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From Mark Morgan Ford, self-made multimillionaire… strategist behind one of the world’s largest Internet marketing companies… and teacher to superstar marketers and copywriters… comes…

Persuasion The Subtle Art of Getting What You Want

DELRAY BEACH, FL — “Mastering the skill of persuasion will make all your ambitions more achievable…”

“It will make you feel smarter and shrewder and more confident in almost every situation,” Mark Ford writes in the introduction to his newest book, Persuasion: The Subtle Art of Getting What You Want.

No matter what your goals are in life, it will take persuading someone to achieve them.

Whether it’s convincing a customer to buy from you… your spouse to support your ideas… an agent to pick up your novel… or a client to see things your way… the opportunities to persuade are endless.

And the ability to persuade effectively every time is a crucial cornerstone to your success in life.

If you’re a writer, speaker, teacher, public official, business owner, marketer, salesman, nonprofit administrator, preacher, coach, parent, lawyer, doctor, an advisor of any kind, or authority in your particular niche…

Then mastering persuasion is probably one of the best investments you could ever make in yourself.

You may not have all the answers, but you’ll always know how to get people to take action or embrace your way of thinking.

It’s a powerful skill worth its weight in gold…

And Mark Ford is, hands-down, one of the masters.

Master of Persuasion…

Ford says he’s spent the better part of his life studying the history and philosophy of persuasion… and teaching persuasive techniques to some of the world’s greatest marketers and copywriters today.

And you can tell.

The book is truly the work of a master — written for anyone who wants to understand marketing salesmanship at a deeper level.

Direct-response marketing guru Brian Kurtz, agrees:

Anything Mark Ford writes is worth reading… and Persuasion is as good as anything he's ever written.

“You have to be world-class yourself to quote world-class copywriters like Ogilvy, Schwab, or Caples… and Mark qualifies.

“The examples Mark has put into this book from those greats from the past, with unique spins, are superb.”

A 3-Step, Bulletproof Formula for Learning and Mastering Persuasion

Ford makes understanding (and applying) persuasive techniques surprisingly simple, thoroughly explaining each with published examples, stories, and hands-on exercises that train your persuasive “muscles.”

He also reveals…

According to Master Copywriter, Donna Baier Stein, “[This] is a book you'll want to read, keep, and live by. Not just theory, but a practical guide to using a single compelling idea to get the response you want — from your reader or your life. This is a page-turner with immense real-life value.”

If you’ve been searching for a way to make more money… gain more influence… and get further ahead in life… the timeless advice in Persuasion could help unlock those doors.

And thanks to Mark’s influence in the publishing world, the cost of Persuasion is only $12.95…

“This is a book that anyone who uses persuasion — copywriters, marketers, and salespeople — is going to want at hand, on their desk, to refer to at any time,” Ford said.

“It’s not an expensive book… but the value of applying the theories inside to your personal and professional world is priceless.”

Order Today for Just $12.95

Order Today for Just $12.95

American Writers & Artists Institute
220 George Bush Blvd, Suite D
Delray Beach, FL 33444
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