3 Problems Copywriters Must Solve to Achieve Success
Copywriters have problems! That's the essence of what I heard during the first few hours of AWAI's FastTrack to Copywriting Success Bootcamp and Job Fair.
Before you think I'm going off on copywriters, allow me to clarify – I am one. And my ability as a copywriter to handle problems (starting with my own) leads to greater success in my craft.
During her "Welcome to Bootcamp" talk, Katie Yeakle said, "Copywriters are problem solvers." We do our best work when we clearly define reality for ourselves, the marketplace, and our clients.
We're like emergency responders – when others are running away from something, we're running headlong into it! As copywriters, we do this because we know that a single big idea could rescue a company, product, or service from "death."
Joe Sugarman followed Katie on theme with a couple of related and power-packed statements during his Bootcamp presentation.
"If you have the ability to write great copy, you have the ability to move mountains." And, "Every problem has within it an opportunity so huge, it dwarfs the problem."
Big, intimidating problems are the copywriter's specialty. Get that clear in your mind.
Now, take a deep breath and repeat after me – "I'm a problem solver. Problems are my opportunity." Repeat that three or four times and you'll begin to see opportunity instead of obstacles.
Are you ready to take on some problems? Let's start with three problems copywriters must solve to achieve success.
1) The problems inside your own head
Personal problems do a number on your productivity, passion, and persuasive ability as a copywriter. Remember, what stands between you and success isn't someone or something – it's you!
Start owning your problems. Your resolve is weakened the more you see the problem as "out there."
Realize that problems ARE your "work." Name them and go to work on them one at a time.
List the 3 top problems you face when you need to make a client contact, get the first 10-100 words of a project on paper, submit a proposal, or ask for the fee.
That's the head stuff that stands between you and success. Get to work on it and you'll be closer to success.
2) The problems clients DON'T talk about
Most client problems are obvious. But it's what they DON'T talk about that presents you with a goldmine of opportunity.
Successful copywriters find more "gold" because they move more dirt. Sooner or later, you'll uncover the single idea that will solve your client's problem.
You move mountains like you eat the proverbial elephant – one (bite) shovel of dirt at a time. It's not a problem – it's work! Get after it!
3) The problems on the horizon
You have no guarantees other than the sun rising every day. Clear, cloudless skies are a problem for a drought-weary farmer just as storms are a problem for a community with too much rain.
Copywriters deliver perspective. We embrace cloudless skies and rainy days as opportunities.
Ideas and words will not be intimidated by problems.
Want some problem-solving mojo? AWAI’s FastTrack to Success Bootcamp Home Study program will give you the edge you need over your and your client's problems.
Become a problem magnet (that's a good thing) by increasing your copywriting skills. Order the Home Study program now.

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter
The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »
That's it? With a headline as enticing as this one has, I expected a little more actionable content. What are the three problems and where arethe the tips on solving them? I see only three vague categories of problems and fanciful prose.
Guest (Matt) –
I have to agree with Matt - this was a little light on substance. Not that everything in it isn't true, as far as it goes ... it just would have been nice to go a little farther. Still a very useful blog.
WriterJeff –
Matt--your candid comment is a good reminder to dig deeper. "Actionable" advice appreciated.
Eddie S –
WriterJeff--would that I could "act" on all I know to be "true" before going farther. I appreciate your insight and encouraging words. Press on...
Eddie S –