Accomplish More When You Believe This
It’s Chris Allsop, back to share tips on building your business while balancing other parts of your life.
When I think back on all the lessons I’ve learned, it’s funny that one of the most important is the most simple. It came to me at AWAI’s Business of Copywriting Academy with Dan Kennedy.
As an A-level copywriter and multi-millionaire businessman, Dan believes attitude is the cornerstone of any successful business. In fact, Dan feels it’s so important, his Academy reading list included three books that pertained solely to adapting attitude and actions to achieve success.
I had my “ah-ha” moment as I listened to Dan at that event talking about attitude and power. I suddenly realized I was constantly telling myself, “I don’t have time.”
But, why was this so important?
By telling myself, “I don’t have time,” I was giving up control over my situation, along with my power to do something about it.
When I stopped telling myself this negative message, everything shifted. My mind opened to new ideas and better ways to do things. I found more solutions for time troubles, and I wrote faster, too.
I went from scrambling and, frankly, wondering if I would ever make my business work, to accomplishing more than I ever thought possible.
So, take a moment to reflect. Are you feeding your mind with this negative message, too? If so, take heart. Recognizing you’re doing it is the first step to making a change.
Catch yourself whenever you say or think you have “no time.” Instead, tell yourself something that resonates with you such as, “I have the time I need to get this one thing done.”
I like to focus on one task within a project. Completing a mountainous project becomes easier when you do it one step at a time. And, as you finish each step, your feeling of success builds.
Now, you’ll still need an overall plan to achieve your end goal. If you don’t yet have a plan, AWAI has great articles on their website to help you make progress. You can read one of them here.
As we all know, life sometimes interferes with plans, and you may find yourself behind schedule. When that happens, give yourself some leeway to deal with the issue. Then, as the dust settles, brush yourself off, and start again.
Do you have any tips for eliminating negative beliefs? Please share them below. And tomorrow, I’ll share my favorite strategies for creating more time in every week.

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter
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Thanks Chris - I sure needed this. I'm always playing the "no time" card.!
Guest (Lydia) –
Hi Chris,
So, what are the 3 books you said Dan recommended?
Guest (Martin) –
This has worked extremely well for me - the kitchen timer method. If you don't have a kitchen timer, most of us have something similar on our smart phone. Then, choose any task in your freelance business and set your timer to 30 minutes (I set mine for 33 minutes but that's just me). Now, focus on that task and nothing else for the full 30 minutes. Don't you dare leave that chair until the timer dings. Do this every single day and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
William S
William S –
Using only a certain set of building blocks, you can build only some type of things, and so you always run into the same type of problems. Using other starting points and other approaches brings new solutions to seemingly impossible problems. If you have at least something in your life in which you use your greatest skill level and insight together with your heart's voice, that lifts you above the ordinary problems up to the level which you can be and at which you truly are already.
Guest (Hannele Tervola) –
Hi Martin,
Three titles that he recommended include:
Thick Face, Black Heart by Chin-Ning Chu To Be or Not to Be Intimidated? by Robert Ringer The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene (for this one, he suggested certain chapters) Each was very thought-provoking - which is exactly what Dan intended!
Chris Allsop –
Thanks Chris, i work 44 hours a week. Am going through the accelerated programme. Am tired sometimes i don't get time to write.So i read the exercises in the bus, i Go to work early and write just before i start work that's the way i do it. Am an actor as well. I have to find time to learn my lines, so my days are full. To eliminate negative beliefs, i watch motivation on youtube. I listen to speakers like Les brown, Zig Ziglar, even Arnold Schwarzenegger. I also call the AWAI team. They are good listeners. Most people want to rush you so they may take the next call but the AWAI team are a amazing.Was surprised when one of ladies just listened to everything i had to say and then advised me. WOW! Just speaking to the AWAI team motivates me.
Guest (Timothy) –
Thanks for the comments and ideas everyone. And Timothy - keep going. I admire your tenacity. You will reach success!
