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Make $2,500 as a Writer

If you can write… and you’re not making
$2,500 to $6,000 each month
writing for clients…
you're doing something WRONG!

Writers around the world are earning $500$750… even $2,500 to $6,000 or more per writing assignment right now — and I’d like to show you exactly how they do it…

Hey Reader,

Rebecca Matter
Rebecca Matter President, AWAI

Rebecca Matter here, with a special message for you as a writer…

Making a real living as a writer — one that pays the bills, provides for personal treats, and even leaves you with free time to enjoy yourself — is easier to achieve than ever before.

For proof, I don’t have to look any further than the invoices from the writers I work with in my own inbox. Here are copies of four checks I recently approved for freelancers who did web work for me:

But I understand that you may not be there — at least not yet.

There’s something you’re not doing… something you’re likely missing about this whole writing thing.

And I’m sorry it’s holding you back from all that you could be as a writer!

Today though, right now, I want to show you how to fix that…

How to uncover the piece you’re missing — and the tactics you’re getting wrong — so you can have the financially rewarding and personally fulfilling writing career you deserve.

Rebekah Mays
Rebekah Mays

Maybe you’re like Rebekah Mays, who wanted to use paid writing work to wipe away her student loans. She had $22,000 of debt to erase… and she wasn’t sure if online writing could pay her enough to cover it. Yet as she started getting paid to write, her small checks turned into big ones. Today, thanks to what I’m about to share with you, the debt is gone, and Rebekah — now based in the Netherlands — makes a full-time living as a content writer focused on climate tech.

Jim Wright
Jim Wright

Or maybe you’re like Jim Wright, struggling in a small town with limited options for extra income. He’d always been interested in writing, but he had no experience making it pay. Thanks to the systems I’m about to reveal, he earned his first bit of online income as a writer — and then that trickle of extra cash turned into a flood. These days, Jim has multiple streams of online income, plus a fully remote full-time job writing for one of Canada’s leading educational firms.

Then there’s Keith Trimels and Brian Whitaker, former corporate warriors happy to swap grueling commutes and 60-hour workweeks for something more flexible — and more lucrative. His first year out from corporate life, Brian Whitaker spent more time with his family than he had in years… and still made $114,784. Keith used his six-figure earnings to buy the boat of his dreams and spend half the year sailing the Sea of Cortez.

Donna Kaluzniak
Donna Kaluzniak
Suzanne Mulligan-Born
Starr Daubenmire
Starr Daubenmire

Or perhaps you’re more like Donna Kaluzniak, Suzanne Mulligan-Born, and Starr Daubenmire. They didn’t want to leave it all behind… They just didn’t want their income to stop. So, they hit retirement age but never slowed down. Using the same kinds of tools and templates you’ll learn about here, they swapped burdensome “real” jobs for digital copywriting projects that don’t take long and bring in a great income that pays for rounds of golf, luxury travel, treats for the grandkids, and winters where it’s warm.

But — no matter where they live, what motivated them to get started, or what they did before — all these writers have one thing in common…

They didn’t reinvent the wheel to find their success.

Instead, they followed a proven system.

I want to show you that system right now…

And I want to assure you…

Here, there’s nothing left to chance… and there are no gaps to muddle through on your own.
You will see exactly how to go from earning nothing as a writer to consistently making thousands each month.

I’ll even help you get your journey started…

Step 1 Switch Over to the Right Path

To make $2,500 to $6,000 (or more) each month writing for clients, you’ll need to make some changes…

Just a little shift in how you think about your relationships with your clients and the value of your writing work.

Because it doesn’t always feel like work, does it?

Oh, some days it’s an effort, to be sure. But chances are, like me, you love nothing more than getting lost in the written word.

So because you’re enjoying yourself… should you work for free?

I hope you’re shouting out, “Absolutely not!”

How about working for pennies? After all, writing’s not hard work, like laying pavement. So you shouldn’t charge much, right?

Yell with me now, “WRONG!”

As a writer, you have an amazing, valuable skill.

You can create great things with words.

You can use language to bring ideas to life… to share amazing stories, build strong communities of like-minded thinkers, and even motivate people to take action.

That’s an incredible asset in the online world.

If you can get people to stop, pay attention, and then do something… “like” a page, click a link, subscribe to a newsletter, or even buy something from a website…

It’s like having a superpower. And smart business owners and marketers are willing to pay top professional rates to get a team full of superpowered writers on their side.

