Get B2B Email Copywriting Gigs with this Simple Technique
Just about every Business-to-Business company, from software firms to sales coaches, relies on email campaigns to help sell their products and services. In fact, if you told a B2B company you were taking away their email marketing, they'd start kicking and screaming!
That's why writing email copy for B2B companies is such a hot opportunity these days. You can make $500 per email. And we're not talking long scrolling tomes here. Most of these emails are short, typically just 300-600 words. (So, every word must count. Hence, the need for skilled copywriters!)
Let me go over an example with you …
Have you have signed up for a free trial? Such as, "Try our app free for 30 days!" If you did, you most certainly received a series of emails during the trial period, probably about 10. The first few were likely welcoming and informative. The other emails, gradually, attempted to coax and convince you to buy. The last probably contained an enticing discount offer along with a dire "last chance" warning.
In the industry, that's called a free trial conversion campaign. Those emails are designed to convert your initial interest in the app — after all, you were intrigued enough to sign up for the free trial — into a paying customer.
If you got a gig to write a series of emails like that, you could charge $2,500-$3,500. And even a beginner (with some good training) could write those in no more than a week.
Nice work, if you can get it. Well, you can …
You see, free trial offers are pretty obvious, aren't they? You see them on website homepages, in online ads, and featured in social media sponsored posts. They're everywhere.
So these companies are easy to find.
And what do these companies want most? They want more conversions, as in more people who sign up for the trials to pull out their credit cards and become customers.
That provides you with a unique opportunity to approach these companies and explain how your email copywriting services can help. Here's how:
- Find a company that uses a free trial offer in their marketing. (That's easy.)
- Explore their website. Get a sense of what they sell and how they market it.
- Find out who is the best person in that company to contact. In most cases, it's the senior marketing director.
- Send that person a friendly email introducing yourself and your copywriting services.
- In that email, highlight your experience and/or training in writing email copy.
- Suggest that you may be able to help them increase conversions from their free trial offer. You know the latest techniques. You know the best practices.
A short, friendly email like that stands a good chance of getting a reply. Why? Because these marketing directors want to improve results. So, they're interested in any reasonable idea that may help them do that.
Of course, this technique doesn't work if you don't know how to write email copy effectively for B2B companies. So, learn. Read articles and take a good course. Then, jump into this fun and lucrative writer's market. There's plenty of work out there.
What questions do you have about the B2B email copywriting opportunity? Let us know in the comments below.

Writing Email Copy for B2B Companies — Your Complete Guide to Writing and Winning These Profitable Projects
In the world of B2B (Business-to-Business), there’s an often-overlooked writing specialty with massive demand for short projects that are easy to learn and fun to write: Writing Email Copy for B2B Companies! Learn More »
Hi Steve,
What is the biggest difference between writing B2B emails as opposed to writing emails for the B2C market?
Your Hero - Tom DeVoe –
Write It Right provide email copywriting services and in the UAE, to companies in every sector, with quality content researched, written and finalized quickly and efficiently to ensure every client is satisfied from start to finish.
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