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If you're ready to start making money as a writer…

Create Your Own LinkedIn Profile
in a Day and Start Attracting
Valuable Writing Clients

Yes, You Need a LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is the one place you can be certain your best potential clients are hanging out…

Looking to make connections with writers like YOU.

It is — by far — the biggest professional network in the world… a place where you can find profiles on hundreds of millions of professionals from all industries.

Huffington Post called LinkedIn “the most powerful marketing tool of the 21st century”…

HubSpot finds it to be “277% more effective for lead generation” than any other social media network, including Facebook and Twitter…

An incredible 88% of big Fortune 500 companies now use LinkedIn as their primary recruiting tool…

And, LinkedIn itself reports that four people are hired through their platform every minute.

If you’re a freelancer (or planning to be one), a simple LinkedIn profile is THE fastest way to get started…

  • It’s your online presence — so you don’t need a website right away.
  • It’s already clean and professional-looking, so you don’t need a logo, brand kit, or graphic designer.
  • It demonstrates your writing voice — so you don’t need a portfolio of “fake” samples.
  • It creates a fleshed-out snapshot of who you are — far better than a business card or resume.
  • It’s a pre-filled Rolodex full of targeted leads and potential clients — so if you’re super introverted, you don’t need to force yourself into awkward networking situations or work yourself into a sweat over cold calling.
  • Plus, it simplifies your social media efforts. LinkedIn is where your market is — no need to maintain a Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter presence for professional reasons.

Now, BEFORE You Jump Over to LinkedIn and Start Working on Your Profile…

There’s one CRITICAL self-discovery process you need to go through first — especially if you aren’t fully confident in your writing skills yet.

  • You need to uncover the unique value you CAN confidently offer (and yes, you DO have it!)…
  • Learn how to position it correctly
  • So you resonate with the RIGHT people you are uniquely suited to help!

You need to know WHAT to say, so you can stand out like a lighthouse to the people who want to work with YOU, right now, exactly as you are

REGARDLESS of your writing skills or experience!

And that’s exactly what marketing mentor and client-getting expert Ilise Benun is standing by to help you do.

Meet Your LinkedIn Business Coach
Ilise Benin

Featured In…

As a business coach for creatives and entrepreneurs, Ilise Benun has helped thousands of writers over the past 30+ years and knows the struggles they face when promoting themselves.

She’s helped MANY of them overcome those obstacles to find their strengths, attract the right clients, and make money writing.

She also knows that a common hang-up for new writers is setting up a website — and strongly believes you don’t need one to start.

In fact, all you need is LinkedIn — and now, with this course, all you have to do is follow along to get your start in just one afternoon.

Introducing… Create Your Own LinkedIn Profile in a Day:
Your First Step Toward Attracting Valuable Clients

In this program, you’ll learn to “promote yourself” exactly as you are, right now…

And get Ilise’s expert guidance on writing and publishing the RIGHT LinkedIn profile for you —

Start to finish, in one afternoon!

There’s no “fake it till you make it” — you’ll learn to magnetize clients who are excited to work with you NOW, regardless of how much writing experience you do or don’t have.

In Create Your Own LinkedIn Profile in a Day, Ilise will show you…

  • WHY LinkedIn is so powerful for new service providers like you…
  • how to uncover the valuable experience you already have — and position that, front and center, in your profile…
  • how to position yourself to “attract” the right people — the ones you’re MOST excited to help…
  • how to demonstrate your personality, unique voice, quirkiness, or sense of humor…
  • how to show off your writing without writing a portfolio…
  • and much more!

Ilise’s “no-fluff” guidance helps you stay laser focused.

You’ll be sure to say the RIGHT thing, so the right people read your profile and immediately resonate with YOU.

That saves you time, wondering what to write…

And helps you start making money faster!

Your Price Today!

These days, Ilise regularly speaks at marketing conferences that command up to $5,000 per ticket.

She takes private clients too…

Just one day with Ilise at her minimum hourly price would cost you at least $2,000.

And hands down, Ilise’s advice is worth 10x… even 100x what she charges…

For those who put her advice into action.

“A client found me with my headline and profile. It’s a $3,000 ghostwriting job. It’s right up my alley and I’m excited! Thank you Ilise and AWAI!!”

— Billie Lynn Holt

And that was just Billie’s first project!

But here’s the exciting part…

You won’t pay $5,000… $2,000… or even $500 to get access to Ilise’s Create Your LinkedIn Profile in a Day today.

Today, you can get started for just $197.

Any obstacles are officially out of your way…

Now it’s up to you.

Are you ready?

Order Create Your Own LinkedIn Profile
in a Day
Today for Just $197!
Order Now!

100% Satisfaction, No-Risk Guarantee

AWAI 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Sign up for Create Your Own LinkedIn Profile in a Day today. Dive into the hands-on training… follow the step-by-step instructions… get your LinkedIn profile up… explore the bonus resources… flip the switch and take your profile live… and start attracting clients.

Do all of this over the next 30 days in the full confidence that if you decide — for any reason (or no reason at all!) — you’re not completely thrilled with your profile, all you need to do is call our Member Success Team to receive a full refund.

Order Create Your Own LinkedIn Profile
in a Day
Today for Just $197!
Order Now!

Ilise helped these beginners launch their services on LinkedIn:

“I just got another huge project today because of my LI profile!”

— Karmin G

“My takeaway… There are two ways of using LinkedIn to lure prospective clients your way. You can stumble and stutter trying to figure out the intricacies of the platform on your own, or just remember two words — Ilise Benun.

— Bob Labozetta

“Last weekend, [one LinkedIn connection] contacted me and asked about ghostwriting. We just finished talking on the phone.

She didn’t care about a writing portfolio, never even asked to see other stuff I published. All she cared about is that I’m from her industry (Human Resources) and that I would write for her.

“She doubled her offering price because of my HR background.

“We have a 6-month agreement for two blogs a month. MY FIRST CLIENT.”

— Maggie Peterson

“Celebrate a win with me!! I had a new connection reach out to me… and ask me to write the curriculum for a global university program with 1.4 million students.

“Listen and learn all you can about LinkedIn. Ilise’s knowledge is awesome! Her explanations mean so much in the grand scheme of how people find you. Thanks so much, Ilise!!”

— Cheryl Ginnings

“Victory! I landed my first client in less than a month! YAY! I’m writing real estate copy for an in-house marketing department with a brokerage in Chicago. I’m so super excited and now I’m so ready to look for more clients!

“This has given me the confidence to put myself out there and make this happen! Thank you so much, Ilise Benun for this course!”

— Jodie Martin Cordell

Order Create Your Own LinkedIn Profile
in a Day
Today for Just $197!
Order Now!