Those are the people you want to work with — people who “get it”… and get what your writing talent is worth.

They want you to be happy — and they want you to be happy working for them.

That’s why they have no problem paying you very well to contribute your time and talent to getting their business communications and sales messages out there.

They know one really well-written piece of content — or an especially interesting sales message — can explode online. Millions of people might see it.

And if even a small percentage of the people who see something actually do something or buy something, the whole company will generate massive profits.

They win, you win. Win-win all around.

That why I have some advice I’d like you to strongly consider…

Right here, right now… stop thinking of your writing talent as anything less than a solid-gold asset.

Give notice to any writing client who’s not paying you what you’re worth.

You’re not going to have room for them in your life anymore… because we’re about to crowd them out with high-quality, high-paying work from the best clients on the web.

Clients who “get it” and will hire you fast, pay you premium rates for access to your premium talents, and then keep you busy for years doing great work.

How can you find them?

Just take this next step with me…

Step 2 Move Forward — Fast — with
Proven Success Blueprints
and How-to Templates

Pushing through all the noise and churn online to connect with the smart businesses and marketers who desperately want to meet you is easier than you think.

Remember, it doesn’t matter where you live.

It doesn’t matter who you know.

What you look like… whether or not you went to college… whether you’re old or young or somewhere in between.

“I often hear from writers who are frustrated with the copywriting information that they’re finding online. Although there is a lot of free information about how to become a copywriter, how to write for the web, etc., it’s often outdated, unreliable, or just plain wrong.

“Additionally, there wasn’t any site that provided the latest best-practice information paired with videos, conference calls, and access to industry-leading experts. Until now. I think any writer — whether she’s just starting out or she’s been online for years — can benefit from the Digital Copywriter site.

“You’ll gain access to a community of people who are rooting for your success — plus best-practice writing information from a source you trust. Your membership is a great investment in you and your business.”

— Heather Lloyd-Martin,
SEO Pioneer and Founder, SEO Content Institute

All that counts is that you can write.

Because if you can write, the rest is simply a matter of getting yourself in front of the right clients at the right moment.

And that doesn’t take rocket science.

It takes blueprints and templates.

These are your “been there, done that” guides to successfully reaching a destination, written by someone who knows the ins and outs of the journey.

And so, if you think of your writing goals as places in your life you want to be, then to reach them, you just need the right guides.

Where will you find these guides?

Digital Copywriter

Inside the Digital Copywriter online community.

It’s a unique space created specifically for online writers.

Since 2009, it has helped thousands level up, earn top fees, and create sustainable, enjoyable professional lives.

Every single aspect of the community has been designed to help working — and soon-to-be-working — writers connect with the best resources and most up-to-date information out there — everything needed to move from Point A (not making much money writing online) to Point B (earning thousands per month writing online).

Heather Robson
Heather RobsonManaging Editor

Your guide in the community is Heather Robson, who serves as the managing editor.

Heather is a noted digital marketing and web-writing expert, multi-published author, and creator of popular online training courses like How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients and How to Write High-Value UX Copy.

As managing editor, Heather’s mission is to provide each member of the Digital Copywriter community with a constant flow of new resources and tools to help them write faster, write better, and find more high-quality, deep-pocketed clients.

She works with some of the biggest names in the web-writing world — like Brian Clark from Copyblogger and the Unemployable podcast, Ryan Deiss from DigitalMarketer, Russ Henneberry from theCLIKK, Ilise Benun from Marketing Mentor, and even the original web writer himself, Nick Usborne — to contribute updates, articles, webinars, and live training to members.

And it’s not a one-way flow of information, either. Digital Copywriter is a dynamic, interactive community. You can ask questions, request resources, and bring up writing needs and trends… and you’ll find experts and your peers responding to you with the best they have to offer by way of advice, tools, and insights.

As a result, the community is always growing and expanding. You can visit every day and always find something new, interesting, or useful on offer.

