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Use This Prized “Unfair Competitive Advantage” to Magically Make Everything You Write More Valuable…

So You Can Easily and Quickly Make $350, $500, $750 Per Page of Copy. And That’s Just the Beginning.

Some Folks Earn as Much as $1,500 a Page. Here’s How You Can Do the Same…

You’re about to discover…

  • Why businesses — in EVERY niche — desperately need writers with this ability (more now in 2019 than ever before). And why there simply aren’t enough writers to meet the demand …
  • What you can do now to work with the 82% of companies who intend to outsource projects like these to writers like you …
  • And how you can gain this unfair competitive advantage in a matter of hours!

Dear Copywriter,

You know it as well as I do…

If you can write good copy, your chances of having a successful freelance career are pretty darn good.

But, what if you want more than just a chance?

What if you want better than good?

What if your secret desire is to have projects that are so simple — yet so highly valued — you “work” just a few hours each day?

Even finish by noon so you can take the rest of the day off … ?

Or to find a pool of clients so deep you never have to worry where your next project is coming from … ?

And watch your income continue to rise as you get paid $350, $500, or even as much as $750 for writing a single page of copy?!

And that’s just for starters. Some writers are getting paid as much as $1,500 … for the same page of copy! You can, too …

I’m going to show how all of this is possible.

By focusing on a special type of writing that gives you a powerful “unfair advantage,” you can almost guarantee your success as a freelance copywriter.

But — before I get ahead of myself — this “unfair advantage” isn’t about cheating, stealing, or lying …

Quite the opposite, actually!

An “unfair advantage” is when you discover how to achieve your goal — like living a relaxed, yet extremely profitable, writer’s life — faster and easier…

  1. You could uncover a sweet spot in your industry — where competition is uncommon and demand for your services is endless…
  2. Or maybe you find a system to add value to your services — so you can raise your rates, earn more money in less time, and get back to doing what you love!
  3. Or you could discover your clients’ biggest problem — and how you can solve it — so more clients seek you out and view you as a business partner, instead of “just a writer”…

Or — in today’s case — your “unfair advantage” can do all the above!

You Already Have the Foundation You Need

One of the best things about this type of writing is that it incorporates something you already do — or are learning to do: writing persuasive copy.

Whether you write sales pages, blog posts, white papers, special reports, or just about any other kind of writing.

You know, there’s little that business owners, marketers, and your prospective clients value more than good writing … because it helps them get more customers and grow their businesses.

So, if you already know how to write copy — or even if you are in the early learning stages, you’re halfway there!

But… imagine taking things a step further…

How to Make EVERYTHING You Write More Valuable

Picture this: Not only writing good copy, but practically guaranteeing that the right customers find your copy, at exactly the right time — when they’re most likely to buy.

Getting the right customer … at the right time … is a business owner’s — and marketer’s — dream.

If you can do this for them, you can easily and quickly earn as much as $750 or more for every piece of copy you write.

What is it?

Well, you may have heard of it. It’s called Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, copywriting.

The process of SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is simple …

A “search engine" is an online tool people use to search for information and solutions to their problems.

(As of March 2019, Google is the most popular search engine, claiming 92.93% of the market share, including desktop and mobile devices, according to All other search engines combined, like Yahoo! and Bing, account for less than 7.07% of the market.)

So, when someone types a phrase like “buy coconut oil” into Google’s search box, they’re using a search engine. The results that Google then provides are known as “search engine results”…

Google Search Engine results for Coconut Oil

The “optimization” part of SEO means that a website is “optimized” — or improved and adjusted — to appear at or near the top of these results …

With the rise of voice search, the searching process is a bit different. Rather than typing a phrase, it’s becoming increasingly popular to speak search queries. (ComScore predicts by 2020, around 50% of searches will be voice-based.)

You’ve experienced a voice search if you’ve ever said, “Siri, find a recipe,” or “Okay, Google, what’s the weather?”

