Just Released!
Great Leads: The Six Easiest Ways to Start Any Sales Message
Michael Masterson and John Forde’s sure-to-be-a-DM-classic book, Great Leads: The Six Easiest Ways to Start Any Sales Message is now available through the AWAI catalog. Grab your copy now before the first print run sells out!
This book will revolutionize the way you think about copywriting with a powerful strategy for writing breakthrough copy. It will change the way you write. It will make you a far more skilled — and successful — copywriter.
“If you are a copywriter intent on improving your skills, don’t read this book … Memorize it.”
This is how Michael Masterson and John Forde begin their groundbreaking book Great Leads: The Six Easiest Ways to Start Any Sales Message.
But, the title doesn’t tell the whole story. Yes, the book is about how you can ratchet up your copywriting by learning the six distinct types of leads and how to write and use them effectively.
But just as important, the book reveals three strategies few copywriters know or understand that you can start using immediately to:
- Become a more effective copywriter
- Write faster with improved results
- Be more in demand
- Earn more money
Here are just some of the secrets and strategies you’ll learn in Great Leads …
- How to decide exactly which kind of sales lead will work best with your specific customer. Knowing just this, you can almost always narrow it down to one or two of the six you'll find in this book. [Chapters 2 and 3]
- A “super lead” that boosts response for almost any type of promotion. It’s fun to write … and very easy. But, if you use it for the wrong type of promotion, your sale will simply fall flat. [Chapter 9]
- Why “too much of a good thing” will destroy your sale. Companies like Coca Cola, Apple, and McDonald’s understand the power of this secret … but don’t want their competitors to know. [Chapter 1]
- How to harness the success and power of the most direct lead. It’s the easiest you can write. And, use it for the right type of prospect, and you’ll build a lasting, six-figure income quickly. [Chapter 4]
- How the right words will break through your prospect’s apathy, overpower his sales resistance, and ratchet up his excitement … without him even realizing it. [Chapter 8]
Entertainingly written and packed with concrete, real copywriting examples, this guide to successful copywriting will radically change the way you write all types of promotions: Sales letters. Email campaigns. Space ads. Even TV ads and infomercials.
Your ads and promos will outperform anything you’ve written before. And, you’ll outperform other copywriters — because your prospects will read and pay attention to your words with a high level of interest and excitement.
The book is already receiving accolades from copywriting masters …
“A big problem in copywriting is writing the lead for your promotion. Great Leads presents and teaches the six basic types of leads. This is the most valuable information I have ever seen published for copywriters and marketers on copywriting.”
Copywriter/Internet Marketing Strategist
“One of the things many copywriters don't realize is that by mastering proven copy structures and ‘formulas,’ it actually frees you to become much more creative and successful. What I mean is, with every idea, there are always a million places to start. And, this is typically the biggest problem for most copywriters … knowing where to start and how to organize your thoughts. But, if you have access — in your memory or in a book — to proven architectural formulas, it makes the process easier and your work more likely to succeed. John Forde and Michael Masterson have done an incredible job putting together a collection of the best ways to start any sales letter. I'm going to keep a copy of this book on my shelf for easy access … and I'm buying copies for all the writers who work with me.”
Head Copywriter, Stansberry & Associates
“I believe it was novelist Raymond Chandler who said you should always have your hero enter guns blazing. Copywriters have this same basic need as do novelists; to grab the reader and drag him into our copy. THE LEAD must succeed, or the most compelling story sits idle and impotent. The door-to-door salesman, once a fixture of the American economy, had about 30 seconds to deliver a lead, good enough to stop the door from being shut in his face, to gain favorable interest in what he had to say. I have sold door-to-door. If you have not, candidly you are disadvantaged in selling with the printed word. This brilliantly narrow-focused book can erase such disadvantage. Michael and John have not only recognized the criticality of the lead, they have done groundbreaking work, done something genuinely new about the creation of powerful leads.”
Author of The Ultimate Sales Letter and 18 other business books, Professional Marketing Strategies, and Copywriter
“Great new book by Masterson and Forde. They put their finger on the really important part of copywriting. And as the title suggests, they make it easy … once you understand the secret. Just what you'd expect from Masterson and Forde. They're two of the best copywriters in the world. And they should be. I taught them everything I knew. They had to learn the other 99% on their own.”
Founder Agora Publishing
Get started today on being the best copywriter you can be … and better than 95% or more of other copywriters.

Great Leads: The Six Easiest Ways to Start Any Sales Message
Michael Masterson and John Forde reveal 6 proven lead strategies you can use to write better, strong, more profitable copy. Plus learn 3 ways to increase your own copywriting earnings. Learn More »
The data in this book is FANTASTIC!
I heartily commend it to every business owner wanting to maximize their sales from advertising.
I am only up to the page 32 and have already reaped far more rewards in usable data that I anticipated.
Thank you Michael and John!
Guest (Tom Grimshaw) –
Read this now...
When you've finished, quickly start over and read it again. Next, keep it in a handy place where you can return to reference it until the principles inside become so emblazoned in your mind that the thinking of these two living legend's methods become absolutely second-nature.
All this, assuming of course, that your intention is to become a true, A-list copywriter.
Jesse Aaron Moskel –