Social Media Writing Puts You at the Heart of a Client’s Digital Marketing Plans
Look back just five years and social media marketing was optional.
It really was.
For a business of pretty much any size, being active on channels like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube was a nice add-on. Social media gave their marketing a welcome boost.
But it was something extra. It wasn’t central to the main campaign.
Fast-forward to now and things have changed dramatically.
Today, you’ll be hard-pressed to find any digital marketing promotions that don’t include social media as an integral part of the campaign.
And that has opened up a huge new opportunity for social media writers and marketers.
Why this is such good news for social media writers …
Back when social media was just an optional extra, that made social media writers an optional extra as well.
Just a few years ago, a lot of companies — the majority of companies — didn’t take social media seriously. And that meant very few of them invested in hiring social media writers and marketers.
They didn’t hire and train in-house social media writers.
And they didn’t hire freelance social media writers either.
Then things changed … and those companies were caught on their back foot. Off balance.
They were unprepared when they saw smart competitors leveraging the power of social media to drive more conversions with their sales campaigns.
They were unprepared when they saw competitors use social media to massively amplify the reach of their content marketing efforts.
And they were totally unprepared to discover that social media has become a sales channel in its own right. Yes, you can buy products and services directly from Facebook.
Huge changes over just a few short years.
And most companies are STILL playing catch-up.
Why the timing is so great for YOU right now …
When companies are playing catch-up, and they see smart competitors grab more and more market share, they take action.
And that means they are now actively looking for trained social media writers and marketers.
They know they need to. They know they no longer have any real choice.
This is great news for writers like you because it means your buyers are not only ready to buy your services … they are DESPERATE to buy your services.
What a difference a few years makes! Just five years ago, you had to educate, push, and persuade a company to take you seriously as a social media writer.
It was hard work to get a social media writing project.
But those days are behind us now. The tables have turned!
Now, it’s our prospective clients who have to do the hard work. They’re the desperate ones, looking for qualified social media writers.
Don’t get me wrong. This doesn’t mean you don’t have to put in the work when it comes to your training and then prospecting for clients.
But it does make life a WHOLE lot easier!
If you have any questions, let me know …
This is the first in a series of three articles I’m writing on social media and the opportunity it presents to online writers and copywriters.
In Part 2, I’ll be looking at how being a social media writer can actually make you a much better writer in every area. It can make you a better copywriter and a better content writer.
Sound intriguing? Be sure to watch for the next article.
In the meantime, if you have any questions relating to today’s piece, please comment below.

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Everything you need to know to become a social media marketing expert, as well as four different ways to make money using that expertise. Learn More »
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