When someone asks a digital assistant, “Where can I buy coconut oil?” they’re still using a search engine (Siri uses Google and Alexa uses Bing).

So, as a writer, you’re in the best position to help companies either way — whether they want to optimize for traditional search or voice search — because you already know how to write conversationally (like you speak!).

You’ve experienced a voice search if you’ve ever said, “Siri, find a recipe,” or “Okay, Google, what’s the weather?”

When someone asks a digital assistant, “Where can I buy coconut oil?” they’re still using a search engine (Siri uses Google and Alexa uses Bing).

So, as a writer, you’re in the best position to help companies either way — whether they want to optimize for traditional search or voice search — because you already know how to write conversationally (like you speak!).

In other words, SEO copywriting helps customers find your client’s website when they’re most likely to buy!

And, because you already have the foundation for writing persuasive copy, you know how to grab their attention and make sure they order today.

All Businesses — in Every Niche — Are Desperate to Be Found!

When you find and solve your clients’ biggest problem — the thing that keeps them awake at night — you’ll position yourself in a whole new way…

No longer will you be “just a writer.” Instead, your clients will view you as an indispensable business consultant and partner. And, they’ll be willing to pay you high rates that reflect it.

So, what is this big problem that all clients in almost every industry have?

They're invisible to their potential customers online!

And I’m not exaggerating when I say this problem keeps them up at night, tossing and turning!

Clients everywhere now understand, to keep their businesses alive and competitive, they have to get in front of customers.

Gone are the days of relying on walk-in traffic, outdated Yellow Pages, or weekly newspaper ads. Instead, customers are searching and shopping online, more now in 2019 than ever before.

Just look at these numbers:

What’s more, online retail sales will continue growing and, in 2022, reach nearly $380 million (based on figures from the US Census Bureau).

Now, you might think, if customers walk into a store, the business owner doesn’t have to worry about SEO, right?

Well, that’s not true.

43% of customers who walk into a store to shop also do online research via their smartphone while there (source: Clix Marketing).

Of course, that’s good news for you as a writer because, even if a client has a physical presence, they still need SEO.

So, with all this data, it’s no surprise that your clients know their business success depends on one thing: if customers can find them.

For most clients, this is very frustrating. Especially so because their competitors who have optimized copy are getting found on page one, gaining traction, making sales, and leaving them behind.

At this point, clients everywhere are desperate.

They know — if they don’t find a way to solve this problem, and fast — they’re seriously jeopardizing their business’s future.

But how?

The answer is SEO copywriting.

Which comes as no surprise when you consider how powerful it is:

That’s why clients are willing to pay a lot of money for SEO copywriting… but also because:

But, despite SEO’s many benefits, most companies are not prepared to handle SEO copywriting in-house …

In fact, in Ascend2’s 2019 Digital Marketing Strategies Survey Summary Report, SEO was named as one of the “most difficult digital marketing tactic to execute” by 40% of respondents.

The report goes on to say, “The more difficult tactics are to execute, the more likely companies are to outsource them.”

So, it’s no surprise that 82% of marketing influencers surveyed by Ascend2 plan to use outsourcing (or hiring outside writers — like you) to meet their digital marketing goals, such as SEO …

The Demand for Your Writing Services Will GROW When You Can Offer SEO Copywriting

There’s never been a better time to make a living as a writer.

And no matter what type of writer you are, there’s more than enough work to go around…

But, get this — when it comes to SEO copywriting, there are two camps of people:

  1. Those who write…
  2. Those who optimize for the search engines…

Rarely does one person do both.

And, I honestly don’t understand it…

Maybe they believe some of the myths floating around… like, “SEO copywriting is complicated ” or scary… Let me assure you, it’s not. It’s actually quite easy once someone shows you how…

Or maybe they think, “software can do SEO copywriting for you” … it can’t — at least not successfully. That’s why companies need you to do this for them. (And why this foundational skill is so valuable.)

