How to Put Together a Winning Proposal and Snag Your First Social Media Writing Client

Okay, this is article number three in my series on writing for social media.
On Monday, I showed you how social media is easy to do and can be very profitable.
Yesterday, we talked about how simple it would be to improve the social media activities of a local gym (as an example).
So, let’s look at that example a little more closely, and see how we might approach that company with a proposal.
One thing to keep in mind. Your proposal doesn’t have to be a fancy document of the kind you might find on Wall Street or Madison Avenue.
You just have to cover three main points, with three main headings.
Opportunities …
With the local gym, this is where I would talk about the benefits of being more active in social media. I’d talk about how true engagement and conversation can increase customer loyalty, reduce the number of people who let their memberships lapse, and increase membership through the power of positive word of mouth.
This is all stuff they want to hear!
Ideas …
This is where I would give them a few of my ideas. Maybe I’d talk about dropping the Twitter account, as it doesn’t seem to be working for them.
Then I would talk about my idea of creating tons of videos, many of them being instructional and really useful. We could share those through YouTube and Facebook.
And, we could do some interviews with clients, and follow their progress as they work to achieve their goals. (If you have other ideas, add them to the comment box at the end of this article.)
Deliverables …
This is where I would tell them what I would deliver. How I’d work with them on topics for the videos and photos. How I would do all the execution work on YouTube and Facebook. I would upload videos, create updates, respond to comments, answer questions, and so on.
I might even specify how many days a week I would be “on duty” for their social media channels, and for which hours during the day.
(When you include this in your own proposal, this is the point at which they’ll sigh with relief, because you’ll be doing all the stuff they don’t have time for.)
And, that’s pretty much it … Opportunities, Ideas and Deliverables.
I wouldn’t put a price on it at this stage. That comes later, when they say they’re interested. That’s when you submit the estimate.
There is one other thing, and this is the hidden work that goes into proposals like this. Before I even start writing a proposal I do a lot of research. I’ll dig deep into the client’s own social media activity. I’ll look at what other gyms are doing with social media and see if I can pick up some good ideas from what they do best.
And, with a local company like this, I’ll drop by, take a tour, maybe even take a few photos or video clips with my phone. In other words, I want them to know I really understand their business and have something positive to contribute.
As for the document itself, with a first approach to a new prospect, I think I would dress it up a bit. I would write it in Word, format the page or pages nicely, give it a heading, and so on. I might even include some of the photos I took on my tour.
Then, I would put it into one of those nice document sleeves you can get, and include a cover letter and my business card.
That doesn’t sound too hard, does it? Like I said, social media is easy compared to most other paid writing gigs.
That’s it for today.
Tomorrow, we’ll look at how these easy social media gigs can lead to a lot of other writing projects, with the same clients.
Be sure to add your thoughts and comments below!

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Cool! OK I am thinking that highlighting the different groups using the gym would be interesting as well as informative. Every one wants to belong! When people see others like themselves that encourages them to come and join in too! Whether age, married, single, particular work out sessions offered. Even classes on nutrition, muscle tone, zumba, that kind of stuff gets peoples interest.
alvpackman –
Wow Nick you make is so easy for us newbies. I will definitely try these steps. Thanks
Guest (Carmen Iris) –
Hi Nick, two more ideas for the social media presence for a gym could be:
1. an explanation of muscle groups and the benefits of working either within the group or antagonistically, and
2. proper nutrition to support the exercise choice such as anaerobic, aerobic or circuit training.
Guest (Joe) –
Good article. A lot of helpful tips. Thank you for sharing.
AKHansen –
Thank you for this timely series of articles. From these, I realize I must develop a business website for myself.
I had a website a few years ago promoting myself as a musician. It was really not too hard to set up. I look forward to my "writer" website!
And I especially look forward to becoming a social media expert!
Garth Osborn –
Hi Nick, I love the easy steps you provide to help one strike a deal with a prospective client. In terms of ideas, you could also utilize forums on behalf of the company you work for and answer any questions posed over there, then redirect any interested people to the Facebook page of the person you work for.
Guest (Jaques) –
Great feedback everyone! Joe...I like your ideas about muscle groups and nutrition.
See...when you start thinking about it, there are usually tons of ways to "go social" for just about any company. It's when you bring those ideas to the client that they see the value of what you can deliver.
Nick Usborne –
I have come across many opportunities in the social media category. This will causeme to cease these opportunities whenever they come my way. The above information was very helpful.
Guest (Doreen) –
Really good article and practical! Love how you cleverly got us to answer your call-to-action.
I wanted to let you know you've reached writers all over the world including the Caribbean where I'm from.
NFS Gym - PR TIE-IN: Help them develop a news clip by arranging a visit by a fitness instructor to a school's career showcase or a gym class. Film it and use it as a post and material for a release/ blog post etc.
Guest (Sandra Sealy) –
Sandra...I love your gym idea! This is what I love about social invites you to use your imagination and jump on lots of new ideas!
Nick Usborne –
During your tour, don't forget to ask about the UNSEEN: What is their philosophy of fitness/exercise/nutrition? What does their gym have that will make their clients successful at their fitness goals? Trainers? Classes? Special equipment? (Their USP!)
RadarBruce –
RadarBruce... all good points. Excellent!
Nick Usborne –
I would like to see an actual sample proposal letter to get a better sense of the approach.
Guest (Donna Cederstrand) –
Forgive the really stupid question but...I assume my clients will be giving passwords, etc to access their social media accounts and I log on to their account and post from there...yes?
Rebecca –
In the vast majority of cases, yes. That's how it works.
Nick Usborne –
Nick - just jumping in I wanted to add a suggestion on the gym idea. How about a Periscope or some other real-time, interactive look in on a class?
Larrin –
Larrin, hi
Great idea... Periscope, Vine, Snapchat...the possibilities are endless. : )
Nick Usborne –