and I have been doing words for our new years resolutions for years. We started with "A" words, and we are now up to "K". this year, Knowledgeable, Kind, Kissable and Kaleidoscopic. Other good words have been Authorship, Joyful, Innovative, Gumption, Grateful, Fortunate... Use it as computer password to keep it in mind daily!
Guest (CEV) –
Hi! I have two words. Brave and Bold. I can work with them separately or linked together. And they feel right. Last year’s word was Patience. And though it was good in some ways, I also felt stifled by in.
Camille P -Carerra Ink –
Tim Geiger –
My word’s ‘quality’ my relationships, work, conversations, lifestyle.
Guest (Esther ) –
Thanks, Rebecca for posting this suggestion! My word for 2019 is CHANGE. I began 2 classes through AWAI in 2016. I'm still working on them, but I think it's time to fish or cut bait. The word "change" challenges me and that's a good thing. When I'm deciding how to spend my time this year, I'll ask myself if my choice is going to lead to the changes I want in my life. 2019 = CHANGE!
Theresa D –
Great stuff, Rebecca. I've narrowed it down to a few. Gonna focus on this.(Focus? Hmmm...) HNY!
Jeff Trewhella –
I used a random word generator before Christmas to choose a focus word for 2019. I got "Count", which seemed a little strange at first. But then--count my blessings, my food macros, my workouts, my water intake--you get the idea. I think this is a good focus word for writing in 2019 as well. As in, count your daily word production. Nothing happens if you don't write regularly. Blessings everyone!
Cindy Szponder –
My simple one word, is "Success." Everything I do this year, will move me towards being more successful and happier financially.
I will live my Dreams this year.
Guest (Abraham) –
I'll share. My word for 2019 is "better". :)
Christina Gillick –
This is such a great idea. One I really needed.
My one word resolution is "Focused" I get sidetracked so easily so this will be my mantra this year.
arosegarden –
Absolutely is my one word
Guest (Bonnie Bannon) –
My word is "confidence". I have been taking classes and studying all year, just completing Nick Usborn's web writing class but I am yet to turn any writing in for evaluation. The man I work for now says I am afraid of failure and I know down deep he is right. "confidence" is what I need to take that leap into actually writing.
Susan GCS –
The word I chose is Persist (thank you, Elizabeth Warren). I have reached burn out in the past as a result of allowing my emotions to overtake my work. I plan to allow meaning to guide me instead of tone, to ask questions when conversations become uncomfortable, and to change my mind in the face of facts without allowing the erosion of my character.
LWSchuster –
Jody Tjapkes –
Donna Renee –
Fis –
Since 'unquitable' is not a work, I choose 'Perseverance'.
Theresa Kusumah-Atmadja –
My one word for 2022 is PAYEE!!
Jean Allord –
Clarity. I had an accident last year and it literally left me reeling. I’ve learned a lot about what trauma can do to the mind and body, even something as simple as a fall. As a result, I’ve rather lost my way in several areas, including whether to write or edit. I need clarity!
Guest (Janet Clere) –
my word for 2025 is accomplish. I have my plan and set my goal. I know what I need to accomplish (with a bit of "life happens" room) to meet each.
Wishing you all luck on your WORD and journey.
Swiss –
My word is GROWTH. I have to grow in all aspects of my writing life this coming year.
Guest (Joseph Atta-Fynn) –
The word I choose is GROWTH. I have planned to grow in the coming year.
Joseph Atta-Fynn –
Guest (Dona) –
My word is: sincerity.
Sincerity comes from the heart. It is pure, transparent and shines like nothing else.
Guest (Irina) –
My word for 2025 is courage.
Guest (Christiana) –
My word for 2025 is THRIVE - in all areas of my life
Simone –
my word is HOPE and I am truly grateful for your guidance and AWAI.
Guest (Jill) –
I've been doing this with two friends for years. My word for 2025 is COMPLETION. I started several things last year but didn't finish most of them. You can't move forward if you don't finish what you start.
Guest (Tina M) –
I love all these words! Here's to a great 2025 ... and I hope it's already off to a good start.
Rebecca Matter –
Guest (Mike Crowe) –
My one word is Health. Or otherwise stated as Well-being.
Guest (Brian Lardie) –
Finisher, this is the year I finish the beginning of and leaping into this my retirement business. I am very excited. I recently got laid off of my job. So now all I have to do is stay home, take care of my disabled wife, do my college classes, take the dog out, start this business and get grants for a project I am developing. So, my word for the year is finisher. Not bad for a 67-year-old man Eh
Pastor Billy –
My word for 2025 is Transformation. Last year's word was Growth and my goodness there was a lot of growth for me.
I'm excited about the good that's around the corner as a result of all the Transformations that are happening...starting with my Target Audience update.
Thank you AWAI for your part in helping me get here.
Yvette-Inspired Eagle –