Possibly writers wrongly assume SEO is “too time-consuming.”

It can be… if you’re optimizing hundreds of pages. But each page can be completed in about an hour. And, because you’re paid by the page, more pages mean more projects and more money in your pocket!

Maybe they heard, “SEO is dead”… but nothing could be further from the truth!

SEO is on the rise! Even though a few people have been predicting its death since 1997, SEO still continues to grow…

So, for savvy writers — like yourself — who are willing to look beyond the myths and misinformation, SEO copywriting is your biggest “unfair advantage” …

Your Ability to Write Good Copy Separates You from SEO Copywriters Who Don’t…

You see, most people who claim to know SEO know nothing about writing persuasively. They might be able to get a website to the top of the search results for a while… but that’s it.

They can’t follow up… so the traffic they worked so hard to get, leaves!

But you can do things differently!

Because you understand and know how to write persuasive copy, you know how to convert traffic into sales…

The truth is, there aren’t enough people who know how to write persuasive copy. All this means you can get better results… making you more valuable than “just an SEO person”… and more desirable than “just a writer”…

With the combination of persuasive writing and SEO copywriting skills, you can bring nearly unlimited traffic to a website. Then, you can convert that traffic to profitable leads and sales…

When you consider all this, it’s no wonder you can charge more…

How much more?

Well, let me tell you…

Just One Hour Could Mean $750 or More in Your Pocket

As I mentioned earlier, SEO copywriting isn’t scary, overly complicated, or time-consuming …

Each page can be optimized in just about an hour or so…

Here’s how it works:

  1. First, you’ll do a little research to discover — or confirm — the words your visitors use when searching for your client’s website. (Don’t worry, in just a minute I’ll show you how you can learn all about this.)
  2. Once you have a list of words (commonly called “keywords” or “keyphrases”), you’ll write a headline and short description for each page…
  3. Next, you’ll edit the copy to make sure it flows and sounds natural, adding in the keywords and phrases, but only where they fit naturally!

And… you’re done! (Of course, there are other things you can — and should — do to make your copy even better. But, once you learn them, they’re as simple and quick as what I just described.) Send the improved copy to your client and they’ll put it online.

When it’s all finished, you can spend about one hour per page!

I’ll tell you more about that in a minute, but first…

Let’s talk about the healthy fees you can make…

It’s not uncommon for an experienced SEO copywriter to charge $750 (or more) per page of optimized copy…

But, even as a beginner, you can still charge incredible rates for the work you do!

For instance, here are the most up-to-date SEO copywriting prices — taken from what has become the industry standard, AWAI’s State of the Industry, Copywriting Pricing Guide

Homepage Content: SEO and Sales-Conversion Copywriting = $1,500-$3,000
Set the stage for a great site experience that prompts conversions.

Category Page Update: SEO and Sales-Conversion Copywriting = $500-$1,000/page
Rewrite the main web pages, such as About, Services, Subscribe.

Product Page Update: SEO and Sales-Conversion Copy = $400-$800/page
Generate more traffic and sales for each specific product or service.

New Page: SEO and Sales-Conversion Copy = $700-$1,200/page
Use professional, compelling copy for all new products and services.

Article = $300-$800 each
Keep visitors coming back and support SEO strength with fresh copy.

Blog Post = $250-$800/post
Single, topic-specific blog posts, written for readers and SEO.

Using these fee ranges, even a beginner — who has learned the ins and outs of SEO and persuasive writing — can charge $350, $500, or even $750 per page!

But as you can see, it’s possible you can make even more… charging as much as $1,500 to $3,000 for optimizing a client’s home page copy!

And your clients will gladly pay you when they see their copy attracting more readers, performing better, and — best of all — capturing more sales.

Now — the above examples are just a few of the projects you can handle as a SEO copywriter…

SEO copywriting is also a factor in pretty much every page on the web. That includes landing pages, articles, blog posts, white papers, case studies, and more!

