How to Be the “Jeff Bezos” of Clientless Copywriters
If you want a solid clientless copywriting business, where you wake up, knock out an email, and are done for the day, with no clients, boss, or authority to answer to, then you need three things.
The first is something to sell, or a front-end.
The second is a list to sell that “something” to, or what we call an offer.
And the third is a reliably profitable back-end offer in place. The great Jay Abraham once said something that sums up the entire structure of a clientless copywriting business perfectly:
“Front-end is your income, the back-end is your wealth.”
The following is a foolproof back-end strategy straight from Ken McCarthy — the “founding father” of Internet marketing as we know and the man Time Magazine credits with first discovering click-throughs as the metric that makes the Internet into a viable commercial medium.
The short version of this back-end strategy is for you to be the Sears Catalog or Amazon of your niche.
As Ken once explained:
“Thanks to the innovation of free Sears catalogs mailed to every home, farmers and small town folk could buy everything from hat pins to whole houses from a truly massive selection of options at fair prices and get reasonable delivery.”
He also recognized how Amazon has become the new Sears Catalog. And, if you want to thrive in your business, you don’t have to become a $100-billion company like Amazon.
You simply become the Sears Catalog/Amazon of your niche.
And when it comes to a clientless copywriting business, you do that by selling your buyers everything else (in addition to your own products) they may need (you either can or can’t provide) that complement what you sell, and will help them use what you sell even more efficiently.
You can do this by creating (or licensing) such products and services yourself, selling them products as an affiliate, and creating joint ventures with other companies.
I’ll give you an example from a clientless copywriting business in the golf niche I partner in.
Our main “product” is an online golf country club, which we’ll be launching soon.
If you are familiar with golf country clubs, you know they can range from inexpensive ($20 per month) to as much as tens of thousands of dollars per month, depending on the club’s prestige, location, status, and other variables.
But expensive or inexpensive, there are certain perks they offer members.
Like, for example:
- Product demos in exchange for reviews
- Free brand name apparel
- Surprise guest trainings from PGA Professionals
- Discounts on everything from tee times to travel and lodging
- Charity events
- Free golf balls, clubs, gadgets, and other equipment
- Discounts on golf popular resorts and destinations
- And the list goes on …
Our online golf membership site will offer all of those perks. But, instead of people paying through the nose, we’ll charge a small monthly fee and they’re in.
But that’s just the front-end, or as Jay Abraham would say, where the “income” is.
The wealth comes from the back-end. It comes from making deals and joint ventures with businesses that offer all the other things golfers would want and that we can’t provide.
Take, for example, pain management products and services (most golfers are over 60 and in a lot of pain from beating up their bodies playing golf for years and decades, with funky swings that twist their backs and massacre their knees). Anything that is anti-aging is game to sell to them.
So is anything that will give them a fun and memorable experience (lessons with PGA Tour players or destination golf outings in Scotland and other exotic places) or save them money on their “addiction” to golf.
And those are just a few ideas in the planning stage before our big launch.
I do the same in my main clientless copywriting business.
I sell a print newsletter on the front-end and the income is great. But the real money (and the long-term money) is in the back-end offers I have created and in products I sell as an affiliate, that complement what I teach in my newsletter.
Some examples are products about:
- Cold email strategies (specifically, a product I sell as an affiliate, since it is a huge hot button for my buyers, but not something I know much about)
- Mental clarity and productivity (like nootripics that help people focus, work, and sleep better)
- Books, programs, and other informational products (on everything from copywriting and email, to affiliate marketing, how to get clients, and a host of other programs that either I control or can sell as an affiliate)
- Coaching on specific niche topics via coaches who specialize in those topics (so the customer gets a better experience and I don’t spend any time having to do any coaching or consulting, which I hate doing)
- High-ticket seminars, workshops, and events (about email and related topics)
- Many other types of products that complement my main offer (I even have ideas for selling my business list various kinds of soaps in the future)
Bottom line?
Ask yourself how you can be the “Amazon” to your customers. Then, make a list of all the things your customers want, and create and/or find those offers to sell them on the back-end.
As you get more people on your buyers list, you can even ask them what kind of programs and services they are in the market for (i.e., they are already buying, demonstrating they are already willing to pay for them, and not just saying they are), then start offering them.
It’s a very simple way of building a business.
It’s also how you build a rock-solid clientless copywriting business.
How you build wealth over time.
And, how you have true business, time, and financial freedom as well as security.
Do you have any questions about how to get started with a clientless business? Share with us in the comments below.

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