And when you drop in, here’s what you can expect to find:

  • Fresh articles packed with timely, practical digital copywriting insights. You’ll always find the latest updates on AI tools, social media tactics, SEO changes, email marketing, and more here — all based on the real-world experiences active web-writing experts are having with their own personal clients.
  • How-to training videos. Each one delivers a quick win — something that helps you hone a skill, land a client, get organized, or grow your business. All of them — including the Monthly Member Update sessions — are designed so you can immediately start applying what you learn to your business. (Successful copywriter and member Rebekah Mays says, “[These are] golden. The tips I’ve learned in those updates have given me concrete strategies I’ve used to be more productive and prioritize my goals for my business.”)
  • Exclusive training events and special skill-building webinars you’ll find nowhere else. These unique events explore different niches, opportunities, specialties, skills, client-landing methods, and more… with new sessions added monthly! Plus, we keep recordings of each on file, so that as a new member, you have access to the full archives — over $25,000 worth of webinars and training — for free on Day 1.

“Wow! What great content to guide us throughout the entire e-book-writing process. Thank you so much for breaking down these vital steps in creating successful e-books!”

— Charlene Laguer

  • Templates, pricing guides, and invoicing tools. It’s all ready and waiting for you to “swipe and deploy” with your own personal clients.
  • An active Member Group, where you can connect with your fellow online writers — newbies, experts, and everyone in between — to get support, encouragement, and guidance for any digital copywriting situation.
  • You’ll even have access to an exclusive, robust job board leading you directly to a variety of full-time, part-time, and freelance opportunities, all of which have been filtered by a real person to ensure they represent the top available open positions for beginners and experienced writers alike.

It’s so much — all in one place — that you might be feeling just a little overwhelmed at the thought of having it all.

But the reality is that every aspect of the Digital Copywriter community is designed to STOP you from feeling overwhelmed.

“Writing can be a lonely occupation. Then, if you have a question or get stuck, the only person to ask for help is Google, who will give you 100,000 ‘answers’…

“Having a one-stop resource that can answer my toughest questions will let me spend less time lost on Google and more time on the fun parts of writing.”

— Henry Bingaman
Owner, Ascension Marketing Services and Host, Getting Out of the Machine Podcast

Heather, the Digital Copywriter team, and every contributing expert want you to move smoothly toward the success you deserve — FAST.

That’s why one of the very first resources you’ll want to dive into is Digital Copywriter’s exclusive step-by-step Success Blueprint and Workbook.

It will help you set up your business to move from the ground floor to the top level of the web-writing world… with the paychecks to prove it!

If you’re at ZERO… this step-by-step guide is for you.

If you’re at LESS THAN YOU WANT… this step-by-step guide is for you.

And if you’re at I WANT MORE… this step-by-step guide is for you, too.

Let me show you exactly how it will help you, no matter where you’re growing from now…

Step 3 Use the Resources Exactly Like This…

Let’s begin at the very beginning… Day 1, Minute 1 of your membership in the Digital Copywriter online community.

“Being a member here will help to ease that lonely feeling, that fear of making a mistake, that fear of not knowing enough. I want to be a $100,000-per-year copywriter instead of $1,200-a-year copywriter.

Digital Copywriter will give me what I need to realize my dream and be the woman, the mom, the copywriter I want to be.”

— TaKeshia Watson
North Carolina

You log in for the first time, with every resource imaginable for digital copywriting success suddenly at your fingertips.

It’s a magical moment.

No matter what your writing experiences have been up until now, this is your chance to start fresh and really get things right.

So where should you start?

No question about it — you should jump right over to “Resources” and open up your personal copy of the Digital Copywriter Success Blueprint and Workbook.

The Digital Copywriter Success Blueprint and Workbook

The Success Blueprint is organized into manageable, bite-sized activities spread across 30 days (though you’re welcome to work at your own pace, too). Each activity builds on the next, and each one is designed to help you quickly level up your writer’s life.

Even better?

There’s nothing in this blueprint you can’t do — even if you’re just starting out. And if you already have some experience, you’ll be able to move even faster.

Let’s peek inside…

Stage 1 | Days 1–6

Setting Yourself Up Right

This is your time to build a healthy mindset about your writing business, define your personal path to success, identify your biggest opportunity, and create a winning LinkedIn profile (or fine-tune and improve the one you already have). From these strong foundations, you’ll be prepared to launch and grow a seriously profitable online writing career.

Stage 2 Days 7–12

Connecting With — and Landing
— High-Quality Clients

You can land the very best clients for your niche, your skills, and your interests. The Blueprint reveals exactly how — right down to polished scripts you can quickly adapt for yourself so that you can get your first clients or level up your client quality to earn better fees.