No matter what type of copy you want to write, you can combine it with SEO to increase your value and get more clients! (That’s why we call SEO a “foundational skill.”)

So, let me introduce you to the expert who’s going to teach you how to do exactly that…

Meet the “Pioneer of SEO Copywriting” — Writing SEO Copy Since 1998

Heather Lloyd-Martin

Heather Lloyd-Martin is the perfect person to teach you about SEO copywriting — and how to get paid really well for it — because she is a successful SEO copywriter herself.

Described by Forbes Magazine as the “pioneer of SEO copywriting,” she has been writing SEO copy for more than 20 years! During that time, Heather has:

You see, when people talk about SEO… most of them focus only on the technical aspect. Heather, on the other hand, uses persuasive copy combined with SEO principles.

The result is smooth, ethical copy that ranks highly in the search engines AND gets results — like increased leads and sales!

Plus, you’ll be happy to hear that Heather loves making SEO copywriting easy-to-understand and even fun!

All the Training You Need to Profit from This “Unfair Advantage” — Fast!

I first met Heather Lloyd-Martin in 2005 at an annual conference for the Direct Marketing Association. After hearing her speak about SEO copywriting, I was blown away.

Not only was I immediately impressed with her energy, enthusiasm, and abundance of experience…

But I also recognized an opportunity for AWAI writers to stay ahead of the curve… and in demand… by offering this foundational skill to their clients.

I went up after her session, introduced myself, told her I was with AWAI, and explained how I much I wanted her to train our copywriters in the art of SEO.

I was pleased to learn that she knew all about AWAI and was excited to join us.

She’s since spoken about SEO copywriting at numerous AWAI events. And today, I’m excited to announce that she’s put together a complete, how-to training program exclusively for you as an AWAI member.

It’s called SEO Copywriting Success: Grow Your Business by Driving Targeted Traffic to Clients.

It’s the only foundational program of its kind — designed to teach you how to master SEO copywriting in the quickest amount of time possible and earn a large income writing SEO copy.

In this program, Heather shows you absolutely EVERYTHING you need to start making $350, $500, or even $750 per page right away with SEO copywriting.

And remember, that’s just for starters. As you gain more experience, you could start charging as much as $1,500 per page.

In fact, she’s organized the program in such an easy-to-follow manner, you could learn this highly prized skill in under eight hours.

Imagine what that means to your freelance-writing career.

You’ll learn one of the most sought-after skills in today’s competitive market along with the potential to earn up to $1,500 for each page you write.

It can’t get any better.

So, exactly how does this program work?

Let’s take a quick tour of what’s included …

First, Heather leads you — as only a seasoned veteran can — step-by-step through the process of SEO copywriting. She’ll show you:

And so much more!

Heather even guides you through the “how-much-do-I-charge” minefield. She’s broken it down so well, you’ll be able to figure out your exact fee range in no time flat!

Best of all, you’ll experience your learning sessions with Heather on video, recorded at a live SEO training event.

Plus, to go along with the videos — and better guarantee your understanding of SEO copywriting — you’ll get slides, transcripts, and audio tracks.

No matter what learning style you prefer; you’ll have it with SEO Copywriting Success!

And, of course, Heather shares the most up-to-date SEO copywriting information available. Plus, she tells you exactly how to stay current for today’s best SEO practices.

To make sure you’ve taken in and fully understand everything she teaches, Heather’s even included examples — like homepages, services pages, and product pages — so you’ll know exactly what should be on each of these common pages.

SEO Copywriting Success is your clear roadmap to building an SEO copywriting career with almost unlimited potential!

Dive right in and discover how you can soon be an in-demand SEO copywriter, including …

Module 1 — (Video) SEO Copywriting Introduction and What You’ll Learn

Right away you’ll find out that there’s no reason to be afraid of SEO copywriting. As Heather will show you, writing “for SEO” is no longer the geeky X + Y = Z formula of writing.

