Never Forget WHY You’re Doing This
So far this week, you’ve learned how to structure your Three-Part Workday, stay on task by writing out your daily schedule the night before, and how to avoid distractions around the house.
Today, I want to go over something I call “Remembering the WHY.”
Let me explain.
You may already know that goal setting is essential as a freelancer. It keeps you moving forward and gives you targets to shoot for and milestones to celebrate.
But remembering “why” you’re doing it is a very powerful motivator.
Here’s a great exercise to do before you go freelance full-time …
Write out all your reasons “why” and hang it in your office or make it your desktop background, so you see it every day.
Why are you copywriting? Why are you leaving a steady paycheck to start your own business? Why are you making cold calls to CEOs and Marketing Directors?
Knowing the “why” that spurs your actions will help boost your determination to reach the goals you’ve set for yourself. The “why” gives you grit.
Some examples could be:
- Because I want to work less and earn more.
- Because I want to spend more time with my family.
- Because I want to have the freedom to travel extensively around the world and work from anywhere.
- Because I want to be my own boss and set my own schedule.
- Because I want to earn passive income.
- Because I want to master the art of persuasion and apply that craft to every area of my life.
- Because I want to earn a living doing something I’m passionate about.
My number one “why” is that I want to live my ideal day every day. And, back when I started digging to find out how to do that, I discovered freelance copywriting.
It was a way for me to double my hourly rate from my bank job … which meant I could work half the time for the same pay … which meant creating time for those things I want to do every day.

Here’s my number one “why” …
an outline of my ideal day.
Hanging next to my computer is the very first scribble I ever made that outlined my ideal day and everything that takes place during it.
Whenever I get a few jitters or start to lose focus, I can look at that post-it on my wall and remember the WHY. It gets me back on track and reinforces my decision and direction.
As a result, every day I move closer and closer to my ideal day.
Go deeper to identify or remember your own “why” and find a way to create that on a piece of paper you hang next to your computer. You could create an image or collage, write a mission statement, or select a quote – whatever represents your “why” in the most inspiring way.
When you define what it is, share your “why” with me in the comments and tell me how you represented it in your home office.
I hope this week’s Writer’s Life has helped you fully prepare for your first few weeks as a full-time freelancer. Remember … the more productive you are today, the more profitable you’ll be tomorrow.

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I need my life back! I also need to have more control of my time, the type of work I do and when.
The work I currently do is killing me.
KarenB –
My WHY reason is simple: after years of looking for a steady job and only landing contracts that sometimes paid peanuts or lasted only a week, I can finally take control of my own life and know that I am going to do this on my own without depending on others (except clients)! No more looking for jobs!
Guest (Sean) –
@KarenB - I've been where you are. I can relate. Get very specific about HOW you're going get the WHY! And make sure to visualize what you want OFTEN. Good luck to you!
Julie Hassett –
Julie: I actually mapped out my ideal day for the January, 2014 Barefoot Writer contest and won!!
Diane Aksten –
Retiring after a forty-year 'workachaholic' schedule as a healthcare provider, I am beginning to find out that 24 hours a day are not enough to do everything one wants to do.
To prioritize the important things still to be accomplished in one's life, learning to economically benefit from writing and picture taking stand out on top of daily activities.
Guest (Gene) –
First and foremost it is the need to educate the public about Traditional Chinese Medicine/Acupuncture as to compliment modern Western Medicine. The knowledge I have of 23 years plus the experience would greatly benefit to help others understand it's concept in more ways than one. There is a great need for this information and this is the passion that has driven me to connect with this site in order to share my knowledge and educate the public. Yes there are many sites on the internet that basically touch on the subject but I consider most of them confusing and not to the point and lacking great wisdom and proper information.
Guest (Dr AM Huizing) –
@Diane Aksten - Sweet! I love the ideal day exercise. "How you spend your days is how you live your life". Congratulations to you!
Julie Hassett –
@Gene - One of my favorite quotes from Hugh Macleod at Gaping Void Art is "You cannot have it all. You can only have a sliver of it all. So, choose your sliver well, my friend."
I struggled for a long time to accept what 24 hours really means, if that makes sense. I still do. When I would push myself to get too mush done in a day, it led to losing sleep hours and poor eating and exercise habits.
That's why working toward the ideal day is crucial for me while still being okay with life as-is!
Julie Hassett –
@ Dr AM Huizing, it sounds like you have the potential to build a money-making website around your expertise and values. Way to go. You'll learn so much about how to do that here. Best of luck!
Julie Hassett –
Because I'm a single mom learning that my life can and will be better than the nightmare I left behind. That I can have a real dream and actually make it happen. My dream is a dog/horse therapy farm for special need kids in the Dominican Republic. I have a collage on our dining room wall with all we plan on having there. We look at it everyday. Thats my motiviation!
Laura Mc –
I want the world to know my love for animals is real I wrote a childrens book and it is being self published by trafford and its about the horses i saved and the mare had a colt and the story is about him and how we saved each other and the love and bond we share, anybody can have that love and bond if they just take the time and care, everyone needs a second chance
dottie –
Thanks for this post, Julie. My main why is to regain happiness, control and freedom of my life while having the potential to earn higher income.
Fabian –
My wife, of almost 30 years, and I are retired (re-treaded more like). After 36 years at the hospital, she now has 6 years at Walmart and I have 8 at the Home Depot. We once did puppet ministry at nursing homes and senior centers, not for profit. (for sure) We enjoyed it and were blessed as well as being a blessing. I'd like to buy our time back so we could do more of that. We also did prison to get energy, time, and money to balance again somehow. This could be how!
ChuckfromChilli –
My why isn't complicated. After many years in construction and the food service industry, I want my life and I want to travel as I like to do, have my hours, my time. Freedom to live and earn as much as I can from anywhere.
Earl H –