How to Stake Your Claim as a Copywriter
Steve Roller here, your guest editor of The Writer's Life this week. Less than five years ago, I became a full-time freelance copywriter. I felt like a frontiersman as I ventured out into the wide-open spaces of the freelance "Wild West." I didn't know exactly how I'd establish my business.
All I knew was that I had a burning desire to forge my own path.
Freedom! Opportunity! Adventure!
They all pulled me in, even more than the income potential. Can you relate?
The only problem was, even though I had developed decent copywriting skills, I wasn't confident about choosing a niche, getting good clients, or following through once I did land a project.
I was a modern-day Daniel Boone, who once said, "I can't say I was ever lost, but I was bewildered once for three days."
Well, I wouldn't say I was ever completely lost as a copywriter, but I was bewildered for almost three years. Seriously.
This week, I want to take you on a little journey. We're going to blaze a trail into this frontier land of freelance copywriting. It's an exciting place to be, and I believe there's never been a better time to get in. It helps to have a guide, though, so I'm going to share some insights and advice from my experience.
It starts with some mental preparation. If you're embarking on a new adventure, you need to have the proper mindset, right?
I recommend three things:
- Have a two-year horizon. Success doesn't happen overnight, but it also doesn't need to take five years. Even if you have no idea at this point how your copywriting business will unfold, picture yourself a success two years from now. This is more like setting up a homestead and building a business than the 1849 Gold Rush.
- Develop a sense of rugged individualism, but realize you have group support every step of the way from fellow AWAI members and copywriters, your family, and others.
- Announce, "I'm in." Commit to yourself that you're going to make this work. And don't wait until you're full-time to start calling yourself a copywriter. Do it now.
I want you to stake your claim on this vast copywriting opportunity. It's there for the taking, and this week, I'll show you how to grab your share.
It's one thing to stake your claim. You also have to get noticed and attract clients. Tomorrow I'll show you how to gain a slight edge and stand out from the crowd.
What appealed to you most about the writer's life in the beginning? Is it the same today? Tell me about it in the comments below.

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter
The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »
Getting the first assignment was the most thrilling experience for me. I learnt that the prospects are willing to work when we show up and offer what we can do the help them. In this case is about copywriting and marketing.
Zafifi –
What appealed to me about the writer's life in the first place? Freedom. I wanted to work for myself, so I could have the flexibility to choose my own schedule and spend my days in ways that are important to me. I'm making a decent living as a freelance copywriter, but I can't say it's been all unicorns and rainbows. I've worked harder than I ever have in my life. And that freedom I was seeking is still eluding me.
Guest (Deanna Blanchard) –
@Zafifi - You never forget that first project, do you? Each one gives you more confidence for the next one.
@Deanna - For me, freedom was more important than money, too. Let me know how I can maybe help you with that elusive concept. It's there if you lay a solid business foundation first. Stay tuned this week.
Steve Roller –
What appeals to me is the freedom to work from home, and make a living that enables me to raise my daughter w/o the demands of an executive 9-5.
Guest (Aminci Gora-Livingston) –
For the freedom and income.
Guest (Mike Robson) –
Freedom, freedom, freedom (by the way, did I mean 'freedom?') LOL. I like the idea of being my own boss and employee. I look forward to joining the 2 year elite. I'm all in.
Griffin –
What's appealing to me?..... How about giving up the daily commute to a very physical job that gets tougher every year, and then having more control of my life!
Guest (John DeProspo) –
I'm nearing retirement, and I want a steady income stream so I can not only be comfortable, but live my dreams....and I have lots of dreams!
I'm already an active writer. I write two personal blogs and am a regular contributor to two other blogs. I'm writing a memoir, and have a good start on a novel courtesy of NaNoWriMo!
As you can see, I'm already wearing my fingers out at the keyboard--so why not turn my writing passion into gold?
moxadox –
Thanks Steve! Great advice. I learned that this past weekend. I am Copywriter. Very so I will be paid to do it!
Guest (Dan Fahlgren) –
Freedom from a 40 hour work week appealed to me. I found that freedom in an unexpected way. I created lead generation and web copy for a client,then, seeing his need to convert sales from the leads I generated, I became his sales person (applying the secrets I learned from AWAI to phone sales). I now make 6 figures working 3 hours a day from home qualifying and closing the leads my copy generates. And all I need is an internet connection and a telephone. So I can work from wherever I choose.
MikeC –
i kind of think b2b copywriting might be a good fit for me but its hard for me to be sure, i need to get started but i have limited marketing budjet but i look forward to your ideas and expertise
Guest (ronald) –
The excitement of it all was the appealing part for me. A new life with more time for my family and myself, that sounds great. The versatility of it; "to travel or not to travel" that is the question. The money you could make and all the interesting things I may get to see and do. But for me it is all still undetermined; here I still sit 2 years later trying to learn all I can but never moving forward to find out.
m-hill –
Steve, AWAI had me at:
No bosses, no commute
Al Colon –
@Aminci - Something about building your work around your life rather than the other way around that's very appealing.
@Mike Robson - I'm with you on the income, too.
@Griffin - Two years is a good benchmark, but it may not take you that long. Best wishes.
@John DeProspo - The beauty of writing is that it doesn't take a physical toll. You can do it a lot longer than most jobs.
@moxadox - Yes, the key is turning words into an income. Let me know if I can help.
Steve Roller –
@Dan Fahlgren - You've nailed the first step. "I'm a copywriter."