Stage 3 | Days 13–22

Doing Great Work

What do you do after a client says yes? You could start from a blank page… or reach out for one of the proven templates Digital Copywriter provides to all members. These templates — and the step-by-step instructions for how to use them — ensure you can confidently deliver great work, even as a beginner. More of a pro? The templates, checklists, and toolkits here will help you work faster and with less stress.

Stage 4 | Days 23–30

Getting Paid, Rehired, and Referred

How you deliver your work influences the next step for you with a client… and if you want your clients to be thrilled with what you’ve finished, hire you for a repeat project, and refer you to their friends… this section of the Blueprint has all the proven tactics and tools you’ll need to unlock lasting success and income as a writer.

With your foundations set, you’re ready to dive into the other skill-building and client-getting resources Digital Copywriter has to offer.

Although, if I’m being honest, many new Digital Copywriting members want to explore these resources right away.

And I understand that — you want clients, and you want to get paid!

A popular next stop is the job board… With your Digital Copywriter membership, you get access to, a robust, curated job board specifically for working writers. Nonmembers pay as much as $49 per month for access to just this, but when you’re a member, it’s yours, free, as long as you remain a part of the community.

Or maybe you’d like to take advantage of the client-getting power of the world’s largest professional network — LinkedIn. There’s a knack to landing clients with LinkedIn, and Digital Copywriter will show you what it is with resources like the absolutely must-hear session with marketing expert Ilise Benun, Common LinkedIn Mistakes and What to Do Instead.

Or maybe you’d like to take an even more customized approach. If so, on top of the scripts you learn in the Blueprint, you can check out an in-depth event with Pam Foster, Heather, and me — Build Your Personalized Roadmap to Success — where we give you a crash course in picking a niche, defining your marketing message, and having conversations with potential clients.

There’s also Heather’s special webinar, The Art of Pitching a Project. It’s a fast, full hour that will set you up with five strategies for presenting project ideas that clients will find irresistible.

And there are four additional special reports packed with in-depth detail on unique strategies you can start today to land clients fast. These aren’t common techniques that will turn up in a general web search — these are specific tactics proven to work for web writers just like you.

In short, at Digital Copywriter, you have options for landing clients — a ton of them! And, more client-getting resources are being added all the time. As a member, you’ll go from feeling like you don’t know where the good clients hide to feeling like great clients are bursting out of the woodwork all around you.

“I like that it has business-building tips and advice that you can’t really find anywhere else. Things like how to communicate with clients, upsell them — really practical advice on how to become a web writer and how to make a good living at it.”

— Lexi Rodrigo
Windsor, Canada

So once you know where to find clients, what do you say to them?

Well, you could agonize over that for weeks… or just type “how to email clients” into the search box at the Digital Copywriter site.

Strategies… examples… scripts… they’re all right there.

Seriously — in less than 30 minutes — you could create a perfect email to a prospective client and send it off with confidence.

Because you’ll be following tested-and-true best practices from email experts, you’ll get a fast response. Maybe not from every single one of the clients you reach out to — but enough of them will get back to you that you’ll have a whole new set of opportunities the Digital Copywriter community can help you with…

Things like…

  • What to do when a prospective client calls. (Just read Michele Peterson’s 11 Tips for Low-Stress, Effective Meetings That Turn Prospects Into Clients in the Article archives.)
  • How to create a professional quote for a client — and what to charge them for the work. (Just download the very popular Digital Copywriter Toolkit — Templates to Write (and Price) the 12 Most In-Demand Projects, which gives you pricing advice on 12 in-demand projects along with everything you need to know to tackle each project… even if you’ve never done one like it before.)
  • What to put in your proposal. (Use Andrew Murray’s The 7 Essential Ingredients of Writing a Winning Proposal as a template and guide to crafting a proposal that will impress your prospects and land you more work!)

As you can see, every step of the way… every part of the process… what you need is right there, waiting.

No downtime. No delays. Your every need for a fast, successful upgrade to your career is covered.

And, everything you’ll find is geared toward earning you the market rates you truly deserve as a talented writer on the web.

But that’s not all…

Thanks to what you’ll learn from Digital Copywriter, you’ll be going out to the market at a whole new level.

No Working for Pennies Around Here!

Digital Copywriter membership isn’t a ticket to “$10 a page and $15 a blog post” land.

No, no, no.


Remember, thanks to Digital Copywriter and the resources at your fingertips, your life at the low end of the pay scale is over.

