AWAI Announces Brand-New Membership Organization:
The Professional Writers’ Alliance
Nearly every profession – from lawyers to airline pilots to plumbers – has its’ own professional association. And now, for the very first time, freelance professionals will have the opportunity to join their very own association, called The Professional Writers’ Alliance (PWA).
This membership organization is for anyone looking to resume, jump-start, or launch his or her professional writing career.
Whether you are (or aim to be) an ad writer, web writer, website owner, content writer, newsletter writer, desktop publisher, grant writer, researcher, marketer, or even a graphic artist – you are sure to benefit from membership in The Professional Writers’ Alliance.
It’s a place you can come anytime to elevate your writing skills … bolster your confidence … and get the motivation you need to move your writing career forward each and every day.
Not only will you have access to some of the most advanced learning and career tools any copywriter could ask for – you’ll be joining an active community of like-minded peers, each benefiting from the others success.
At the center of your Professional Writers’ Alliance membership is access to a complete "Online Success Center" Alliance members like you can come to every day for all the direction, information, feedback, and ongoing education you need to advance your writing career in a substantial way – as well as get the motivation, support, encouragement, and inspiration that can really ratchet up your freelance success to the very highest level.
Here is what you’ll have access to as a Professional Writers’ Alliance member:
- Access to inner circle expert discussions on the latest specific copywriting techniques working in the market today …
- Access to up-to-the-minute news and issues affecting the writing industry as a whole and your career specifically …
- Access to AWAI’s staff and our impressive list of Advisory Board members (Paul, Rebecca, Don Mahoney and Michael Masterson, Bill Bonner, John Forde, Bob Bly, Dan Kennedy, yours truly, and many more … ) online and through interactive media presentations …
- Access to global publishers and marketers looking to ‘talk business’ with our most serious members …
- Access to free perks and the guaranteed lowest prices on AWAI resources and others we bring you …
- Access to information, ideas, and insights that can quickly elevate your writing skills – and show you how to be successful in any aspect of the direct response or information publishing business.
Not only will you have access to some of the most advanced learning and career tools any copywriter could ask for – you’ll be joining an active community of like-minded peers, each benefiting from the others success.
Joining The Professional Writers’ Alliance will no doubt be one of the best decisions you’ll make when it comes to your business and your career.
Learn more about this exciting new Alliance and how you can become a Charter Member.

The Professional Writers’ Alliance
At last, a professional organization that caters to the needs of direct-response industry writers. Find out how membership can change the course of your career. Learn More »
This sounds great! I'm in!! Sign me on!
Jennifer Holmes Creative Writing Service
Sherlock26 –
Just joined...whoohoo...can't get enough!
(YES, Roy...I'm no longer in denial: I *AM* an information junkie.
And proud of it (giggles)!
no-more-excuses-Deb –