Chris Allsop –
Thanks Chris. As your article pointed out - yes, for me, I certainly am behind schedule in completing the 'accelerated course'. The dust is settling, and I'm getting back on track. I read an article just yesterday that resonates with what you've spoken here - we all have 24 hours, we have to make time. 'Nuff said. Thanks Timothy for sharing your experience with calling the AWAI team. I'll keep that in mind. Much appreciated, Chris, for a timely article.
ARCook –
Hi Chris,
I was blessed enough to have a mother who thought I could do whatever I tackled. There I was at the bottom of the hill, looking up, and saying to myself: I think I can, I think I can. And, WELL, you know the rest of that story!
Guest (Kathleen) –
I have two middle school students--young boys with different levels of musical experience and ability. When the music offers challenges, one throws up his hands and says, "I can't do it." The other says, "I've got this." I'm thinking of making a poster of "I've Got This!" for my cw'ing workspace.
KathyG –
Hi Kathy, What an interesting opportunity you have to see what a difference attitude makes! I love the saying..."I've got this!" That would make a great poster for anyone's office.
Chris Allsop –
ThankYou, Chris Allsop. I have the time I need to get this one thing done, is what I will continue to tell myself. Take Care.
Peter Corraini –
I like the idea of setting a timer for writing each day. That would definitely work for me.
Carol Quinn –
I read biographies of famous and highly successful people to learn from them how they did it. The context may be different, but the principles for success are almost always the same. Some of these individuals had some incredible problems or issues that they had to overcome to be successful. Sometimes when I compare my life to what they had to go through to achieve whatever they did, I become embarrassed to give excuses for failure.They can be very inspiring.
paul –
I challenge myself to start. Once done I normally continue.
SuzieQ13 –
When asked to choose a Display name, I nearly chose "Chicken Little"! Just not sure I can do this, as much as I really want to. But every page I read and every webinar I see keeps me going. As insecure as I feel, I want this to work. The timing is perfect. I was recently laid off from a job of 23 years. My husband's mom is living with us and is in my care all day. She is an 87 year-old diabetic with Alzheimers disease. I would like to have this new career. Thank you for your encouragement.
Lisa76 –
Hi Lisa - and to everyone else who has commented - keep going! I sometimes forget that it's always one step at a time. When I go back to that, it's a lot easier to tell myself, "Yes! I can do this one thing!" So start with a plan, whether you're taking the Accelerated Copywriting course or working on a project or a marketing plan for your business. Then, take it one step at a time. You can do this!
Chris Allsop –
Staying focused on one task one step at a time is definitely a good suggestion for achieving my goals. I'm now ready to start checking off some of the necessary tasks needed to move forward with my writing career. I'm starting with the Accelerated Copywriting Course. I am ready.
Larre60 –
I was studying to be an RN with a 2 year old at home and a full time job. Every semester I would lament how it was too much and I could never learn xyz. My Dad would always say to me "one day at a time" "don't take on the project on the whole but take today and do the best you can. It was successful for me.
Susan J Tucker –
Susan, your dad gave you great advice that everyone can follow - whether you're just getting started, or you've been a copywriter for a long time. Life happens. Deadlines are a constant. But if you do the best you can, every day, you're bound to succeed!
Chris Allsop –
I especially liked the idea of a timer, it is the easiest of tools, I use it for my students not I will use it for myself. Thanks.
Guest (Mary P) –
Greetings to all! These comments were very encouraging for me as a new and upcoming copywriter. I especially liked: "one day at a time," "I've got this," and setting the alarm for 30 minutes. Yes, I believe I can do this!
Alov2L –
Hello everyone! I am new to AWAI, but not new to writing. I have done numerous talks and meditations through Kairos Prison Ministry International. I have been a member of this ministry since 2013. I am looking forward to my new challenge at AWAI.
Paula66 –
Welcome to AWAI Paula! From experience, I know that what you learn here will make your writing even stronger. You have many opportunities ahead!
Guest (Chris Allsop) –