All the scripts, templates, and trainings are designed to help you connect with TOP clients.

And they expect you to charge what you’re worth to their bottom line.

That means your fees are now in this range:

  • Blog posts: $250 to $800 per post… even as high as $900 if you’re working for B2B clients
  • Autoresponder Emails: $100 to $350 each (beginner rate), $200 to $1,000 (advanced writer rate)
  • Stand-alone articles: $200 to $1,000 each (for pieces of 600 to 2,000 words)
  • Newsletters: $800 to $2,000 monthly
  • Basic websites (5–7 pages, nothing fancy, no design work required): $1,500 to $7,000
  • Social media management (posting, comment curation, etc.): $1,000 to $3,000 monthly
  • Online sales pages: $3,500–$5,000+ (beginner rate), $7,500–$12,500+ (intermediate rate), up to $25,000+ (advanced rate) (often, with royalties, too, at all skill levels!)

And while these rates may feel high if you’re just starting out — or if you’ve been stuck at the low end for a while — this is what our market research and community reports tell us really are the going rates for this work.

Thousands of writers — right now, in 2024 — are quoting these rates to clients. And clients aren’t saying, “Whoa!”… they’re saying “Do you prefer PayPal or direct deposit?”

And you’re going to do an amazing job on these types of projects (even if you’ve never written some — or any — of these types of content and copy before).

How can I be so sure?

More than 15 YEARS of seeing how the high-quality templates, tools, and how-to guides inside the Digital Copywriter community help new web writers from every kind of background show up right for clients and win project after project after project.

One of my favorites tools to showcase is The Digital Copywriter Toolkit — Templates to Write (and Price) the 12 Most In-Demand Projects, a super pack of step-by-step instructions that will have you zipping through your projects like a seasoned pro.

The Digital Copywriter Toolkit

Even if you’ve never done a paid writing project before, this Toolkit will show you how to absolutely crush all the top digital marketing projects, like webpages, blog posts, SEO projects, social media campaigns, and more.

You’ll see what to ask the client before you start… how to set up each element of each project… and how to nail the content.

No more blank-page blues — and no more feeling like you’re not doing something the “right” way for your new clients.

In fact, newbies and seasoned pros alike find that this resource alone saves them hours of stress and worry while unlocking more project opportunities and the chance at higher fees.

Yes, but…
But what?
Prove it? We’re always in “Prove It” mode around here!

I can talk up the resources and systems inside Digital Copywriter with all the confidence in the world because I know that if you put in the work, they will absolutely work for you.

And we test that out, constantly.

If something’s not working… or has stopped working because of a change in the technology or the marketplace — we update it, change it, or replace it.

How do we test?

We use the best test there is — REALITY.

Right from the start, Digital Copywriter has used a series of “Reality Bloggers” to reveal the honest, day-to-day experiences of working writers.

Mindy McHorse
Jim Wright
Christina Gillick
Andrew Murray
Candice Lazar
Marianne Foscarini
Suzanna Fitzgerald
Jennifer Ayling

These bloggers set public goals and then go after them using Digital Copywriter tools, templates, and resources.

They report in as they do the work — and what they’ve been able to achieve is impressive, to say the least.

  • Mindy McHorse had her first six-figure year as a working writer thanks to her time as the Reality Blogger. It launched her career… and these days, she’s the managing editor of Barefoot Writer magazine.
  • Andrew Murray wanted a passive income to supplement his client income… and thanks to the connections and guest experts at Digital Copywriter, his money-making website now allows him to travel in perpetuity through the Australian outback.
  • Suzanna Fitzgerald’s goal was to be able to gift her parents enough money for a down payment on their “forever home” in the Colorado mountains — and the public accountability plus Digital Copywriter tools helped her stay the course until it happened.
  • Candice Lazar spread her wings and honed her copy chops as the Reality Blogger. The skills she built had her earning a comfortable side income until the legendary Jeff Walker took note and snapped her up to be part of his launch team and later serve as his copy chief. These days, she’s a high-end copy consultant, picking and choosing her clients.

I could go on…

But I want the next story to be extra special…

I want it to be yours.

Unlock the Power to
Consistently Earn Thousands a Month…
for as Long as You Like

As long as you have the Digital Copywriter community on your side, you can realistically expect to earn a generous writing income.

It’s not a pipe dream — at all — to see yourself earning $2,500 to $6,000 a month (or even more).