Instead, you can do what you do well — write for your audience and speak to them conversationally.

Heather will begin with a quick overview of what to expect from SEO Copywriting Success, including:

Module 2 — (Video) SEO Copywriting Defined and Google Part 1

Next, Heather will take you “back to the basics” to make sure you understand how Google works in simple, easy-to-understand terms. (This is perfect if you’re brand new to SEO copywriting or worried you may have picked up some misinformation about SEO copywriting.)

You’ll find out:

Module 3 — (Video) Google Part 2: Content, Voice Search and More

Up next, you’ll discover how the latest Google changes mean even MORE opportunities to optimize your clients’ websites for search and help them rise to the top.

Watch as Heather reveals:

Module 4 — (Video) Let’s Check Out Some Keyword and Topic Possibilities!

Now Heather will lead you through the same research process she uses for finding keywords and key phrases that people might use to find a website. This is how you can make sure you’re writing content that people are already interested in.

Watch as she walks you through some examples … so you can replicate her process for a client’s website (or your own).

In this module, you’ll find out:

Module 5 — (Video) Dive Into the Keyphrase Research Rabbit Hole

Next, Heather explains how to expand your search and come up with a list of highly useful keyphrases that will make your client a hero to their readers and prospects! In this module, you’ll discover:

Module 6 — (Video) Creating Optimized Content

Then, Heather will review what you’ve learned so far and take you through some examples showing you how to weave keyphrases into your optimized, prospect-friendly, persuasive web content.

This is where everything you’ve learned so far comes together and where you’ll see your skills as an SEO Copywriter can really shine. After this module, you’ll understand:

Module 7 — (Video) How to Optimize a Blog Post

Up next, Heather will show you how to use keyphrases in a smart way to optimize any blog content you’re working on for clients or for your own website.

She’ll also lead you through some real-life examples and you’ll find out:

Module 8 — (Video) Optimized Titles and Descriptions

Web page titles and meta descriptions (also known as snippets) are very important because they’re the text that people see in Google search results.

That’s why Heather will now show you today’s best practices for optimizing titles and descriptions.

Watch as Heather explains:

Module 9 — — (Video) Improving a Website’s Position in Google

Then, Heather will reveal how to take an existing web page and optimize it with your SEO copywriting skills, so it has a chance to rise up in the rankings.. You’ll also find out:

Module 10 — Let’s Check Out Some Fun SEO Writing Opportunities!

Next, Heather gives you some fun ideas to make your content creation easier, faster, and more profitable. These are some “low-hanging fruit” opportunities that you can use on your own website or for your clients’ websites.

You’ll also discover:

How one of Heather’s own clients used her methods (the same ones you’ll learn in this module) to go from no rankings to “suddenly boom, they had rankings”! (Try this with your own clients, especially those who don’t like to write, to get better search engine positions right away — with very little work on your part)

Module 11 — (Video) Now You’re Ready to Unlock Your Content’s SEO Potential + Q&A

In this wrap-up, Heather will make sure you know how to apply what you’ve learned about SEO copywriting to make a huge difference for your clients.

Plus, you’ll get the answers to several common questions about SEO copywriting, asked and recorded at a recent live SEO training event. You’ll discover:

How to position websites for voice search results, including what to put in your headline, how to structure your content, and more.

Module 12 — (PDF) Web Page Examples: SEO Copywriting

In Module 12, Heather gives you a quick refresher of what you’ve learned so far. Then, she shows you how it all comes together — with real-world examples of homepages, services pages, and product pages.

She even breaks down the pages section-by-section. So, you can see what you’ve learned so far in action!

Here’s some of what you’ll learn:

Module 13 — SEO Opportunities Galore!