@MikeC - I love it! You're tapping into both ends of the revenue stream. Way to use your creativity!
@ronald - You can get started in small ways before deciding on a niche. Just keep moving forward, you'll figure it out as you go along. Hope I can help in some way.
@m-hill - It's one thing to dream about these things. Now figure out what unique skills you have that someone will pay you for. Then get moving.
Steve Roller –
@Al - Me, too. The idea of spending hours in traffic every week doesn't excite me. And I don't make a very good employee, either.
Steve Roller –
What appeals to me is the power of the written word itself. I was a writer long before I ever found AWAI, and even now I would keep writing even if no one ever read a word. Words change lives.
With your encouragement, I'm getting on the phone today, with no experience whatsoever, to sell my services to a prospect. I get to call myself "copywriter" for the very first time.
Wish me luck!
Camille –
I own my own business and have worked 12-15 hours a day, 6 days a week, for 11 years. Every year the legal restrictions get tighter and the overhead increases. At this point, I am working like a dog just to keep the doors open.
I want to live my life while I am still young enough to have one! Commercial writing isn't necessarily my passion, but working less than 80 hours a week will give me the opportunity to pursue the kind of writing that is. I might even be able to feed myself!
PatriciaW –
@Steve, you can certainly help. If you wouldn't mind popping over to my main blog bipolarforlife dot me and checking out my writing style, I would love to have some guidance as to which niche would work best for me. I'm hot to jump right into the fray!
moxadox –
Income and choices about how to use my time. Since I don't commute every day it's given me more time to write and follow through.
Two years sounds like a good goal to make this a viable business.
horselovr2 –
@Camille - Excellent! You are a copywriter, and the more you position yourself as a writer whose skills create profits, the better you'll do. Keep me posted on your progress please.
Steve Roller –
Mr. Roller, Thirty years ago, I began working in the Criminal Justice field & have gained lots of excess weight & grey hair but, don't have much else. It's hoped that writing can bring me into the middle class & give me freedom from dysfunctional politicians/supervisors. Last month, my dad died which has delayed my studies in AWAI. Is it too late to resume &/or actually prosper as a writer? Once, I was paid to write something. Can it be repeated? Thanks for your help.
Guest (Jeffrey) –
I am already a niche writer but want higher paying assignments. I have set a goal to gross $300k-$400K a year.
Guest (Wilson) –
I work for the government writing and editing training publications which I'm good at, but it isn't what I would call fun. anyway, with all of the furloughs and stuff going on, I wanted something to fall back on, plus with copywriting I can stick to subjects I like and the freedom and pay sure didn't sound bad!
Laurie L –
@PatriciaW - I think you can find a way (I think every creative person can) to write about something you're passionate about and make money doing it. In the meantime, the best way to make money writing is to learn the craft of copywriting. It's a foundation skill that will serve you no matter what direction you go.
Steve Roller –
@moxadox - I did look at your site. You have a natural storytelling style that could lend itself to many niches - fundraising for non-profits perhaps, or something health-related considering the subject of your blog. The key will be to write in more of a clear, concise way that's persuasive. Best wishes.
Steve Roller –
@horselovr2 - I like that, choices about how to use your time. I can't imagine commuting anymore. Keep me posted on your two-year progress, okay?
@Jeffrey - It's not too late and yes, I think you can prosper. Work on a combination of getting your health back, moving past a dysfunctional work place, and making a determined effort to make it happen, even if it takes 3-5 years (and I don't think it has to take that long.) Start by clearing your life of things that don't serve you anymore.
Steve Roller –
I'm still a very new copywriter learning this business (but didn't want to call myself "copywriter" since I haven't accomplished anything yet)...but whats appealing to me is the ability to work from home, make your own hours...and get paid well for it. I am so underpaid/overworked at my current full time job. Thanks for this article, and the kindness and encouragement of everyone Ive met so far. This is a really great community.
Kevin –
@Wilson - Very ambitious. I'm impressed. I assume you're either in a very narrow niche where you're the expert, and you have a proven record of producing massive profits for your clients, or you're really good in an in-demand busy niche like financial newsletter publishing. Either way, congratulations!
Steve Roller –
@Laurie L - Good thinking, better to plan ahead now. I responded to your comments on the other article as well.
@Kevin - You're welcome. If you have questions as you're getting started, feel free to touch base. I'd love to help.
Steve Roller –
I'm impressed! You give me three things to decide at the start. 1. Have a two-year horison. Then 2. Develop a sense of rugged individualism. 3. Announce, "I'm in". Commitment!!! What a good start. I'm thinking of joining the Circle of Success.
Carol C Shier
@Carol - Three simple steps, right? They'll set you off in the right direction. I also joined Circle of Success five years ago, and it was the best investment I ever made. I learned a ton from the ATS classes, and I have access to all the resources, many of which I still use on a weekly basis.
Steve Roller –
If I can launch a small business,make enough money to raise my daughters, finish a business degree-2012 AND wor way to hard(self employed) for the last eight years,anything is possible.
The writing life is at my fingertips, with time freedom now, Writing professionally is what I ALWAYS dreamed of.
1 Time horizon, two years or less,okay.
2 Already got the rugged individualism
3 Commit!! I'm In!
But I'm delirious with all the great resources. Oh, yes,this is what happens on day 3! Thanks AWAI!
Cheryl Davis –
@Cheryl - I love your enthusiasm! Let me know if there's anything I can help you with, and keep me posted on your progress.
Steve Roller –