Use the tools. Use the system. Make the most out of the Success Blueprint and Workbook, the Toolkit, the how-to webinars, the checklists, the client-getting scripts…

Digital Copywriter Product Spread

Give it 30 days of real effort. And see for yourself — once and for all — just what’s possible for you as a writer.

The time to start, of course, is right now.

That’s because for a very limited time, Heather and I have worked out a way for you to get access to EVERYTHING Digital Copywriter has to offer at an incredibly low introductory price.

Normally, Digital Copywriter members — writers who get access to EVERYTHING on the site — pay close to $600 per year for access.

But, I know when you’re fighting your way up from the low end of the fee scale in the web-writing world… or when you’re just starting out — that can seem like an out-of-reach sum of money.

And I don’t want something as solvable as a temporary lack of money to stand in the way of the success you’re about to have… especially since once you start working at true Digital Copywriter rates, you’ll quickly transform that $600 into your fees for a single afternoon’s work!

So — to make it ridiculously easy for you to get started right now — if you join Digital Copywriter today, you’ll pay $49 a month.

That’s right… just $49…

To unlock all the roadmaps, templates, and tools of the whole Digital Copywriter community for the next 30 days.

Join Today!

A Small “Risk”
for a Potentially Huge Reward…

Now, I know that taking the Digital Copywriter community and resources for a test run is a risk… because there’s a serious chance you might find yourself with a thriving web-writing business and thousands of dollars in the bank at the end of the month.

It’s not for everyone.

It might not be for you, for any number of reasons.

So I’m not asking you to make a long-term commitment to a lucrative, fun-filled life as a freelance digital copywriter right now. I’m just inviting you to put it all to the test and see what happens…

To take the tiniest of financial “risks” for your shot at ongoing monthly “rewards” of $2,500 to $6,000 (or more).

All you need to do is join Digital Copywriter right now.

Give it a focused, good-faith effort for the next 30 days.

Have dozens of webinars and hundreds of articles at your fingertips… download the Digital Copywriter Toolkit… read as many of the articles and special reports as your brain will hold.

Apply for open jobs with your free access to Use the provided outreach scripts to connect with clients on LinkedIn or in your community. Land fresh work and use the templates to do a great job. Turn those projects in, if you like — even invoice for them, too!

And then…

If at the end of 30 days, you’re not on your way to joining the many Digital Copywriter members already making thousands a month as a writer, just let me know.

I’ll cancel your membership immediately. You’ll receive no further update emails from the community, pay no additional membership invoices, and you can keep any resource you’ve downloaded, all with my sincere thanks for at least trying out the world of well-paid writing.

Remember, If You’re Not Yet Making Thousands Each Month Writing for the Web… You Could Be

Making a real living as a writer — one that pays the bills, provides for personal treats, and even leaves you with free time to enjoy yourself — is not a myth or a fantasy.

For thousands of Digital Copywriters, it’s their regular life.

And, it could be your life, too.

With the results so close, why wait another minute?

Simply click the orange order button below to get started.

To your success,

Rebecca Matter
President, AWAI

Join Today!

P.S. Getting into the Digital Copywriter community for just $49 is an incredibly sweet deal.

Think about it…

You’re basically paying pennies for a resource that’s going to potentially earn you thousands of dollars a month.

If Digital Copywriter helps you land even one small trial project — like a test email for $100 or an article for $250 — you’ll be getting 100x to 250x more out of it than you put in.

That’s a ridiculous rate of return. If an investment broker delivered that — even once — he’d be more famous than Warren Buffett.

And it’d be called a “fluke.”

This is no fluke.

This is a time-tested, proven way for you to earn the kind of money your writing talent deserves.

Everything you want is already built into the Digital Copywriter community, ready and waiting for you to take advantage of it.

Simply click the orange order button below, and you’ll unlock all the abundance you need in the next few seconds…

Join Today!

P.P.S. One last note from one of our favorite expert contributors…

“As a freelance online writer or copywriter, one can often feel isolated. And when you reach out for information, advice, and support… you don’t know where to turn or whom to trust.

Digital Copywriter fills that gap. It provides you with resources and support from within a trusted community of experts and peers. Within that community, we can take care of one another. This is golden, because across the web as a whole, there are too many distractions, too many scams, and too many ways to become distracted, disoriented, and lost.

“I hope to see you on the inside.”

— Nick Usborne
web guru, Montreal

Join Today!