Then, Heather takes you beyond the core pages of a website and shows you real examples of each one. Plus, you’ll find out:

Module 14 — Attracting SEO Copywriting Clients

Next, Heather breaks down the process of attracting SEO copywriting clients, setting fees, and presenting proposals. You’ll discover:

Module 15 — Working with SEO Clients

Finally, Heather reveals what you need to know to work effectively with clients — from the process of presenting SEO copy to working with the client’s team. Here’s some of what you’ll learn:

As you can see, there’s a lot included in this course. No question has been left unanswered. Heather carefully designed each module of this program to give you the best real-world advice and information at every step of the process.

And, on top of that — you’ll be able to learn all the techniques and strategies Heather shares at a pace that’s comfortable for you. Whether you want to access this course at 5 a.m. or 5 p.m., you’ll be able to because the entire course is available online, immediately.

In just a few hours, you can be on the way to earning a great income with SEO copywriting!

Get Everything You Need to Create a Profitable SEO Copywriting Business Now

As we talked about earlier, what you'll learn in SEO Copywriting Success: Grow Your Business by Driving Targeted Traffic to Clients took Heather years of research and trial and error to learn and refine.

She’s been writing SEO copy since 1998… that’s 20+ years!

But, you won’t have to go through that long journey. Or worry about making costly, embarrassing, or frustrating mistakes.

With Heather by your side, you’ll know you’re using only the best SEO copywriting information!

In fact, Heather gives you the exact techniques and information she’s used for her own clients over the years… and continues to use today.

When you follow her proven instructions, you’ll learn how to merge your persuasive writing skills with SEO copywriting to create a business that will always be in demand!

So, considering that SEO Copywriting Success teaches you exactly what you need to instantly make everything you write more valuable and quickly earn as much as $750 per page, we could easily ask several hundred dollars for this program…

Remember — besides building a highly prized “unfair competitive advantage,” you’re getting:

Launching your business as an SEO copywriter doesn’t get easier than this!

And, since your first SEO copywriting project could earn you upwards of $750, even paying that much would be a bargain.

But, you won’t have to invest $750.

Instead, the entire foundational SEO copywriting program — including everything mentioned above — is yours for just $497!

Order Now!

A real bargain when you consider this program represents 20+ years of Heather’s tested and proven knowledge and experience.

Not to mention that other, less in-depth SEO programs go for as much as $499-$1,997. And unfortunately, often these other “programs” are little more than sales pitches designed to convince you to use a certain software, while failing to teach you how to develop your SEO copywriting services.

An expensive SEO course is not what you need. Instead, you need a complete guide designed to not only teach you SEO copywriting, but also give you the exact tools and training you need to successfully sell SEO copywriting services to your clients…

That’s why we created SEO Copywriting Success. And, priced it so affordably that you can quickly make double your investment back with just ONE page of SEO copy!

But that’s not all…

Exclusive: Three Extra FREE Bonus Reports

As soon as you place your order, you'll get instant access to all we’ve talked about so far… plus, there’s more…

Three Exclusive Bonuses to Get You Up-and-Running — and Profiting — Faster!

In SEO Copywriting Success, Heather’s not leaving your success to chance. That’s why she’s including three valuable bonuses — created specifically for AWAI members — when you get started today:

Extra FREE Bonus #1 — AWAI’s State of the Industry Report, Copywriting Pricing Guide

First, you’ll get AWAI’s “insider’s guide” to the State of the Copywriting Industry, the same guide I told you about earlier. In this jam-packed report, AWAI digs deep into the latest statistics and trends.

You’ll discover today’s top seven marketing trends and predictions, common copywriter fees, what’s working now in copywriting, and how you can make the most of it.

Here’s just some of what’s inside:

And, speaking of rates…

Inside, you’ll find a comprehensive list of fee ranges for the top 75 copywriting projects, including common SEO projects like keyword research and optimized pages.

Not sure what to charge for a particular type of SEO copywriting?

Turn to this guide and find accurate up-to-date fee ranges compiled from copywriting leaders, national resources, marketers for all types of companies, and AWAI’s own experience.

