Circle of Success Member Finds Copywriter Success and Personal Fulfillment Doing Freelance Work She Loves
“The writer’s life provides the freedom to decide — your work, your hours, your income.”
Circle of Success member Candice Lazar has been a freelancer for just a short time. But she’s been making great strides.
One of her recent projects was with an ad agency, helping them promote their services with a blog and a digital postcard. Another client creates educational products. And Candice also recently edited and rewrote an e-book, which is being used as a promotional piece for a longer book. That’s a client she found on AWAI’s job board, Those last two projects are in her chosen niche of personal development.
“I chose this niche because there is a good amount of copy, and because I’m already a consumer. I’ve done a lot of personal development stuff over the years just due to my own interest, so it seemed like an easy fit,” says Candice.
“I view personal development very broadly. I think AWAI may call some of it ‘lifestyle.’ I view AWAI as personal development, because they're teaching their members practical skills. The e-book project is for an entrepreneur who has a private coaching program to train other business owners. The educational products are for parents to use with their children starting from birth.”
Candice has also been a featured writer in Barefoot Writer magazine and Wealthy Web Writer. In fact, earlier this year she was named as a WWW Reality Blogger.
“I set a goal at the beginning of the year, and readers follow along with me as I pursue it. Twice a month I blog about things I'm doing or am interested in doing, what has worked for me and what hasn't, and share general ideas for WWW members to grow our writing businesses,” says Candice.
“The number one highlight so far has been working with an editor. It allows me to see what works, and where I can improve my writing. It's really a luxury for me to get feedback from another professional.”
As a Circle of Success member Candice has access to any AWAI program 24/7, and she uses that huge library of resources often on her copy projects. Her Wealthy Web Writer membership has also been useful.
“When there's a certain topic I want to learn more about, I just search for it and have a variety of articles, blogs, recorded webinars, and videos at my disposal to educate me. It's the ultimate search engine for web writers,” says Candice.
Candice originally trained as an attorney. She still practices law part-time as she works towards being a freelance copywriter full-time and works towards the writer’s life.
“I think the writer’s life provides the freedom to decide — your work, your hours, your income — while doing something you enjoy,” says Candice.
“It’s different for everyone, but for me it means traveling, making my work schedule fit my husband’s so we can enjoy time off together, paying my law school loans, and investing.”

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