Using the Power of a Like-Minded Community in Your Copywriting Journey to Success

Group of smiling AWAI copywriting Bootcamp attendees

The papers were signed, the deal was done.

After over a decade as a third-generation owner of an independent insurance agency, I was transitioning to a new career.

I had the advantage of a financial nest egg from the sale, and a bit of experience copywriting for my own business when I made my leap into my new career as a full-time freelance marketing consultant and copywriter.

And, I had the experience of being a business owner. I already knew trying to run a business alone, especially in a new field, could be challenging.

But I also knew if I could find the right mentor, and a supportive community, I’d have no problem overcoming the challenges.

After all, I had already done it once. My first years in the insurance agency were tough.

There was so much to learn! The technical side of insurance. Negotiating contracts with insurance companies. Managing employees.

I was overwhelmed.

Thankfully, I found a community of other agency owners who provided the encouragement and the expertise I needed to become an effective business owner and leader.

A small group of us formed a mastermind group, which gave me an unofficial Board of Directors. They listened to my ideas, worked through problems I encountered, and were always just an email or phone call away.

When they needed advice, I was there for them too. Because I was involved in the strategic planning for 12 businesses instead of just one, I essentially got 12 years of entrepreneurial knowledge in just 12 months.

Talk about leverage!

The experience taught me that if the path to success is lonely, you’re doing it wrong.

Finding a Mentor and a Community

So, when I decided to become a full-time copywriter, I knew the first thing I had to do was find a community. One with the mentoring and support that could help me stay on track and moving forward.

I had already gone through AWAI’s Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting, so I knew I’d found the resource for sharpening my copywriting skills. But I was still looking for that community — and the mentorship I knew I needed.

And then … right when I needed it … an email plopped into my inbox.

It was all about AWAI’s Circle of Success program.

Community. Mentorship. Skill-building.

And a promise that AWAI would walk beside me, helping me become successful as a freelance copywriter.

I didn’t need much convincing. I’d lived through trying to learn a new business alone and I wasn’t keen on doing that again.

In fact, there’s a study by Statistic Brain that looked at the key reasons new entrepreneurs aren’t successful. Not surprisingly, four of the seven top reasons can be traced back to a lack of quality mentorship and community.

I don’t know about you, but if I have a chance to stack the odds in my favor, I’m going to do it!

Taking the Shortcut

It didn’t take long for me to know I’d made a good decision.

The Targeted Learning Programs sharpened my copywriting skills quickly, giving me a huge advantage over other copywriters.

Although I wasn’t wild about the idea of being on the receiving end of a Peer Review, I was amazed at how much I learned from the experience. As it turns out, they are much more fun than I anticipated.

Every copy critique gave me insights I never would have gotten alone. Perhaps my writing would have improved over time, but there’s nothing like professional feedback to radically improve your copy instantly.

And while learning copywriting skills was vitally important, being part of a vibrant community of copywriters was the secret sauce that made all the difference.

When I went to Bootcamp, I had an immediate group of friends. When I was home, I was never alone. My Circle of Success buddies were right there, ready to offer assistance and encouragement.

In fact, years later, I’m still in contact with Circle of Success members. It’s rare for a week to go by without a phone call, email, or text from a fellow COS member.

Those relationships have kept me focused on my goals, and opened more doors than I can count.

It’s like knowing the secret shortcut to your destination.

I’ve learned you can take as long as you want to be successful, but the sooner you reach your goals, the longer you have to enjoy your success.

A View From Down the Road

One of things I enjoy most now is mentoring other copywriters. Whether it’s in the Circle of Success mentoring session, doing copy critiques, or working with B2B Writing Success writers, every breakthrough is a celebration.

Because I’ve invested in mentorship and community, I’m able to help others realize their own dreams of building a life they love, supported by their copywriting skills.

What’s your dream?

I’m confident you can achieve it. There’s a road to success just waiting for you that’s not long or lonely.

Embrace the copywriting mentors and community that are here for you. Because it’s always more fun to travel with friends.

Are you searching for a tribe to connect with on your journey to the writer’s life? Share in the comments below so we can help you find them and connect!

The AWAI Method™

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter

The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »

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Published: October 23, 2017

8 Responses to “Using the Power of a Like-Minded Community in Your Copywriting Journey to Success”

  1. Charlotte, this is so true. I tried going it alone my first six months, even though AWAI wisdom preached otherwise. Was I wrong. Bootcamp turned it all around and I've joined a dynamic group of people who are in varying stages of success but who are ALL "in this to win it." I'm thrilled to have someone in my corner at last and look forward to finally breaking through the financial barrier this year.

    Shea McNaughton

  2. Hi Charlotte, This is my second day in COS. I blew in on the winds of this little hurricane! I hope it means that I'll have speedy progress as a copywriter.
    It's true. You need a community. I'm an artist and educator. My greatest breakthroughs have come when I'm surrounded by other creative people. It's almost like together we form a vortex where ideas spin up and we have the momentum to build on creative vision.
    I hope COS will be that kind of community.

    Bonita Creates

  3. I certainly agree that like-minded, intent-driven individuals when bonded together can drive success faster. Lifelong friends can be forged from running through the fires of transition. What a joy to have such a connection! Well worth cultivating!

    Word Peddler

  4. I thought very hard, not necessarily long, about coming inside the Circle.

    Over the last year I’d already taken several AWAI courses and glimpsed enough hints on AWAI’s website to know, that COS is the gold standard. And to realize that I needed to be on the inside.

    Last week, doors opened and after some very serious thought I came on inside.

    How sweet it is.


  5. I've always been a pretty determined person since a small child. When I reflect on my career I "self-taught" myself. Sometimes out of necessity. I was in "solopreneur space" until Ilise Benun showed up. Then it was Boot Camp 2021 that turned the tide. At that point, COS was definitely the next step. Charlotte, I was an insurance agent for five years so I could totally relate to your excellent article!

    June Kellogg

  6. Charlotte, reading your article has me nodding and smiling, not just in agreement, but in amazement...I'll just say Michael Jans' Quantum Club, surely that rings a bell? I have traveled that same path you talk about and, though each of us winds down our own path, I can certainly relate to much of what you shared, in so many ways. When I owned my agency I made the mistake of going it alone and, sure enough, after 10 years I finally folded. So this time I'll take your advice and find my peeps.

    Art McCormack

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