Extra FREE Bonus #2 — 10 Savvy SEO Copywriting Strategies

In this special report, Heather shares 10 of the smartest ways to bring new interest to old content, saving you time while also generating more traffic.

Here’s some of what she shares in this 18-page report:

As an SEO copywriter, clients depend on you to write new content on a regular basis. Don’t worry though. With this report, you’ll never lack for ideas. Just turn to any page and follow along with Heather’s instructions, examples, and pro tips. Beating writer’s block doesn’t get any easier.

And Heather’s not stopping there. When you order today, she’s including another valuable bonus:

Extra FREE Bonus #3 — The Art and Science of SEO Copywriting Success

In this exclusive special report, you’ll discover Heather’s secret method for speeding up her SEO copywriting results.

Here’s some of what she reveals:

All told, these three bonuses are easily worth over $497. But you get every single one absolutely free.

Our gift to you for giving Heather’s program a try.

Order Now!

Remember, you’re getting Heather’s exact techniques for combatting writer’s block and consistently creating sharable content that positions at the top of the search engines.

You can rest assured that these concepts work because Heather is successfully using them right now with her own clients.

Not only that, but you’re also getting a complete guide to what’s working now in SEO copywriting, along with the going rates for SEO copywriting in today’s world.

Not sure what to charge? Just open the AWAI Copywriting Pricing Guide and quote the rates you see there.

I’m not sure we could make this any easier…

But, there’s one more thing…

There’s No Risk!

Get access to SEO Copywriting Success: Grow Your Business by Driving Targeted Traffic to Clients today …

Learn from Heather how to use the foundation you already have to quickly make $350, $500, or even $750 per page — or more! — with SEO copywriting…

Use her advice to attract clients and become a valuable partner… not “just a writer”…

Even put the templates and checklists to use by rapidly turning out projects that impress clients!

In fact, try the whole program for a full month if you want.

Then, if over the next 30 days you decide SEO copywriting isn’t for you (for any reason), just give AWAI a call and you'll receive a full refund of every penny you paid — no questions asked.

Order Now!

Or if you’d prefer to place your order by phone with someone in our office, please call our Member Services team toll-free at 866-879-2924 (or 561-278-5557, if you’re outside the U.S.) between the hours of 9 and 5. (We’re in Florida, on Eastern Time.)

There’s nothing to lose, yet clients everywhere need SEO writers to get in front of potential customers…

Writers Urgently Needed

We’re at an exciting time with SEO. Clients realize, now more than ever, that they need real copywriters — who understand persuasive writing — to craft compelling copy that convinces visitors to take action.

And, you’re just the person to help them!

By writing good copy, you’re halfway there…

All you need to learn are the fundamentals of SEO copywriting… and that’s where SEO Copywriting Success will help you!

You’re just minutes away from putting this “unfair advantage” to work for you…

Plus, you’ll have Heather by your side, everything you need to start working with SEO copy clients — and making $350, $500, even $750 or more per page — in less than eight hours, and a risk-free guarantee…

Order Now!

To your success,

Rebecca Matter
President, AWAI
Founder, Wealthy Web Writer

P.S. Heather once told me the biggest mistake an SEO copywriter could make was not going for it. She said some writers are so afraid of what they don’t know; they simply don’t try…

I’d hate for that to happen to you!

That’s why I made sure everything you need is in SEO Copywriting Success: Grow Your Business by Driving Targeted Traffic to Clients.

Not only will you learn the ins and outs of SEO copywriting, but — when Heather is done teaching you all she knows — you’ll be able to confidently impress clients every time.

Plus, her templates and checklists make writing SEO copy fast and simple.

While SEO copywriting isn’t complicated, there’s no reason to go it alone! Let Heather guide you every step of the way and literally guarantee your success as a well-paid SEO copywriter.

Order Now!

American Writers & Artists Institute
220 George Bush Blvd, Suite D
Delray Beach, FL 33444
(561) 278-5557 or (866) 879-2924

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